3 Unexpected Benefits from Using the Library

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Rincey talks about how once she started using the library more, she saw some unexpected benefits to her reading life.

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I used to have audible, and then I switched over to borrowing audio books from my library. It has saved me SO. MUCH. MONEY.


I love using the library! NYC has amazing public libraries. The events, staff, and offerings are plentiful and always interest me.


I have definitely taken advantage of my library more in the past couple of years. My favorite and latest discovery is listening to the audio versions of things I already own, as you mentioned. Some books I own I know won't translate well to audio, but I try to pick the ones that will. It has been a very fun experience, and I feel so productive!


I started taking more advantage of my library's offerings once it became clear that I was running out of book storage space. I also love that the receipts I get from checking out books show how much money I've saved by using the library.


I love lots of things about my library, but unexpected ones for non-users are the DVD collection (at my old apartment the internet would cut out ALL THE TIME so I would pop round to grab things on DVD to keep me entertained - also good for independent/foreign cinema) and the travel book collection, which mine keep relatively up to date (so recommendations are still good) and make it easier to browse through books and areas when you are looking for holiday inspiration.


Between Axis 360, Overdrive, Hoopla, and Libby, I can find most things in eBook or eAudiobook format through my library and it's fantastic. My library also offers free passes to most paid museums in my area, which was a really unexpected but much appreciated benefit!


Audio books! I listened to them before but very little because my commute was only 20 minutes a day. Now that my commute is 2hrs per day, they are my favorite part of the ride and make it so much easier.


I adore Hoopla! In fact, I just listened to the audiobook for Binti through Hoopla, and that completed the task to read a sci-fi written by a woman with a female protagonist. And it was excellent! Highly recommended.
Also, I've been doing something similar with my library where I'll read one of my physical TBR books but also have the ebook from the library on my phone, because I like to be able to read before sleep but don't want to get up to turn the light out once I've finished. lol So I set my ebook settings to show a black background, turn the brightness all the way down, and read a few chapters before sleep. Then just catch up in my physical book later. I've also found that it's just easier to read an ebook while lying down.


Love this! By far the ability to put books on hold is my favorite thing about my library. It is the way I usually get to read the latest, most talked about titles on my TBR. For example, the newest Claire MacKintosh is waiting for me to pick up right now! 😆


I don't use the digital offerings much because I already own so many ebooks from when I was addicted to amazon daily deals, lol! But I love listening to new music cds, getting on the holds list early by doing a purchase request, and I think Interlibrary Loans are so awesome! I didn't know they even existed until I started working in libraries.


Thank you for mentioning Hoopla! I’m a regular user of Libby but I’d never heard of this. I found several books that I’ve been waiting for. I really appreciate it. Have a great day Rincey!


YES!! Definitely! I am SO(!) much more adventurous with my library reading than with what I buy. I didn't actually expect that benefit but it happened so naturally and I've discovered some real gems that way. That is probably my favourite benefit of the library. (Along with the obvious: it's largely replaced any need for a huge personal library.)
Speaking of the bundled physical book and ebook, Verso is the only publisher I've seen do that. Seems odd that more publishers don't offer it.


I love Hoopla and listened to American Marriage on audiobook. Amazing!


Yes! Especially the reading more widely! I have been checking out graphic novels on hoopla and I would have never bought so many of them because they are short and expensive!


I tend to read new releases more from the library or the books that I forgot about until I see them. I have also started reading books by new to me authors before I buy. I do tend to buy random books that look good because they’re a couple of bucks, but as I curate my library the randomness has decreased. Though the library has not helped me with my own physical tbr 😂 I mean why check out that ebook when you have the physical book and you can get that other one youve been wanting to read since you started browsing?! (That’s how my brain works 😜)


We were considering moving our family into a different county out in the country away from the I found out the library there was not very good. Now we are staying were we are.


We have the same dream lol. I do the same thing with the ebooks from the library of my Physical books. Ebooks are getting more and more expensive as well. Like I'm not paying $11 for an ebook. It's a no!


What do the terms "front list and back list" mean?
