NASA Scientists Accidentally Discover World’s First Warp Bubble!

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As space travel garners more attention, scientists, research teams and agencies are constantly searching for ways to improve technology and build fast and efficient spacecraft that can ferry people beyond planet earth.

But if there is one big thing that we still have to figure out, it is beating the speed of light.
In a surprising turn of events, a scientist and his team may have actually found a key element that could bring us closer to doing just that. The Warp drive pioneer and former NASA scientist Dr. Harold Sonny White has now reported the discovery of an actual, real-world “Warp Bubble”.

Welcome to Factnomenal and in today’s video we will be taking a closer look at this exciting new discovery and what it could possibly mean for the future of space travel.

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My god. If I could get on a ship and survive a trip in a warp bubble...point me towards Alpha Centauri, then Tabbys star, then a random "habitable planet" in the Andromeda galaxy. And then home. 3 places I have to see with my own eyes. Then from there, I'd visit every observable star and "Earth like planet" in the Milky Way and try to make a map showing which solar systems would be livable for us. I'd do that as long as I can until the end. Worth it


If we can only produce warp bubbles on the nano scale for now, we can still utilise them in deep space communication. Can you imagine instant communication with rovers on Mars 👀


Honestly, the rate at which we're learning and discovering new stuff is frightening. We went from caveman to basically civilised in 100k years, but then suddenly we've gone from being a mostly farming and crafts based society to being a spacefaring species in just 500 years, and we could realistically become interstellar in the next 50 😮. It's hard to keep up with the pace of change lately.


Im confident Warp bubble was defined before 1994. In star trek episode‘remember me’ which aired in 1990, wesley created a warp bubble, and star trek has been working with fields and bubbles since the 1960s…


This is why I get annoyed by scientists and such who make statements like "it's impossible" and "the science is settled." Everything we've accomplished scientifically was "impossible" at one time or another. Even if this ultimately doesn't solve the issue, it shows us something we thought was once impossible is now possible. It's always the ones who reject the impossible who make the biggest discoveries.


I really want to see a working warp drive in my life time


It’s really cool they figured out the power needed to make such a thing.


The pieces to this technological puzzle are gradually starting to make sense. If this is definitively true, then we are on the threshold of being able to travel extremely fast. This certainly is a game changer for future Earth people, to be able to leave this planet. The various concepts are interesting, and to travel at near light speed is most likely a dangerous feat. I have always believed that a segment of humanity will reach such a goal, beyond the imagination. I am confidently impressed with the numerous ideas of how to achieve this endeavor in a future time. If a viable practical application of a particular idea reaches fruition, then our species shall fulfill the impossible. The infinite dark domain awaits our species with countless wonders for us to see.


How I wish i can be Immortal to be able to see this thing occurred


Fascinating! I thought the the Casimir effect between the charged plates was to collect virtual particles and turn them into real particles. Somewhat similar to collecting negative energy.


The space between the plates, (the Casimir Cavity), could be said to represent a negative energy density. This is due to the exclusion of most other wavelengths within the cavity. This is how the Casimir Effect works to force the plates together. Because there is a surplus of energy outside the plates, this means that inside the plates, there is a vacuum energy density that is negative to that energy field outside the plates. This is very much like 'electron holes' found on circuit boards....with the exception being that the negative energy field within the plates is far greater than an electron hole.
Expanding that negative energy field can be accomplished by expanding the outside wavelengths to much greater values...thus increasing the negative energy density within the plates.

Whether or not the space between the plates constitutes a warp cavity will take much more research.



First of all thank you 'Factnomenal' for this video !! If Dr. White and his team really created a 'wrap drive' in there experiment, then that will be news for excitement 🥳 So, the next steps will be implement the process and if everything goes in the right track, then, maybe, one day we can have the actual 'Wrap Drive'. Then travel to a distant world will be possible, which will began a new chapter in human history 💫


I believe it is possible. I have been imagining an Alpha Radiation drive with a static field and scalar waves with a hint of cyclic frequencies. I just hope the passengers don't cook alive.


I’m sure FTL technology is right over the horizon and will happen soon or eventually. I remember reading something a long time ago about the theory of tachyons or some sort of particle that has the minimum speed of slight above the speed of light and being able to travel to almost infinite in terms of speed.


We double the speed of our advancements every time we discover something new. We’ll be up there before we’re dead for sure.


Wow, this is very interesting news on the discovery of science fiction to near possible science. From Star Trek, science fiction lore history explains that the first wrap drive was achieved in the 2060s after WW3? If this new statement is true, then proof of concept has to be experimented with and validated; before the physical concept experiment could start. This could be an exciting time ahead on possible interstellar travel and communication. To be honest skeptical and hopeful on Dr. White and his group succeeds.


it seems like rather than a bubble they descovered sub/slip space (a detached region of space-time) we're about to do it 269 years before the halo universe does it. cool


Ya know, if this 'nano' wormhole could form, IMHO, I believe the first practical thing to send through it, would be a data burst. Imagine being able to communicate with colonies on the moon, mars, Jovian moons, etc in real-time with no latency. This could allow us to put robotic devices, entities to prepare colony infrastructure from the earth, with near-instantaneous communications. So we can actually control and work with the robotics, and an AI we send to perform these tasks. The nano-sized wormhole would have to be wide enough to transmit radio/frequency waves thru it, and nearly instantaneous. How plausible do you think this is as a first application of the first nano/micro wormhole? Shake n bake colonies awaiting human arrival, and all the earthly life-support systems ready to be used and enhanced.


"... and do you think we will ever achieve, faster than light travel?"

*Depends on how long we have until we destroy ourselves.* It's uh, not lookin' good from my perspective.

Oh uh, *happy new year* dudes.


A tantalizing achievement at the least - but potentially ground- (space-?) breaking. I hope someone is working on how to accurately navigate on the cosmic scale so that those future astronauts can get to a far destination avoiding obstructions and then find their way home again.
