More Meals From Scraps! $100 Grocery Budget to Last a Month! Episode 6

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I just wanted to pop on here and say I'm reading all of your positive and uplifting comments and I have the biggest smile on my face right now, you all have brought me to tears this morning (happy tears of course). You are the best bunch of people I have ever known.

This community strives to build each other up, improve, teach, and ultimately succeed together and it's truly amazing to witness.

I have decided to keep going for the last 5 days, trying to see what we can come up with, you all have already given me ideas I didn't think of on my own. I will work with what I have and only if absolutely needed I can work in an extra $3 to $5.

Stay tuned for the final episode <3


It’s not a fail if your belly is full. Not every meal has to be unique and inspired (regardless of budget constraints).


The **MOST** realistic thing you can do is show all the meals, boring or not. My husband took a turkey sandwich, a bag of chips, and an apple every single day for lunch for more than a year when we were young and struggling. Many, many people have the same thing for breakfast, the same thing for's not an uncommon thing at all. You have done an INCREDIBLE job with this series!!!


I usually do not post comments, but I'm going through some very hard times, and you saying you feel like a failure hit me hard. I am a mom who went from financial stability to my husband and I both having health issues hit that put me on disability, and him fighting for it for the last 3.5 years. We never worried about feeding our kids, then suddenly, we didn't even know how to keep a roof over their heads, or food in their bellies. We got assistance and were okay, but when I got SSI, they raised our utilities by 6 times what we were paying with heap, and made me separate from the rest of the family on our snap benefits, lowering them in the process. So now, we're struggling again, and with inflation, we can't always buy enough food. I no longer get the supplements I need because I can't eat solid food. If I do, my kids won't have enough. So I know that feeling of failure, but you did NOT fail. You took $100 in 2024, and got enough to fill your belly for a month! That is HUGE, and not a failure! You gave me some ideas on cheap recipes, and you have no idea how much that means! What you're doing with these videos is helping real people who desperately need these ideas to survive! I would like to see you finish this out, because in many people's worlds, there is no other option. Thank you for being such a wonderful resource to a struggling momma, and for allowing me to reflect on the feelings of failure, and on how sometimes we are hard on ourselves even when other people may see how we handle something as a win. You, my dear, have won this challenge! <3


You have absolutely not failed. I grew up poor. Dirt poor, there were a few times we ate saltines with ketchup and "pretended" it was pizza because it was the last things left in the house. You've not only shown an immense amount of creativity in the meals that you've made but you've shown HOW it can be possible to still enjoy food when on an extreme budget. That is by far your biggest accomplishment. When someone is really pinching pennies, food becomes a chore, there is almost zero enjoyment any longer and you find yourself in a slump of just eating to survive. Your journey has shown that there can still be enjoyment in eating. And for that I thank you :)


Young lady, I absolutely don’t think you failed, I think you showed us what this economy is bringing us to and that it’s possible to stretch meals. That’s a win in my book. Did you go the whole 30 with your 3 meals a day format? No but there are people out here that literally don’t eat breakfast or a lunch that this budget will work for and you just showed us how. So I say kudos and thank you.


Dearest girl. I'm 74. You're not. I've seen and experienced all the feelings of failure you have explained. It's a real fear for many of us. You putting yourself in our shoes, and helping us get through to the next check, is the kindest most noble thing you could ever do. You are my hero.


Most people can scrounge up another 5-6 dollars and you do have a little over a dollar left.... Keep going. The meals DO NOT have to be exciting, they just have to get you fed. Thank you for doing this series and being transparent and honest. You did not fail at all!


I am helping in a culinary kitchen teaching 5th graders to cook. Some are not food secure. I really am paying attention to your channel to come up with ideas for these children. You are truly an inspiration, you just don't know it yet. I grew up poor, and am not any longer. This is why I try to help these kids. Creativity is the key I think. Homemade pasta is their favorite lesson, I have watched them be so, so proud of making pasta. Cheap, easy and creative.


