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This year has been incredible difficult for me.

Dealing with ungrateful business people. People that cannot see everything I've sacrificed for them to be here. It disgusts me. In fact, they disgust me.

It's funny isn't it. Those that should be ashamed of themselves - rarely are.

Dealing with a family member with vascular dementia - whom we see every day... and adore, has been a struggle. The black cloud that comes with this illness is pretty bleak at times. And as much as we try and keep our chin up, it's hard. We could do with some help, but sadly none from those that can help, is offered.

The past few months have also been about fat shaming. The amount of weight I've put on (20lbs). By the way people speak, you'd think I'd become obese. A constant - 'look how fat you are' comments from them. And the best part - from people that are BIGGER than me!

It's time for a change. Time to change some things.

I've been on YouTube for a very long time and it's time for change things. From 6th January I will be filming shorter content. 3x a week.

I wish everyone a very happy new year. I truly, truly hope it's a beautiful one for everyone.



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Thank you for watching my youtube channel. My name is Wayne Goss and often known on youtube as gossmakeupartist. I give beauty tips, makeup techniques and reviews on all things makeup and skincare related. If you’re looking to pick up tips and tricks to up your makeup game, then i really hope you find this channel useful. I give beauty and makeup techniques that i hope will change the way you view makeup and make it a more fun and easy process.


Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Often companies will kindly gift products. This however does not mean I have to review a product favourable. Gifted products do not come with any conditions. I am free to speak about them however I feel. Please note however that i do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.

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I have not commented before, but absolutely will now. An incredibly wise person in my life once told me "People do things because of who THEY are, not because of who YOU are."


Don’t ever talk about your weight, ever. Who are you explaining this to? You are gorgeous. You are healthy. And you are certainly above discussing your weight with anyone with the gall to bring it up. Let’s not forget that it’s you that we’ve come to see. All of you.❤


Before you even started speaking I was thinking "Damn, Wayne's lookin' fine tonight!" Love it all - the glasses, the hair, the look fantastic! Wishing you a fabulous 2025! You've been a blessing in my life. Peace.


“Happy people don’t say hurtful things” Keep being your authentic self Wayne. 💕


The longer I live the less I like people. I’ve been sensitive my entire life (71 yrs) but for some reason people tell me I need to change lately. I’ve decided to quit caring how others think of me. 2025 I’m going to look out for myself and quit trying to save the world. Don’t let what others think matter to you! I know, easier said than done!! Happy New Year.


Wayne looks so good every time I see him. I can't believe these people have the audacity to make comments....perhaps it's their own insecurities showing through jealousy. He's so radiant: inside and outside glowup!

I wish a great 2025 to you, your partner, and every endeavor, Wayne!


Narcissists fat shame you to devalue you, it makes them feel better. You look the best I’ve ever seen you Wayne! You improve with age 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Just promise you'll keep the wink....I live for that sweet wink!❤


I want to tell you, Wayne, that you have mattered so much in my life. You have mentioned me on your channel, and it’s hard to tell you how honored I have felt. We all look up to you and we admire you. You have made so much of your life. It hurts me that you are hurt and it’s especially hard when someone you have helped and done so much for betrays you. I hope you always remember you matter so much to so many people, and you matter very greatly to me. Sending you so much love and respect from Tennessee. And my heartfelt thanks. Love you!


Honest to God I don’t know what is wrong with people today, it’s honestly become disgusting and disturbing. Wayne you are one of the best YouTube creators I have ever watched. Please don’t let anyone shame you or made you feel less than you are. Stay true to yourself, your followers will always stay and be there for you. Oh, and Happy New Year ❤


Wayne, I pray that you have a happier 2025. People who made fun of your weight are just jealous. You are handsome and most importantly, you have a kind and loving soul. Im 68 and no longer am friends with toxic people.


Wayne you are gorgeous, I didn’t notice any weight change…..and please don’t retire, we need more Wayne’s in this shitty world ❤


The change I want to see if people becoming kinder and compassionate. Please don't ever change your lovely self! Best wishes for 2025 Wayne! Stay strong and beautiful! ❤


Not only are you extremely handsome, you are a gentle and kind man. Don't change a thing, just be you. Happy New Year, Wayne! God bless❤


Ignore these idiots. You are a pure soul.


“What makes you think that saying that is helpful or kind?”
Eye contact, slightly arched eyebrow

^The above is what I learned from a counsellor I was seeing for workplace bullying - it shut them up and it stopped quickly. People don’t like being called out directly. Practice before you see them.

Keep being you ♥️


Whatever sort of video you want to produce is FINE by me. Just don’t stop making them because you’re extremely important to the people who follow you. ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Wayne, you are wonderful just as you are in this moment in time. As I get older, 61, my tolerance for Bull***t, cruelty, and disrespect is at an all-time low. I made a conscious effort to eliminate these types of people from my life over a year ago. Boundaries are a good thing and the joyful people who are in my life have brought me such happiness and support. Dealing with dementia can be soul-sucking. You and your partner need to give yourselves lots of grace and love. ❤from Texas


Weight comments are always about how they feel about their own body and never about yours - so bonkers. You look FAB!! ❤


I've been made to feel bad about my weight from a very young age. My mother fat shamed me from kindergarten up until she passed. I was never going to be skinny enough for my peers at school or my mother. Even at work when I was the thinnest I'd been, a lady fat shamed me and it hurt like hell. Wayne, you're not fat, you look great. Happy New Year 🎉❤
