'Intro to Marxian Economics' 4 (2of8) - Richard D Wolff

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This four part course provides a working foundation in the core concepts of Marxian economic theory -- necessary and surplus labor, labor power, surplus value, exploitation, capital accumulation, distributions of the surplus, capitalist crises, and the differences between capitalist and other class structures. In addition, these core concepts will be systematically used to understand current social problems (including political and cultural as well as economic problems). The goal is to enable students to apply Marxian economics in their own efforts to analyze society and to strategize politically today.

This course was taught in the Spring of 2009 at the Brecht Forum in New York, NY.

Рекомендации по теме

The intersections of economics, sociology, and psychology all in one learning series. This is great stuff. Thanks Richard.


The sound quality of this last series is really bad - I'll watch them all regardless of course...


What about the service sector? You make correlations between marxism, psychology, and the production sector. As a server i would like to know the disservice capitalism does to people who don't actually produce anything but provide a service.


As far as I know, Freud's theory of dissociation is rejected in modern psychology.
