3 steps to start charting your fertility & get pregnant faster

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*Prep for Baby* is now open! Prep for Baby contains ALL the basic elements I think a couple should have covered to make their trying to conceive journey shorter and give the pregnancy and their baby the best start possible. *INCLUDING Heavy metals, plastics & birth control detoxing.*
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This beautiful Soul made me a beautiful mother to a beautiful son..trust every precious word she says. 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
All the very Best Ingefleur...


This is the most comprehensive resource I've ever found on charting. All the others have always confused me completely so thank you for sharing this info in such an easy-to-understand manner.


Hello Fleur 👋. I'm loving your videos. Very good content! Been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. I'm finding it hard to relax and not stress about conceiving. Can you upload a video on ways to relax and not stress? Thank you


Hi.. Your videos came in as a random suggested video in my playlist and I started watching one of your video.. But now.. I am ur regular subscriber and is very much impressed by your presentation and positivity.. May god bless you.. Keep going..😊


About to start charting after ti's cycle ends. Relying solely on apps isn't doing it for me... Thanks for this video you are a blessing 🙏❤️


thank you for the fertility calendar advice!


Entering my second ttc cycle, praying to GOD we are successful this cycle


hello fleur, i am a new wed, and been trying to conceive for seven months.. your videos are so relieving to me and show that there is hope every day.. um, you said that you will link down the charting course, where is it?


Learn how to chart your cycle, sign up to the FREE Basics to Fertility charting course:


I have heard that you can use a regulate thermometer for bbt charting. Maybe that's why I havnt been as to get pregnant? I do bbt chart but don't use a bbt thermometer. But I do temp every morning at the same time before I get up. I guess I'll have to get a bbt thermometer. Love your vidioes!! Thanks for all the great info you put out!!


Your videos has changed my life! Thank you!!!


Hello, I love your videos, very helpful. I have a quick question if I may: does a AST of 38 ( liver damage) - (normal level is <32 IU/mL as far as I know) and ANTI-TPO Ab of 54 (normal range is <35. IU/mL) would stop conceiving/ implantation of embryo or even keeping/sustaining a pregnancy full term? I'm 41 & half years old. Thank you!


I've just ordered my basal thermometer. Today is my new cycle, last cycle I depended on apps and missed my ovulation day. This cycle I'm temping and using opk.


I love your videos they are so informative 💕 I have a question, I have been doing the opk and on sunday I got my peak day (I used the Clearblue advance) around 12 pm and around 4 pm I did another ovulation test from the dolar tree the cheap one and I also got postive on ovulation. I did the BD dance every other day, on my peak and the day after that! The only thing is that I re took a ovulation test on monday and the line was already fainted. Did I ovulate or not? Or did I ovulate on sunday when the test showed peak?


Hi. My wife and I are curious what your opinion is on the OvaCue Fertility Monitor. Thank you!


I have a question - this month I noticed my temperature dipped at 10 days into my cycle - as if I was about to ovulate. Then, my ovulation test didn’t show a peak in LH until the 18th day of my cycle. Which ovulation predictor is more accurate - the test, or the dip in my chart?


Thank you so much for these videos. Very informative. Could you share some info on prenatal vitamins and when to start taking them? My husband and I recently started trying and I began taking a prenatal vitamin. The problem is that it makes my stomach “sour” and I’ve been light headed for the past few days. I’ve been taking as directed and with food. Could you share your thoughts?


In @3:29, what chart is used? Is it in an app I can use on my phone?


I started charting this cycle. I use the Femometer app. I didn’t round up 0.1 and it stated I ovulated on the 7/23. Putting me at 11dpo. I switched the settings to round 0.1 and it changed my OV date to 7/25. And put me at 9dpo. I guess my question is should I not round it to 0.1 and leave it as is? It drastically changed my ov date


Please answer my question: I have hypothyroidism so my usual temps are low, average 96.5, so I’ve only ever seen it rise to 97.1 a couple times, also have pcos, does this small rise still mean ovulation occurred?
