3 Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of ANXIETY DISORDERS

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LSD and mushrooms completely changed my whole outlook on life . I became a better version of myself This experience gave me a lot of confidence about my self and my body . A bunch of bad thought / behavior patterns were broken . One of these was pretty bad OCD that made me wash my hands a lot . It gave me a lot of hope that things will be fine, this is the one thing that I heard throughout the trip : Everything is alright . The main reason for the trip was my severe depression and it definitely helped me ( although it's not gone ) . Before all I could do was lay in bed . Now I am trying to rebuild my life one step at a time which wasn't possible before . "


0:21 orange juice, nutmeg powder, and honey
0:43 baking soda and ginger powder
1:01 almonds, warm milk, nutmeg powder, and ginger powder
Hope was helpful 🙂


This actually works. I have been using it for a while now.


Thank you for a great video! These are good recipes. Eating an ongoing healthy diet is one of the best remedies for anxiety. When you’re chronically under stress, your adrenal glands work so hard that they can become fatigued. You can support your adrenals by eating healthy fats like avocados, olive oil and nuts and seeds. And be sure to get enough sea salt to keep your adrenals healthy.


I suffer from anxiety, and Calm Easy Tea has become an essential part of my self-care routine. It's a gentle reminder to slow down and prioritize my mental well-being.


Thank you for such a nice information helpful aunt also face anxiety disorders he tried every treatment but didn't get any results the she meet Dr.Vikram sir in his clinic she take the treatment from him and her health is improving day by day


Thanks for all the required information. Natural remedies are the best.


Informative video. I was suffering from anxiety disorder since 2016. Now i am taking medication from planet ayurveda and following these remedies also and feeling good.


I'm studying best cure for stress, anxiety, and depression. The best part to cure your all above problem is at livea little longer.


I have sleep anxiety but if I drink that I will be up all night going potty…can I drink it earlier in the day to help at night?


Turtles move slowly, like a person who has no worries.
Turtles do not have a home problem.
Our gut is our second brain.
Walnuts change the intestines.
There are two fatty food tissues attached to each other inside the walnut shell.
Grab one of these fatty food textures and examine it.
Take the walnut in your hand with the flat surface down.
Pay attention to the texture that ends thinly in the middle of the walnut, at the bottom.
This area looks like the "rectum".
The upper thick texture of the walnut represents the large intestine.
The part of the walnut that looks like a large intestine seems to be compressed from the sides.
This appearance may indicate that the walnut has changed the intestines.
Walnuts positively change your gut.
It has been scientifically proven that walnuts change the intestines in a healthy way.
This image of the walnut reminds the intestines of a person who has lost weight.
The intestines of a person with a small waist.
Walnuts are similar in shape to tortoises.
Land turtles are long-lived.
Walnut can give you long life.
Land turtles are resistant to prolonged starvation.
Walnuts can keep people full for a long time.
Turtles take shelter in their shells.
The inside of the turtle's shell is dark.
Darkness reminds "night", night "sleep".
Walnuts increase the amount of melatonin in the blood threefold.
High melatonin means good sleep.
Turtles do not feel cold in their shells.
Walnuts can protect you from cold.
Turtles move slowly.
Walnuts can calm you down.
Honey has a slow flowing consistency.
Bees produce honey by wandering around in nature.
Slow-flowing honey can calm you down like slow-flowing honey.
Honey walnuts can be a good sedative.
Being peaceful like bees flying in nature...
I don't think turtles and bees think.
This means a calm and peaceful life.
Cows are very calm animals and move slowly.
Drinking milk can calm you down.
The calf is very calm while drinking milk.
Like a baby sucking on its mother's breast...
The calmness of the white color... the calmness of the white clouds...
It gives peace of mind on a sunny day.
The "yellow" sun that shines "white" lights...
Chamomile tea can calm you down.
(I do not know english)


I truly believe this. What you eat and drink is everything. The right food is medicine. Eating processed food is like slowly poisoning of the body in the man-made synthetic stuff they put in food. some people react to the toxic acidic processed foods okay. While others have bad negative side health effects. Being too acidic for to long can kill you. You are what you eat and drink. Eat alkaline foods and drink 9.5 high pH alkaline water. I get mine from The Big Box food health food stores like Whole Foods for $0.99 cent a gallon. you bring your own jug and fill it up also a Unlimited no restriction Supply. Since drinking this 9.5 High alkaline pH water. I have not been sick going on four years now and still counting. My immune system is so high I cannot catch a cold from the freezing Winters we get or from being around people with the flu or strep throat. But you have to build your immune system up to do this by eating and drinking right. I take no man made synthetic prescription medicine, no vaccines I don't believe in it. Processed foods and drinks are very poisonous to most people. Eating clean organic foods and drinking alkaline water is the only way for Optimum Health and performance.


I noticed i had anxiety when i was releasing anger, my whole right part of the body down to the feet shook, violently. I almost never show anger or yell, it happens rarely but when it does.. This happens. By having pent up anger i also have pessismistic, passive aggressive behaviour.. Which i hate the most..
I hope my method of healing works


sounds good, I will definitely give it a try


I think I'm gonna stick with this one.. the comments seems trusted


just to make a correction. in the video remedy #2. you say a quarter cup of baking soda. but you physically wrote 1/3 a third cup... just pointing it out which one is correct?


I was a cool and calm person earlier but from a month am having anxiety without knowing it. When I have anxiety I feel a burning sensation randomly anywhere on my body. Many places at the same time or one place at a time. It will stay from a few minutes to hour & disappear &. I do exercise yoga etc but still have it daily or weekly. What is the solution


yeah, it's a good program, it helped me out a lot


Nice video. My grandmother was also a patient of chronic anxiety which got relieved after having Calm easy capsules from Planet Ayurveda for around two months


me watching trying to calm down and this music doesn't help sir! thank you for the rest.
