Arkansas State Police: 151 MPH Pursuit of Stolen Infiniti G37

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On January 10, 2020, Arkansas State Police Trooper Justin Williams and Trooper First Class James Taylor were dispatched to a report of a stolen blue 2010 Infiniti G37 being tracked by the West Chicago Police Department traveling westbound on I-40 near the 242 mile marker. The vehicle was reported as being driven by Ramon A. Avendano, a parolee who had possibly stolen five firearms. Turned out he hadn’t.

From the report of James Taylor, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: “I was stationary at the 216 mile marker westbound when I observed the vehicle pass with Trooper Williams and two St. Francis County Sheriff’s Department vehicles behind the suspect vehicle. As they passed the 216 mile marker, Trooper Williams activated his emergency lights and the vehicle did not stop. I activated my emergency lights and siren and became the secondary unit in the pursuit. While the subject was evading, he turned his headlights off and was passing on the shoulder on several occasions, reaching speeds of 151 mph. The Hazen Police Department advised that they would deploy spike strips at the 198 mile marker. Officer Dillion deployed the spike strips and advised that it was a successful deployment. We then continued to pursue the vehicle at a high rate of speed for an additional nine miles before the suspect vehicle impacted a civilian vehicle in the rear at the 187 mile marker and came to a stop in the north ditch of I-40.”

In the civilian vehicle were the driver and her six-month-old infant. Both were transported to the hospital for treatment.

“After impact, Avendano continued to evade apprehension by fleeing on foot into a nearby ditch, where he was apprehended by the Hazen PD K9 in a ditch just north of the scene. I heard other officers giving commands and went to assist. When I arrived at the other officer’s location, we placed the subject into custody without further incident. Mr. Avendano was transported to Baptist Health North Little Rock for injuries sustained in the collision and the subsequent dog bite.” Officer Clayton Dillion of the Hazen Police Department was also injured while attempting to apprehend Avendano. Officer Dillion was transported to Baptist Health North Little Rock for treatment and later released. Upon release from the hospital, Avendano was transported to the Prairie County Sheriff’s Department by Trooper Justin Williams.”

Avendano was charged with theft by receiving, greater than $5,000 but less than $25,000; felony fleeing, leaving the scene of an injury accident, and fleeing on foot. On March 16, 2020, Avendando entered a negotiated plea of guilty to the first three counts; the charge of fleeing on foot was dismissed. Avendano was sentenced to 60 months supervised probation and 66 days in jail, with credit for 66 days served. He was ordered to pay various fines, fees, and restitution, and his driver’s license was suspended for six months.

Arkansas has sentencing guidelines. The presumptive sentence for felony fleeing by vehicle or conveyance is dependent on one’s criminal history score. If the offender falls into the lowest two tiers (of six), the presumptive sentence does not include incarceration.

For unknown reasons, Trooper First Class Taylor’s incident report states that the uninvolved woman and her daughter were not “injury transported.” That is clearly incorrect.


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When I was only 19 years old I got stopped and didn't have valid insurance then upon my court date my license was suspended for almost 2 years.
Then you have this guy only get 2 months jail and light suspension after all the lives he endangered, injury to a child who was lucky to survive? It's time we hold judges accountable as well !


Unbelievable that a judge would let him off like that. He should NEVER be allowed to drive again. We need to revise the sentencing procedure.


My heart broke and burst into tears when I heard the baby cried while the officer was trying to rescue the baby from a mangled car that caused a criminal. I'm relieved that the baby and the mother survived the horrific crash. This criminal put many lives including those officers lives in danger. It's very disturbing to me that he only get 2 months jail time. The justice system is really messed up.


It's appalling that Avendano was not charged with endangering the welfare of a child and sentenced to the 60 months or more in jail. Probation for these offenses is ridiculous.


It should infuriate every law abiding citizen that this man recieved such a light punishment after stealing a car, nearly killing a mother & her infant, totaling their car, & endangering the lives of pursuing officers & many other drivers. Sickening!


That anyone survived that wreck is a real miracle.

That the parolee received 60 months probation for all this mayhem...IS CRIMINAL. Should have been 5 years, no probation, straight back to prison.


There is something very, very wrong with our legal/justice system when someone can wreak havoc, endangering untold numbers of lives Including all of the police trying to catch this person as he careens down the freeway. Then he crashes into a vehicle injuring two innocent people, a mother and a 6 month old little baby for cryin' out loud. Imagine the terror and trauma they went through. Then he tries to flee the scene (obviously not caring about the welfare of the people in the car he just slammed into) which leads to the injury of yet another person, a policeman injured in the line of duty. This 'sentence' was less than a slap on the wrist. What the heck is going on here and why?? This isn't just a miscarriage of justice - it is no justice.


Back in the early 2000's my license was suspended for a year for receiving 2 tickets before the age of 18 for speeding on country back roads in the middle of the night with no one in sight for miles. This guy endangered multiple lives going almost 100 over the limit, nearly killed a mother and child and was hit with a 6 months suspension. The world we live in.


"60 months supervised probation and 66 days in jail" - What a slap on the wrist, it's no wonder they run.


Imagine your drivers license only being suspended for 6 months for this but if you forget to pay a ticket it’s suspended for longer .. Goes to show you what’s important to them.


Now I have something to say. I just read the full description and shocked at the outcome of this. The DA and the Judge involved in this case should have to do the time this lowlife didn't do.


It's ridiculous how many people refuse to GET OUT of the left lane FOR ANY REASON. This guy should be spending at least 20 years in prison.


Hearing that precious baby's cries both felt amazing (because it survived) and sent chills through my body. Wow.


Wait.. 66 days in jail and 5 years probation ..? That’s it ?!?! There was an innocent mother and her INFANT CHILD in the car he took out. Seeing the mother get out and hearing that baby cry was a complete miracle. Looking at that car you would expect a fatality. Only 2 months and he’s free ? He should not get away so lightly simply because he got ‘lucky’ things didn’t turn out way worse. Like wtf 🤦🏽‍♂️


May the judge who gave this dangerous felon only 2 months in jail meet his karma 🙏


The persistence of the police in Arkansas never ceases to amaze me.


As a retired deputy it still amazes me and angers me how people don’t get to the side of the road when they see lights and since I also have a cdl those truckers talk to each other when something like this there telling ever truck up ahead and they still stay in hammer lane instead of getting over


This chase is a great example of why "Keep right except to pass" is important. Hogging the left lane is dangerous.


Our justice system is FKed up big time. It protects the criminals and punishes the victims. That poor woman and her baby are traumatized for life. I bet he didn’t have insurance and that woman had to pay all kinds of money out of pocket for her car and injuries. It’s infuriating. These judges need to be held liable for these types of behaviors


Hearing the baby cry made my heart drop. Wow, how could you be so irresponsible?!
