Shostakovich: String Quartet No.8 - The Sound of Despair (Understanding Music)

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A video essay that analyses the String Quartet No.8 by Dmitri Shostakovich, taking a look at the circumstances of the composition of this quartet, the biographical and historical background, and the different movements with their various references and quotes, to try and understand what makes this quartet not just the most popular quartet by Shostakovich, but one of the most touching works of the 20th century.

This is the first part of a series of video essays called "Understanding music". My goal is to explain great works of classical music in a way that is accessible to people with little background in music analysis. If you would enjoy more videos like this, feel free to subscribe. Likes and comments with feedback and suggestions are also welcome!

Other videos I used:
Shostakovich Symphony 1

Shostakovich Cello Concerto 1

Tchaikovsky Symphony 6

Shostakovich Piano Trio 2

Recommended reading on the Eighth Quartet and my most important source: Fanning, David: Shostakovich: String Quartet No.8 (Landmarks in music since 1950).
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"After all the struggles on our journey, we have simply arrived back where we started. It was all for nothing in the end".
My god.
He sat next to me two weeks ago while we watched Shostakovich's Tenth. He was completely mute afterwards. And then he simply said, how dare he? How dare he write those triumphant, naive fanfares after that Largo? How dare he go back to that mask after such terrifying honesty, after all was lost, a moment which should have been the rightful end of the piece? I didn't really understand then, but I understand a little better now. He, too, lived under a dictator. He fled his homeland and watched it turn to ruins, he and countless other Syrians. And they still ask themselves this question every day, "Was it all for nothing in the end?".
This music is still reality for many today.
Thank you for this wonderful video.


If you liked the recording that I used in the video: It's the St. Lawrence String Quartet performing. You can purchase their recording under the link I provided in the description.
Thanks again to olla-vogala for letting me use his score - video. I also put the link to that in the description.
EDIT: Thanks to a the work of a Reddit user from r/classicalmusic, we now have close captioning available in English. Thank you for your time and work!


What a beautiful insight into the mind, and the soul, behind the music. As someone who only ever had a passing familiarity with classical works, this has made me consider depth that I had never realised before. Thank you for uploading this.


THANK YOU. What a video! Awesome explanation. Unfortunately I'm affraid such a deep video will not be very watched in the internet. People don't really like to use more than 2 neurons.


Phenomenal video, thank you for that. I wish you would make more videos about music for this channel. Do you have such plans?


Thank you for your amazing video. It really touches me a lot. I am in my super bad days now but find a weirdly comfort in this quartet. Maybe althrough I have not gone through what shostakovich did, his despair is universal and transcend by music through time.

Your video makes me understand more of his music and yes such art exists for a reason to express our feeling, whatever it is good or bad. It is our honor to have such a grear composer to express our feelings that cannot be spoken by word, and have people like you to dig deep into what's truly they want to say.

Just like what shostakovich said"When a man is in despair, it means he still believe in something". I believe there is still a strength of reborn exist in such a wonderful masterpiece even if it sounds "all for nothing"

Hope we can see more of ur videos! Keep it up.(as a fan of shosty secretly want more of his videos haha)


Does anybody know what happened to this account?? This is the only video on here 😢😢


Fantastic video. Really well created, great format, what a lot of work it must have been. Just the right level for people who appreciate and listen but maybe do not know a lot of theory etc. Look forward to future videos!


Wow I studied this piece in A-level Music (UK) when I was 17, now I'm 37 and in awe at how much personality can be put into a work of art. That he saw it as his epitaph, and all the points you've raised really do mean for me that the more you put into the music, the more others will get out of it. I love the referencing of other composers/pieces too. Much darker/heavier than any metal band I've heard. And I'm a metal fan. Kudos


I`ve watched several documentaries about Shostakovich`s work and the string quartet in particular but you`ve done an amazing job here... In all the docs they mentioned how he put his signature/initials in the work but for some reason none of `em really showed it in principal. However in neither of them was it mentioned that the theme from Piano Trio No.2 is incorporated in this work - let alone to tell the meaning behind it. Just one question in regards to the third movement (really liked the cynical/sarcastic waltz definition btw). It sounds to me as if I can hear just a few notes from Shostakovich`s Waltz. No 2 and I was wondering if he infused this work of his as well. I guess you would`ve mentioned it but still...


Thank you, a really fascinating video. Shostakovich has somehow conjured music which addresses directly the sheer tragedy of being human, and therefore mortal, with the capacity (sometimes a truly great capacity) for suffering.


Thank you for the work you put into this video! It offers a comprehensive insight into all the circumstances that made the 8th quartet possible, and also gives a glimpse of your personal touch. I was mesmerized with the piece, yet perplexed, and was looking for something that would shed light on it. This video addressed that perfectly!


Really nice video. I like the focus on the music, although I would like it even more if you went even deeper into detail about what makes the music work, maybe even some of the music theory behind it. But I am pleased overall and would love to see a video of one of my favourite pieces: Mahler's Symphony No. 2


Great video, exactly what I was looking for! I wish there were more videos like this...


This is truly wonderful. Thank you, David. I hope you'll continue to post videos about the music you love.


This was amazingly insightful! Loved your analysis of the song.


Thank you very much for this excellent video! I've recently fallen in love with this piece and have been watching through many analysis videos. This one being one of the better explained in my opinion.


Great video; shame there isn't more from this channel. I could spend hours watching videos breaking down various classical/romantic/20th century pieces.


Just found your channel and I have to congratulate you on your work! Very educational


Wow this is a great video concept and such a good idea, I love it, great way to learn about a musical piece for sure!!
