Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act After Latest GOP-Led Challenge

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The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, rejecting a challenge by Republican-controlled states and former President Donald Trump’s administration to a landmark law that provides health insurance to 20 million people.

The justices, voting 7-2, said the challengers to the law, also known as Obamacare, lacked the right to sue because they hadn’t been injured by the provision at the center of the case. Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented.

The ruling marks the third time the Supreme Court, despite its increasingly conservative makeup, has upheld central parts of Obamacare. The GOP has been trying to wipe out the measure since it was enacted in 2010 under Democratic President Barack Obama.

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Mind you this is suppose to be a conservative court I am very curious to see which of the Trump's appointees voted for it because 7-2 is almost a majority. I also feel the republicans and law makers in general have to stop using the supreme court as way to solve allot of disputes. Just because its a conservative court does not mean that these judges will vote the way you want them to. If republicans want to get rid of Obamacare then they need an alternative plan which they are not willing to do and I get feeling they will keep up this fight simply for the sake of their base and not really focusing on solving the problem themselves.


So now we can keep our doctors AGAIN


So GOP, do party affiliation matter?

We got a RINO in your court.
