What Is Divination? | Wicca

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Hi. My name is Phyllis Curott. I am a Wiccan priestess and the founder of the Ara tradition.

Divination is one of the great magics. It's one of the ways of paying attention. It's one of the ways of having the divine speak to you and guide you and it's a wonderful way for casting spells.

Divine, the root of divine is divi, which means deity. And oracle means the mouth of god or goddess. Divination is a way of engaging in dialogue with the sacred. It's not just a way for telling the future, although you can use it for that. And almost every culture and certainly every indigenous culture has a means of divination.

There are runes in the Scandinavian culture and there are Anglo Saxon runes as well. There's the tarot deck, which developed some say in Egypt. Very popular in Italy. Now all over the place. There is astrology, there is bones, there is the reading of signs. There is a long list of, there are endless ways, the rock. You can take a rock and put yes on one side and no on the other. There are countless ways of engaging in divination.

But the most important part of it, you have to master the vocabulary. If you don't understand what is being communicated through the use of the symbols. But the most important thing to understand about what's being communicated is the source of the communication. Because the source of the communication is the same source of the energy that you use when you're doing magic or casting a spell. It's the divine.

That's what divination is. It's a means of engaging in dialogue with divinity. And it proves to you, it's the second chapter in witchcrafting. Unlike most other books on Wicca because it's a means of, one, discovering that the universe is conscious and interactive and aware and aware of a wider, broader pattern than you are. And capable of guiding you. You have a guidance system. A sacred, holy guidance system. The divine is available to you. You don't have to go through a priest or a priestess or anybody else to know what the sacred is and to know how to work by the sacred, how to be guided by it.

Divination is the tool that enables you to have the guidance of the divine.
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Thank you for making this beautiful and informative video. It is a blessing, and it helped clarify things for me that I didn’t understand.


Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you 🌍


How do you manage to upload a new video every hour?


Yup! Give Thanks to your Ancestors and Pray to Them Daily.


I have been looking into discovering my own spirit animal for quite some time now. When you mentioned that people tend to surround themselves with their guide it really helped. That and knowing that it has been there since my birth fully reassured me. If you could let me know about some books or anything that could clearify the meaning behind a particular guide that would be greatly appreciated.


So if I don't practice divination I'm not a witch


wow I was doing this before i even knew what it was


Where can I find a good resource on how to use corn as a divination tool?


That didnt answer squat!! Sorry, it didn't.


Can I use muscle testing for my divination?? I use this method a lot so I’m use to it


Why would you want to be falsely guided by an entity that you can't see and don't even know?

Are these people not concerned about being deceived and led down a path of destruction?


In China, it s called the Tao.
In Ancient Greece, it called the logos (Heralcitus) or Nature by the Marcus Arelius by the time of roman empire.
Then Christians appropriated the concept of logos and apparently without being Christians, you can't experience the divine?

Divination by symbols are generally safe, but the Christians do have a point if you start divining with letters/words to compose sentences, you might inadvertently communicate with evils, or divine heavenly beings.
If you can't tell the difference, (evil beings pretending to be angels) one should not use such channel.

Anyway. The point is that it is usually safe to use divination like the I Ching as they have been used for thousands of years.
For thr problem Isn't about safety, but accuracy. If you are not gifted, you are unlikely to get accuracy beyond 70%.


How do you know that the divine is in your side or leading you toward positive and not negative?


I have a question or need helpful and, I have dreams that do happen. I have tarot cards that I'm attracted to and bought two of them. I can make people or my cat or animals what I want. I'm very connected to nature. I learned painting on my own, violin and singing as well as other artistic abilities. But also felt as if someone was teaching me. What type of witch am I. I can share more but need more info. By the way I love the ocean and sand it's like my healing ground.


And what have you guided humanity so far - I see nothing but loss, confusion, poverty, sick, selfish ignorance, hatred, animal lust, suicide, and murders - so what does the future tell you if


God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Jesus loves you✝️Please READ👉 Deuteronomy 18:10-11


I was told that I'm divination but idk how to tap into it.


Sugar cain, co cain, hurri cain, vati cain, need i say more?


Divination is strictly forbidden in the Bible


Jesus Christ is the only way . Divination is using demons not the true living God Yashua 🙏🏽✝️

