How to Pressurize Reverse Osmosis Water Storage Tank | Easy DIY Step by Step

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A pressurized water storage tank on a standard reverse osmosis system is used to store processed RO water. The reverse osmosis process is slower, so a pressurized storage tank is typically required to supply water from the system on demand. Pressurizing the water storage tank is an important part of maintaining the reverse osmosis system. It can improve your water flow and performance of your drinking water system. This video will show you how to pressurize a RO water storage tank.

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Before watching this video I'd watched few others and tried repressurizing the tank but failed. This video has by far the simplest explanation. Repressurized and water flow restored with full pressure. Avoided an expensive service call. Thank you!


This was by far the simplest explanation on YouTube. It’s probably been 8 years now and this is the first time I’ve had to re pressurize my tank. I thought maybe the filters were bad but I replace them every 6 months. Thanks for the video, it was very helpful.


Some things that might help people who are confused about the pressure:

1) If your tank says 40-100 psi max, that's the total water pressure - NOT the pressure you want to fill the air bladder up to. The air bladder for these size tanks should only be filled between 7-10 psi.

2) You want to make sure the tank is empty (no water) when getting the air bladder to the proper pressure. Obviously since not a lot of water is coming out of the tank since the air bladder is empty, getting water out is a problem. So at this point, like the video says just turn off the water source and open the faucet. Then using a pump or compressor, put a touch of air into the bladder until a stream of water comes out of the faucet. Keep doing this, a little bit of air at a time to keep a steady stream of water, until no more water comes out of the faucet. At this point the tank is empty and then you can fill the air bladder to the recommended 7-10 psi; and then you can turn the water source back on and fill the tank.


Thank you so much! Our tank was pretty flat. Before adding air only about 3 cups of water came out. I filled up two pitchers after adding air. Re-pressurizing the tank was much easier than I feared, thanks to your helpful instructions!


Great video. One note. It took me about 10 times to pressure up the tank before I could get all the water out. I set my air compressor max output at 10 psi and just kept pressuring it back up until all the water was out. Took about 15 minutes total. Charged it one last time between 7-9 psi. Seems to be holding now. Much better water stream. Thanks.


The most helpful video I have found on the subject. And to the point. Thanks!


Crystal clear...just like the water coming out should be !


Great video, I had no idea the tank was supposed to be pressurized. No pressure, I filled the tank to 6 psi. Problem fixed!


Thanks very informative. I was wondering why after this past year and I never bothered to look at that little blue cap lol. Luckily I had everything to check and fill it back up to 10 psi.


Can it handle 60psi? I want to. use it before the ro membrane to increase pressure. I don't use the 5gallon tank as I have a 400 gallon tank and pump for the house.


The trick here is to make sure the feed water is shut off and the tank is fully drained. My tank was full of water, and I added 10psi but didn't let the tank drain and I only got a couple of cups of water out. After seeing this video, I connected my Milwaukee tire inflator set to 10psi, and I could see that as the water drained out the pressure went down quickly. I had to repeat adding air to 10psi several times for about 15 minutes until the tank was fully empty, and now set to 10psi probably will get a couple of gallons of RO water out.


Water came out of my tanks air valve. Does this mean it has a ruptured bladder?


Hi, I'm having a bit low pressure (not terrible, but just lower after I changed the filters). I have an 8 year old r/o tank from Culligan that I just re-pressurized. I emptied the tank, re-pressurized with the valve closed to 7 psi, and the pressue is still pretty low compared to before the filter changed. I also noticed this morning that the tank barely had any water in, and it's been filling since 3pm yesterday 3/5/23. Is it possible the water was used filling ice all night. Otherwise, I cannot figure out why the pressure isn't that grate. Also, before the filter changed, I could fill 1 pot of coffee with water and by the end it would be slowing down quite a bit. I'm wondering if I need to replace the tank...thoughts?


Hello, how long should the pressure tank last? We've had it a couple years but it's not holding pressure anymore. Does it need to be replaced?


I cant seem to find the feed water valve ... how do i safely pump pressure into the tank without draining it? Can I pump air and check faucet until it's running well?


How much pressure should it have when the tank is full. I saw a video on a different system and it said 40-45psi.


What if i take it outside to blow it out and theres no air coming out the top of tank like the tank is just filling with air


I did 10psi... cuz I like to live on the edge like that.


What low pressure gauge do you recommend?


I guess this for a 3 gallon tank? Or does it matter? Thanks for the video 👍
