How To Become A Top 1% Warlock!

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In today's Destiny 2 video im going to show you How To Become A Top 1% Warlock in PvP. This video will cover a lot of foundation topics for you to build upon to improve your play on warlock. I'll cover movement, rift usage, subclass, exotics, and how to invest your stats on warlock.

Intro: 00:00
Movement: 00:49
50/50 Rule: 02:36
Subclass: 04:19
Exotics: 06:08
How to Invest Your Stats: 07:16

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As a warlock main and only single character warlock player, I can tell you this video is 95% accurate. Lost 5% for calling it Warlock Skating. You gotta ride those Waves 🌊 Space Mage bro...its Warlock Surfing


I began playing in season 13 and mained hunter in pve and pvp but got bored in pve so I switched to warlock. I then fiddled around a bit with ophidians and felwinters with warlock in pvp and have never looked back. As both a new player and warlock main your videos have proven real helpful for me, keep it up!


"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
-Sun Tzu (probably a Hunter)


as a warlock main since D1 beta, this makes me quite happy to know that there are people switching to warlock. i remember being called “slurs” and rude things for mailing warlock but now seeing so many people switching in D2 makes me smile so hard. You are doing us warlocks major justice, big Ws my guy


Yo, so I just found your channel. I am so glad you're a Warlock main and a PvPer and you talk about the things you use. For as long as you continue to post videos, I will be happily watching. Great stuff, can't wait to binge all of the content you've uploaded.


Been using your stasis warlock build for a few months now and it’s by far the best class setup I’ve ever used. You the goat man !


Fantastic video the irony is i just started yesterday trying warlock out i am a hunter main but this videos going to be watched ALOT massive thanks for a great video and astounding timing! Genuinely lol


The third or arguably main reason behind not using blink is how it's hitboxes work

Essentially until the blink is completely finished your hitbox will be simultaneously where you're blinking to and where you originally was. This, combined with P2P matchmaking means alot of the time you will be killed inside your blink or even after your blink because your hitbox is still where you used to be. Along with your own/opponents connection extending the duration.

Though, blink is really fun - when you get good at it you can reach chokes and locations much faster - incredibly good if you use zone control weapons or you know - a sniper rifle.

Plus blink is fun and unless you're an uber sweat you're rarely find the type of players that can track and kill you that this video mentions.

Also, dont default to what's popular though spends the whole game using HC shotgun ;P


One tip, balanced glide will give you more height while using heat rises (mobility also helps, so keep a single set of high mobility armor for quick-swapping onto) which is useful for a few skips in PvE content, if you need to do those. Outside of that, burst glide is the best jump in the game (don't listen to people who complain about warlock jumps) and blink is the most unique


Honestly, one of the best videos I have seen so far. I need help doing a raid, never done. Don't know the right build.


My thing about blink is it’s a play style all in its own. Now the exotic helmet helps the blink massively but I prefer my aspects man I can’t play without them lol. I main blink on voidlock because I play on console and I’m able to make some crazy plays especially against titans hiding behind their wall haha


Strafe glide is worth using if you're spamming heat rises, it swaps your jump around when you pop it so you go much faster if on strafe glide in heat rises (or dawnblade)


great video as always, best tips you'll ever find for a Warlock. Your hand cannon play is always top tier! The couple times I matched you, I struggled to be as patient. Always found the upper hand, Chess mind.


warlock arc is my fav for crucible. the arc soul is extremely underrated, and using the getaway artist exotic


I absolutely love these Warlock PvP guides. Very few Warlock mains out there.

Can you do a video or Stormcaller? I really struggle to use it in PvP. Specifically, bottom tree.


Dude where have you been my whole pvp warlock career since I started last year 🥲🥲 so glad I found your channel! Love the content


Great video, I'm looking at my stats at the moment and want to optimise a bit further but it'll deplete my supplies before witch queen. Do we think the PvP meta will shift much or am I safe masterworking a new build before it launches?


Awesome video I've been a warlock main since d1 and I couldn't be more surprised that I couldn't see anything I didn't agree with. So much concise information excellent job at explaining 👏


You proably know this already but snap canceling helps with icarus dash skating and general movement.

Using it with T-steps lets you stack momentum on jumps fast and easily allows you to outrun anything short of a thundercrash. Great with bows too


This video is a treasure for me as a Warlok, I have to tell that I enjoined a lot the content.
