Conceptualizing The Perfect Zelda Game: 'Cloak of Shadows'

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What would make the perfect Zelda game? In this video, Andy (Zeldom) discusses the story, timeline placement, and game mechanics that would make his dream Zelda game.

Editing and the fantastic thumbnail were provided by @NebulAce1

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Рекомендации по теме

I really like the idea of sneaking being more complex in a future Zelda game with enemies being able to spot footprints and other stuff like that. And I really do want a game to tell the story of the first calamity, that would be awesome. These were some pretty cool ideas, I hope Nintendo uses some of them someday.


The whole concept of a futuristic Hyrule gives me heavy vibes on A Link to The Past's concept art


I really loved the concept, and I must say that title, "Cloak of Shadows" gives me the chills, good chills that is lol.
For the sidequests I would love a MM/SS style, let the sidequests be sidequests but also much more personal and emotion based, so that they become memorable. Great vid Zeldom!


This actually made me realize how convoluted the Calamity Ganon is. Like, how many times did it occur before the Sheikah developed their technology to combat it? Heck, does OoT-Ganondorf's countless returns and reincarnations also count as the Calamity?


Imo I think eventually they’ll release “classic” Zelda games. I wouldn’t doubt we’d get that classic Zelda experience in a smaller game. Something like Between Worlds, Links Awakening, etc. I would like that.

Great video btw I liked the concept a lot


Invisibility Cloak lets you harass Cukoo Chickens all you want without having to face thsir onslaught


This is definitely a Zelda game I would 100% if it were really


Interesting concept! I'm sure this has been done in many other franchises, but I'd like the idea of half way into the game you get an augment for the cloak that allows you to dive into shadows and essentially swim in them, even up walls and ceilings (movement would be similar to being in ink in Splatoon). Not only would this increase movement options but puzzle capabilities as well. You could even go a step further and allow Link to dive into and through elements with the use of upgradable sheikah stones that affix themselves to the cloak. You could then dive into things like electrical currents, fire walls, and waterfalls (obviously he could already do waterfalls) but while being ethereal and having full control of motion.


Another cool mechanic you could add to the stealth is the cloak of shadows can meld with an enemy’s shadow, allowing you to use items on the person to unlock doors or to become unsuspecting.


The idea of a stealth-focused game is really cool and I think it would be interesting if you could only mask one or two senses at a time. There may be enemies that are blind or deaf but have really good senses of smell, for example, or you have to cross a spider web without causing vibrations that alert the spider in the middle. It requires knowing each enemy well and also ensuring that you know who or what is in your surroundings since you need to see them before they can see you.


I always thought it’d be interesting to see an antagonistic faction of the skeikah Who wanted to break away from Hyrule’s royal family. Perhaps they felt they had to purpose outside of that. These would be unlike the Yiga, Who aligned themselves with Ganon.


Me: sees video titled "Conceptualizing the Perfect Zelda Game"
Also me: alright, lemme get my red pen


1 of the main reasons I love the Zelda franchise is the lore. Have you seen how SKyward sword connects to most of the zelda games? even games like A link to the past.


Did you know that in A Link to the Past there is an item called the magic cape that grants you invisibility while draining magic from your magic meter?


This really sounds like a amazing concept for a Zelda game


I'm going with something similar ish in my Zelda comic where my of them, was a security officer protecting the Sheikah R&D department that was making thr Divine beasts and other tech. This will lead to my main Link having access to all sorts of tech long forgotten about.


If we're gonna have a futuristic Zelda, I want to see a Space Temple, where Link needs a special tunic for breathing in space, and puzzles where he has to change the gravity.


An amazing idea, I would definitely love to play that game. The idea with the Cloak, that Link is Impas apprentice and the story is so good!


I love your idea for the story! That alone would probably make this one of my top 10 Zelda games, especially with the twist final dungeon/boss.

The Cloak of Shadows sounds like a really fun item, but I don't know that I would want every dungeon to revolve around stealth. It might make them feel somewhat slow and repetitive. But I think having the Cloak as an option that gives you different ways to approach situations is a really cool idea.


I love the artwork of Link in the thumbnail!
