I no longer use SD cards, is it the right move? SD vs USB on Raspberry Pi
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Using a Raspberry Pi shouldn’t be complicated.
For a long time, using SD cards was the rule on Raspberry Pi, you didn’t have the choice. But now that most models support USB boot, you have the choice: SD cards, USB flash drives, or even SATA and SSD. I recently noticed that I’m using SD cards far less often these days, and in this guide, I will help you to make your choice.
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#raspberrypi #sdcard #usb
---------- Chapters ----------
0:00 Introduction
0:32 Convenience
1:11 Pricing
1:59 Performances
3:40 Reliability
4:35 How to switch from SD to USB
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For a long time, using SD cards was the rule on Raspberry Pi, you didn’t have the choice. But now that most models support USB boot, you have the choice: SD cards, USB flash drives, or even SATA and SSD. I recently noticed that I’m using SD cards far less often these days, and in this guide, I will help you to make your choice.
Check the link below for more details:
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Master your Raspberry Pi in 30 days (e-book)
Raspberry Pi Bootcamp (course)
Master Python on Raspberry Pi
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#raspberrypi #sdcard #usb
---------- Chapters ----------
0:00 Introduction
0:32 Convenience
1:11 Pricing
1:59 Performances
3:40 Reliability
4:35 How to switch from SD to USB
Note: This description contains affiliate links.
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The commission comes at no additional cost to you.
RaspberryTips is a participant in the Amazon Associates and other companies affiliate programs.