Rolemaster Combat Minion: Speed up the combat in your Rolemaster game

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This is a video discussing a fantastic tool for Rolemaster which you can purchase for a modest cost which will vastly improve the management of combat in your Rolemaster game.
In addition to an overview of what the software does there is also 20 mins or so demo of the software being “used in anger” (ie in a combat).



Overview on ICE WebRing

Intro Clip Score: Voyeur (Sting) - Jingle Punks, YouTube Audio Library
OH&H Intro Score: Day of Recon (Sting) - Max Surla - Media Right Productions
Score: Infados - Kevin MacLeod, YouTube Audio Library
Topic Intro Riff: Foreign Land (Sting) - Jingle Punks, YouTube Audio Library

Soundscape: Desktop Audio, Kendu, Youtube, Free Sounds & Ambient Mixer
Game Platforms: Tabletop Simulator & Discord

"Of Horrors & Heroes", is a Tabletop Roleplaying (RPG) Game Channel which focuses on:
• Rolemaster Actual Play
• Opinions
• RPG Tips & Tricks

This channel features the excellent Rolemaster system but touches on other games.

The game system used in our games is Rolemaster 2nd Edition/Classic, with a very liberal inclusion of home rules.

We would love to hear any feedback or comments you may have! Comments below are most welcome or if you prefer drop me an email.
Hope you find something interesting and fun to watch.

May the dice always roll in your favour!

Chris/GM Chance

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I have used this program since it came out. I find it indispensable. I can’t imagine playing without it. Rolemaster
can be chart heavy but other rpg’s are catching up to it.
I want to say thank you for this video featuring this program as I think it would be very helpful especially for new players of the game. The author of this program is also looking for help in the continuation and updating so anyone with skills in programming could give him a shout out. Once again thank you for the video, Rolemaster is a great system that originally got a bad rap because of the many charts, even though you only use a few that are necessary for your characters.


Hello there, Thank you very much for your videos, they are really useful and I am following your rolemaster campaign with interest... For the rolemaster combat minions, there is a way to save several fights, if we ever have several campaigns? Thank you and big hug from Québec!


Thanks for the vid, been looking into the program for my games wondering how easy it worked - great overview! Also, what software are you using for the encounter map. It looks awesome! New to online gaming btw. Currently playing in a game on FG but looking to expand my options as a GM for future games.


I have been trying Rolemaster ERA electronic roleplaying assistant for RMU. It has crits and charts and moving maneouvers and direct spells + base spells and resistance rolls. The initiative tracker looks better in Combat Minion. But ERA lets players create characters so its all preloaded with the PC's. Have you tried it? RMU has new defense features Passive Dodge, Partial Dodge, Full Dodge(action) Adrenal Defense gives you your Partial Dodge to DB using a free action etc. Using Shields additional Passive Block to DB vs multiple attackers (Shield skill required to block the second+ attacker), Partial Block 1/2 Shield skill to DB, Full Block. It seems to distinguish between melee attacks and Ranged. I thinks its 50% V ranged. Stuns are one of -25, -50 and -75. Attacker gets +20 V stunned. The defender may be Stunned with Fully parry but with Stun [-75] not giving much benefit from there parry etc.Waiting for ERA RMU to come out for Spell law though. MIssing the spells. It means you can move 50% and Partial Block or Partial Dodge for 50% to add quite a lot to your DB. Moving closer and defending yourself rather than attacking at -50%.


Looks good. Shame about it not auto-tracking PP when spells are used, that would need fixing.
What would make it even better would be if the players had their own access to the app (DM and Player specific client layouts). That would speed up combat even further since players would be able to decide on their action and set it up while waiting for their turn, only needing to press the Apply&Save button once it is their turn.
With that implemented, the next improvement would be API access to VTT map systems (Roll20, FantasyGrounds, MapTools, etc...) to auto-measure for range and flanking and to assign status icons on the map.

I been on and off trying to wrap my head around how to set up MapTools, RPGTools, etc... That is an Opensource suit of Virtual Tabletop tools that are meant to be interlinkable with each other and sync up between players and GM over network or internet. The problem with the Tools sytem is, one needs at least some programming skills to make it work and it is absolute minimalist. But with coding skills and it being OpenSource, it is possible to add features to it. There are some other OpenSource VTT that I still need to look at.

I have a copy of ERA, but have not really used it yet. I need to play around with it, when/if I ever find a Rolemaster group (or if I ever find enough confidence to GM a game).


how did you fix the https issue? I am having the same issue and have noticed that others are too.


If the gm is the only one to have the software, the gm rolls the attacks for everyone?


The wolf was injured to the point, being out of the fight. You forgot to implement it.