Rebecca, I am 71 and got my first box of food from the local food bank yesterday. Yes, I am ashamed, but I've not had this much food in my house for years. Thank you for all you do for those like me.


To be honest, this is so relatable. Thank you for your honesty, but I don't think you're a failure. You did what 99% of us have to do, adapt, and overcome. I've been impacted by Beryl, and your recipes and ideas have literally been a blessing. Thank you for everything ❤


I think you should add the $2 that you would not add when you got the onion refund, because that was just a lucky thing that can happen to any of us at any time. Pair that with the dollar and some change that you have and you can go back to the Dollar Store and get rice or pasta and a vegetable. You could do that if you wanted to finish out the 30 days and you wouldn't go over your hundred dollars. You also didn't factor in days that others may have gone out, over to someone's home, or a church/group meal. This would have also helped you "bank" more items. You are not a failure at all! Pick the choice that makes you feel the best. 😊


I just want to throw my two cents in. I am a single mother and have been looking for ways I can cut back on groceries. This series has helped me so much! I have already told my son we are going to adopt some of the meals and ideas from this plan to our grocery budget. I am so thankful you are going to keep going! You are helping more than you know! Thank you!❤❤

To answer your last question in the video, all three of possible. Please do a second month and take what you have learned this first month.


I think what you do is admirable. I also think you set too high expectations for yourself. Most of us are either skipping breakfast or just eating cold cereal. You COOK a homemade breakfast almost every day, even if it's "just" an egg sandwich or reheating burritos! Most of us just eat a sandwich or instant noodles for lunch and don't bother with sides unless we just happen to have chips or something. I personally save all my energy and creativity for dinner, you do this for every. Meal. Every day. And none of expect you to or will think less of you even if you did just completely crash and burn (you haven't though!). This is just the reality of our world right now. Food is just too dang expensive. You shouldn't have to do this, this shouldn't be an entire genre of YouTube videos. But it is and you are the best one out there. We love you, you are a treasure and a gem and we will always be here cheering you on.


Awww 🥺 made me tear up seeing you feel defeated. Grew up poor, and this is what it REALLY felt like on so many days. Some days were just defeated, trying to make things work, and i don't think I have EVER seen someone represent that so honestly. Things won't always be 100% how you want, there are always things you wish you did better. We sacrifice, we adapt. This has been so much bigger than an arbitrary end-goal. Love you girl, thank you thank you thank you!!!!


I would like to see you carry it out to 30 days. Dinner idea: baked potato with shredded pork chop and bbq sauce and cheese


You didn’t fail! Your goal was to feed yourself for $100! Even if you have repeat boring food, you were able to do just that! You have succeeded abundantly in my opinion! You have given people ideas for meals that they may not have thought of! You did this while providing fairly large portions as well as incorporating fruits and veggies! Even if you didn’t make it to 30 or 31 days doesn’t make this a failure. You are amazing! I want to see you finish and see how much you have left at day 29 or 30! I look forward to new videos from you every day!


Meat is actually supposed to be smaller portions than we realize, I think you balanced meat fantastically. I've often only done a potato as a meal, or only a salad as a meal. A snack is okay as a meal replacement, too. Your meals were not skimply and were well balanced, you didn't skip any meals.... That is not a fail.


I understand that from a content creator standpoint, to you, the meals may seem “boring” or “basic”, but to someone who is just trying to feed themselves everyday, you are making a huge difference and providing guidance!


This has probably been my favorite series of your’s. You did a fantastic job. I’ve enjoyed every video in this series. I do what you’re doing, make a meal, freeze a few individually and go back to them in a week or two. Rotating out of the freezer just makes sense so there’s no waste. Please don’t feel defeated. Sometimes a simple sandwich is a meal. You’re helping people feed themselves and their families on a tight budget. You’re a blessing.