Feeling Lost and Ten Steps to Becoming Found - Teal Swan

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Feeling lost is a common problem amongst people today. And it is a common problem for one reason, people have been taught to ignore their internal guidance systems. And what is your internal guidance system exactly? Your feelings and your emotions. Think of your emotions like a compass or a navigation system in your car that tells you everything you need to know about yourself and about your desires and about navigating the world and making choices. When you ignore your emotions, or prioritize other things than the way you feel, it is like going on an expedition in uncharted territory with no compass. In this episode, Teal Shares ten tips, which will help you, go from lost to found.

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If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be feeling suicidal or in danger, the following

Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Deepak Chopra said something that inspired me about being lost. He said if there is a time when we just don't know what to do; that is the best conscious thought to have because that not knowing or not having a specific plan, opens up the unlimited possibility.


I started bawling my eyes out when she said what if it was your spiritual mission is to find yourself. My whole life I've been lost.. seeking meaning.. never knew it's what I was supposed to be doing. Grateful to the universe for bringing me here 💕💕💕


Thank you Teal. I've stopped fighting against myself and accepted that I'm quite a sensitive emotional man. I felt so lost fighting and pretending to be something that I'm not. I'm now committed to establishing my own boundaries, being authentially me and following my feelings from this point forward. I'm tired of having to fit into the boxes that others have made and expect of me. I'm tired of fragmenting myself into little boxes whic are a mixture of good and acceptable, and others which arent. I just want to be me. I just want to be real. I just want to be whole.


i wish school could teach us things like this, , this was spot on


at 5:06... you have no IDEA how dead on you are about being an artist and being surrounded by people who give me all sorts of guilt for following my heart. It came at the best time ever! Thank you!


Starts at 6:00. 1. Tune in to and express your emotions. Start with a body scan. Learn to express your emotions. 2. Learn to recognize passion and inspiration. Dare to admit what you are passionate about. If you don't know what you're passionate about, try anything that interests you. You don't have to "stick with" anything. 3. Ask yourself why you are doing things. 4. Gravitate toward people who you feel good around and who provide a deep sense of connection. 5. Quit distracting yourself from yourself. Business is the #1 mode of distraction for people who are lost. Admit to where you are. 6. Invite meaning into your life. Create your own personal 'religion' of the things that work for YOU. 7. Don't be afraid of "losing yourself." When you start looking for yourself, you will find yourself. 8. Stop being cerebral about what is going to make you happy. We can only know what makes us happy in the moment; so quit worrying about the future. 9. Quit living cautiously. Cowardice prevents us from following our passions. 10. Write down ten things that could help you find yourself and DO the top three. what a great video!


So relate! Took me fifty years to realize this. I did not know I had a choice. I was off my compass from a baby. I was living my parent’s and husband’s life! I WILL BE FOUND! I taste FREEDOM and I am ecstatic! Thank you Teal!


Dear Teal,  you are an angel.  In ancient Greek language angel means the one who brings the message.  So you are literally an angel.  Your videos are helping me immensely.  A lot of love from Greece.


My wife of ten years decided to have a one night stand with some random guy on a work trip, she has completely changed & as a stay at home dad who worked for 5 years doing taxes, sales for 2, and most recently project mgmt for a start up in Beverly Hills..
I have been in the deep end of feeling absolutely and completely alone, lost, stuck and having made seriously bad decisions in trusting this person...
Your video on wanting to kill yourself finally made me breakdown and start crying., - a feeling I knew needed to be expressed..
I’ve been an amazing dad, never asked my partner to pay my bills, but she was the bread winner.. now
I’m trying to catch up on all these lost years.. I never thought in a million years my life would be close to this reality...
anyway you saved my life... thx


I have always believed this. if I had listened to someone when I was young I would not be where I am today. the most lost I have ever been was listening to what others say instead of knowing what I needed. I finally listened to myself again and I am happy again finally. I still have some issues to work on but I feel more like myself than ever. thank you Teal. we have a lot in common


this is so provoking to me, because 3 years ago I did truly believe in everything she's talking about, how to live in the now, how not to let doubts get in your way. i was a confident person on the right path, and things were going great. somehow though, I lost these beliefs. i lost myself. but i am thankful for having survived long enough to be on the path to finding myself again. thank you for the video, Teal


Each of the 7 billion people on earth need to watch this video. The world would be a better place.

Many of your videos are profound but this one is BEYOND profound.


I'm getting so much from these videos. It's like my very being is being nurtured.


1. How I feel .. ask every 2 hours
2. What makes me feel passionate?
3. Ask myself why am i doing this?
4. Talk to people I feel a deep connection with
5. Quit disconnecting and distracting myselfs.. how am I distracting myself
6. What do I belief ? Should I release toxic beliefs. What does life mean to.me? Create a personal religion out of works for me
7. Do not be afraid to lose myself
8. Stop being cerebral about whatt makes me.happy. do not sacrifice present happiness for future. Deal each day as it comes
9. Quit living cautiously. Cowardice prevents happiness (living by ego wounded self
10. Write down whats my plan to find myself. Express emotions and write them down


I'm so grateful I watched this video, this is exactly what is going on in my life right now, every point was dead on.  Thank you Teal


This video eased a lot of anxiety tension in my chest. Thank you for being you.


One day, I was searching on youtube and typed in "unconditional love", and your video poped up. The next video I watched was a woman who was talking about how weird you were and how you creeped her out. Immediately, I was enticed to see why she felt that way, and to see what your other videos and interviews had to offer as far as your story and insight. You are truly great! Weird... no. Brlilliant - YES! Thank you for your honesty, for your intelligence, your advice, your words. You have touched my soul and I have no doubt millions of others. Keep doing what your doing!!! Xoxoxo much love from South Florida!!


"What in your life serves as a distraction from yourself?" This really piqued my interest and called for some serious self examination! Teal, you are most definitely an intrapersonal genius, and I, like many fortunate others, am so thankful to have you as a spiritual teacher in my life


"It's always darkest before the dawn and you can only see the light of the stars in the darkness of night."

Thank you Teal! 🤗


For years I have felt like a rudderless boat adrift on the currents of the ocean of life. This video explains why and what you do about it.
