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Pokemon World Champion WolfeyVGC shows that the world champ difference in competitive Pokemon VGC is cheating.

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The pvp of pokemon should be based on player skill not on how long they grounded their team


Okay this is how i see it. If the pokemon is Legal (Meaning it can have the combination of moves + abilities + evs it has.) Whether or not its illegitimate its fine. I personally think tournaments should be based on the player's skill and knowledge of the game instead of their time. Which is personally why i play pokemon showdown. It rewards knowledge of the game instead of just how much time you have. Yes its against the rules. However it's fine in my opinion. Illegitimate =/= illegal.


Keep exposing the cheaters. I’ve played Pokémon since the beginning which shows my age but I love Pokémon and cheating is an absolutely terrible moral mind set.


Shocked how half the comments find cheating ok... i love the missingno glitch as much as anyone who likes gen1 but when you cheat in any pvp situation only says you really suck at the game lol


For the algorithm, also nice to see these kinds of videos be archived so as to not be buried with thousands of other videos on the main channel.


Yeah, they actually suppressed older content. Kinda tough to see tbh.


What? I had always assumed that Pokemon VGC would have endorsed and even provided their own tools for injecting mons. By what justification is relying on RNG and thousands of hours of grinding in the spirit of competitive battling? Competitive Pokemon should be about the battler's skills... not the fact that they got lucky finding a 31 Speed IV, Hidden Ability sweeper. The fact that you refer to this as "evil" is ridicoulous. This isn't cheating, this is exactly how competitive battles should be. Showdown has it right.


ahh yes.. more pokedrama... tell me more :>

love it when peeps are so delusional that they cant face the truth and when it gets called out, they try to defend it.. love it :> (keep it up Verlisify ^^ these delusional peeps are entertaining to watch :> )


Haters: Pokémon is pay to win.

Me: Play*


Ive never seen that clip before. Wolfey litteraly admitted he cheated😮. Why do people follow him? Insane he thinks breeding a hacked mon is legal😂


he blocked me for asking abt the cheating and now wants to silence you bc of your big influence. says alot about him as a person...


Been a fan since 2013, you got me into competitive pokemon in XY but the cheating discouraged me from continuing, I play the TCG now but I still enjoy your videos


Damn Wolfey fans really don’t like the truth that Wolfey cheats


>.> high level pokemon play makes me giggle because I WILL walk into a spheal clubbing with attract, sand attack, acid armor, and confuse ray. No im not sorry. No i dont care if I win.


There's this really unpleasant quality to how WolfeyVGC speaks. Manipulative, condescending, a lot of flowery language but ends up saying nothing or something incredibly stupid. Even before Dream was outed as manipulative cheater, I didn't really like him because I felt like he spoke in a similar way. It was just a gut feeling. Have to trust the gut when it comes these people.

The unfortunate weakness of decent people is that they're decent people. If we made any mistakes during the last era, it would be being too decent and understanding. We need to bring back gatekeeping. I don't understand comments that get mad at calling toxic idiots, toxic idiots. If the roles was reversed, they would never defend you, and if they continue to support toxic behavior because their ego got hurt, they were never going to be convinced to begin with. I spent way too much time arguing points with people who were never arguing in good faith to begin with.


I attack Pokémon in online raids that have genning websites for a name or trainers with genning websites for names, where's the value in a shiny if you don't find it yourself by hunting for it or randomly run into it? Shinies are meant to be something special but when people just go to genning websites or hack their game to obtain them, those shinies are worth a thousandth of a male Salandit or Combee.
Edit, just ran into a shiny Toedscruel while dealing with Gardevoir outbreak.


VGC players cheat? yawn tell me more...


Just to back up your point about esports cost: FGC, probably the cheapest outside Pokemon gets stupid expensive.

Street Fighter, MK, etc. first off: you aren't playing that shit with a controller, you are buying mobile arcade sticks and top tier ones to boot. Technically you CAN play with a controller but atleast PS3 you needed a wired one.

Online events were basically shit on by the top tier because of the net code. Winning one got you no street cred. Same with winning a local. You ain't shit until you won a major in person so that means traveling

Source: from 2012-2017 I ran events. The whole top tier of MK9-Injustice-MK X-Injustice 2 and SF4-5 community ate pancakes with me at 2am multiple times


Hi I have questions for you that you seem to be able to answer me
Having tera raids shinies from Twitch channels is not legit right ? Even tho the rng manipulation is legal and the pokemon itself is legal, he isn't at all legit because you would have not find it in this den without these genned Twitch channels, are these pokemon safe to be used in VGC according to you ?

Second question, how is it possible to detect a genned item like an apriball ? I mean for VGC tournaments its obvious that they have tools to detect genned pokemons but how could they detect genned items ? I thought items don't have tracks


I think wolfey exists on yt for a greater purpose than cheating on competitive pokemon. He exists to aid in the demoralization young people by means of their favorite media. Normalizing lying and cheating as a virtue to get ahead.
