Cheapest 5kWh DIY Whole Home Battery Backup System

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The problem with DIY solution is likely skill and effort. But with a log of DIY learning in video such as these, you can possibly attempt to build your own whole home battery backup system to reach energy independence and even have a zero electricity bill!


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I just ordered Eco-Worthy 560Ah/7168Wh (2x 280Ah) 12.8V LiFePO4 for $950 from Amazon. $0.14 pennies per Wh. Best deal I've found yet.


Preach it brother, get down with the lifepo4 sickness!! DIY is the route to go because nothing is better than knowing precisely how everything works before you jump in the bandwagon. I have been my own DAILY power man for at least ten years, my work is more reliable than our power grid. My lights are still ON when the power man, PG&E cometh to investigate. My battery bank always blows their mind. I can go for an entire week in crappy weather without firing up a generator.


You’re seriously one of the most useful YouTube channels I’ve ever subscribed too. I’ve followed you since I graduated high school in 2016. Thanks for all the information and entertainment!


As someone that has built a DIY to power most of my home office, I absolutely appreciate the level of the detail you get into that other videos don't. The bonus is that I even picked up two bits of new/good information. I LOVE the voltage chart at the 6:00 minute mark. Very good visual. Also, I hadn't thought about getting an inverter that can use both AC and DC and having it switch over to the grid if the batteries fall to a certain %. Very, very nice work coming from a fellow solar content creator! :)


Thank you for including the cost of tools in your calculations, a lot of DIYers don't.


Very articulate and he does go into detail more than any of the other Youtubers on solar I’ve built systems and this guy knows what he’s talking about and he actually describes the smaller details that you need to know I really like this guy


This is the most explanatory solar/battery introductory video i’ve seen so far, regarding having all the necessary information to understand how the system is working, important info about usage of the system, and best practices.

Things like the lifepo4 charge-curve are important to know when monitoring a system by reading voltages manually during charging and use to better know the true state of charge, and the characteristics of the battery under load.

This is a good resource. Great video.


Build an off grid system myself with 5kwh of storage. We are a lower energy user but looking at 3.4 year pay back plus it will run in the event of grid failure. So far going great really pleased.


1 Gets right to the point

2 Spoke quickly like a newscaster. Otherwise, I swipe to the next video

3 this took a lot of preparation to put this together

4 it was nice he used inches for my sorry butt that hasn't learned the metric system that everyone knows but me

5 several charts that his explanation were easy to follow

6 I own a company that does remodeling carpentry, electrical, plumbing every day, and I never realized how involved the new batteries are vs the old school marine batteries that we have used till now.

Thank you brother just a great job


This is a very good video. You have explained a lot things other similar videos do not. I went the solar station route because I do not understand electricity enough to be comfortable with it on my own. I bought 2 pecron stations each for $855 a piece total of $1710. That gives me 2 2000watt inverters and 2 1980 lifepo4 battery's for 3960 total battery storage. I want to build a system like yours as well because I just got to. Thank you for your explanation of best practices on charging and discharging these battery's because most YT channels make it like just charge to 100% and discharge to zero which never seemed wise to me. Everything in the video was educational well done!


Breaking down even the terminal post size was pretty impressive. Most people just want to impress you lots of numbers they don’t understand but this was well thought out.


DIY Solar ☀️is exciting and the components are getting better while prices keep coming down. I recently built my first 3000 watt system with a 5.12kWh ⚡️battery and solar panels for less than $3000! You are so right in saying people need to start learning new skills to leverage their knowledge into ways to save more money 💵. Our goal now is to take our entire farm off the grid completely! Lots more to learn, but we’ll get there!


I am building this exact unit for my ADU, however, I am going with a PowMr 3000w 24v for warranty reasons. For the last year, the ADU has been averaging about 2.8kw per day. I should be able to offset a large amount of grid energy with this setup. Thank you for taking the time to produce this content, very informative.


Excellent guide from zero knowledge to actual installation. Simple, slow but not too slow, detailed and sufficiently thorough without going into too much detail that would make it tiresome or cause attention to falter.


I made (yes made) my own panels about 12 years ago from B grade cells. I constructed 2 panels and had them charge a 12v truck battery, from which I ran the washing machine, 12v lights in the house and more. Mind you, I was only very young and renting a cheap house (lol).

Anyway, what I've learned is I think it's most efficient to push any power from solar panels into a hot water heater or something like that.


Awesome … as an engineer myself, this is discussed at a simple enough level I can completely understand. And maybe even attempt to keep the fridge and freezers running after a hurricane


First time watcher, I’m half way thru but it’s great to meet a fellow EE’er. It’s funny, we all talk alike. When you get to Ph.d. EE, the lingo changes but we still talk very much alike 😅. Great video, cheers!


This is the best video I have seen on how to set up a smaller solar/inverter/battery system. You explained everything very well and built a nice, practical system that just about anyone could build. Great job!


Ok my unsolicited opinion the quality of the video production was above par as was the scripting, editing and videography. The content in clarity, explanation and continuity (no pun intended) was very well thought out and offered. I just can not come to the place where I need to do this because I use on average 600 KwH of electricity a month here in Thailand. My electric bills are consistently 60 dollars US. So 10 months for 1 battery makes for a difficult decision but these videos make for an interesting case. I have an unfair advantage over most as I was an electrician for the railroad and understand the wiring, , termination and cabling more than most folks Thanks for the vids and this one earned a sub.


I'm in the research process to do this, very helpful. I just converted my 24 ft motor home to 200 amp Renogy lithium Iron phosphate, Renogy dc to dc with solar input. 100 amp solar on the roof.
