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Welcome to 2023 and Beyond!
2022 was an outstanding year for DCS which saw the introduction of new modules such as DCS: AH-64D, DCS: Black Shark 3, DCS: MB-339, DCS: Mirage F1, DCS: South Atlantic Map, as well as many exciting campaigns. This is in addition to several impressive community-created aircraft mods.

2023 is a truly exciting year, with the introduction of eagerly awaiting modules such as the DCS: F-4E by Heatblur, DCS: F-15E by RAZBAM, DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop, DCS: F4U-1D Corsair by Magnitude 3, DCS: C-130J by the Airplane Simulation Company, new Mirage F1 versions by Aerges, DCS: Normandy 2.0 map by Ugra Media, the DCS: Sinai Map by OnReTech and more!

With close to half of our team working on Core engine improvements, 2023 is also looking great, with the introduction of Multi-Threading, DLSS/NIS, Vulkan API. enhanced weather, the dynamic campaign engine, and much more.

The road ahead is long and steep, but we will fight hard to achieve the very best for you, our passionate Community, and to deserve your trust and support.

Thank you for making our dreams come true!

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As a huge aviation nerd I gotta say every time I watch one of these new "and beyond" videos I tear up a little bit. DCS truly is an experience instead of simply a game


Awesome of you guys to acknowledge the hard work of the team behind the A-4E! Would be nice if you guys gave them SDK access to bring it up to it's full potential, if anyone deserves it, it should be them. Though I do understand if that's not possible due to legal or business reasons, I'm sure access to SDK comes with tons of contractual obligations and paperwork for the 3rd party developers.


As always, you guys are truly amazing at how passionate you are for DCS and its community. Every year just keeps getting better and better.


These "202x and beyond" videos are by far my favorite new years' treats, I just love the epicness of them.
Thanks for everything you're doing with DCS guys. Keep doing what you're doing.

Happy New Year everyone.


DCS hands down is the best flight simulator out there - nothing else even comes close. Thank you for all that you do for aviation enthusiasts worldwide.


How on earth you kept the Chinook under wraps is beyond me... Phenomenal stuff as always!


I can't believe I've been here since LOMAC Flaming Cliffs. Seeing the progression from then to now is insane, and the game really has come into its own the past 2-3 years of development. This feels like another massive step for the game, and its community.


That Apache slowly moving in at at the beginning against the sun, so surreal, so beautiful.


This entire sequence. THe sun, the music, the planes. Its all just *chefs kiss* SO good. It reminds me of Ace combats Pre-rendered Trailers in a weird way, its clearly a gaem but its just so stunning and all teh little camera shake details make it so enrapturing to watch. The way teh camera is so zoomed in and shakes like its struggling to keep up with the aircraft is SO GOOD. Incredible work.


I shed a tear every time I see one of these trailers. I started using flight sims when I was around 7 years old. Tomorrow at 22 I take my first flight towards my private pilots license, and many more ratings and licenses beyond that. DCS has been part of the journey all the way. Thank you ED for instilling in me the beauty of aviation and in inspiring me to break through the clouds myself.


Can't say how emotional I am after each "And Beyond" video !! These videos are real masterpieces !! Hats off !!


Been many years since I crewed on a Chinook, but I'll return to my glory days in DCS!

Another incredible year, ED. Things released this year that I never would have imagined, and you guys have an incredible 2023 in store for us. THANK YOU for everything you've done for this community. This isn't just a business to you guys, it's a labor of love, and most of the community recognizes it. Happy new year, Eagle Dynamics!


I love the "Les Chevaliers Du Ciel" references! The Mirage is a beautiful aircraft.


I have been flight simming since 1982 and this is simply the finest most enjoyable flight sim that has ever existed. This is what we used to DREAM flight sims could be. Thanks guys!


This game gets more and more beautiful. Have played since the Lock On days and am blown away by how far this franchise has come. Excited for the future!


So proud to be part of this since Lock-On 1.
Thank you Eagle Dynamics, you really deserve our support.


Man! been here since Su-27 Flanker 1995 and it keeps getting better and better.. Thank you ED for all the hard work over the years


I don't often comment, but I have to say this video is a work of art !
Congrats for yet another amazing year.
Keep up the good work, and fly safe !


Your pilot figure for the F4E could not be more impressive than the reproduction of triple ace Robin Olds. Let me congratulate the DCS team. Thanks for your dedication


3:34 La-7! One of my favorite fighters of WW2, awesome to see it coming to DCS! Was that the aircraft shooting at the bomber at 3:32? Looks and sounds like two cannons firing!
