U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act

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Jun.17 -- The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, rejecting a challenge by Republican-controlled states and former President Donald Trump’s administration to a landmark law that provides health insurance to 20 million people. Bloomberg's David Westin gives us his take on "Bloomberg Markets."
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It's good we still have ObamaCare, but in reality we need Medicare-For-All/A single payer healthcare system here in the United States, especially during this time with the Coronavirus pandemic! What's more "Pro-Life" than ensuring that every person in America has guaranteed affordable healthcare regardless of their job or social status? If we all had access to basic healthcare, we would all have the "freedom" to live long lives and rarely have to worry about medical bankruptcies. Taxes will go up, but the overall cost will go down so much that everyone will be paying less and saving thousands of dollars every year. If some of us need additional healthcare than Medicare, then we have the "choice" to get additional insurance, but for others Medicare would be more than enough. If every other developed country (Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand) can implement this system and save money, then why can't the United States do the same and help "Make America Great Again" for everybody at least on the issue of healthcare? And if American citizens die from lacking access to affordable health insurance because the Republicans believe that the government shouldn't provide it then we are failing our country's promise of defending "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for its citizens as well as "promoting the general welfare" of all the people.


Let’s wait and hear Marjorie Traitor Green’s take on this Supreme Court ruling, should be quite entertaining at best.
