I Failed My First Year In College But I'm A Doctor Now

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I wish my parents were as supportive as yours.


I'm really worried, I studied so hard but I still didn't do well this first semester. I'm really scared I Can't aspire to become a Physical Therapist or anything, thank you so much for this, thank you so much for sharing your experience


This is me in my first semester of pure and applied math. I want to become a math professor and love math, yet in my first semester of college I just wasn't well prepared. I expected it to be as easy as highschool, but I was very wrong. Moreover, I have the drive to succeed. I'm taking this first semester as a lesson learned. I can't study for exams a few days prior like I used to before. I just wish I knew that before I messed up, but honestly, this might be exactly what I need in order to be in the right track. I've never experienced the feeling of failing a class or going into an exam feeling like I'm not ready at all. I feel like crying, but I refuse to do because inside me I know I am better than what the letter grade will say of my transcript.


I failed at my first year too. I was depressed, missed my boyfriend, ended up breaking up with him. Around that time I was studying English Culture and Literature. I hated it. I hated the professors they were mean like all the time for no reason. Never helpful, just condescending. All my classes were in English, my English was good but not that advanced. This was a top university which I was studying with a full scholarship and low attendance was a deduction cause for your grades. I developed a huge social anxiety. For every class there was a presentation that you had to do. It was impossible for me to pass. Didn't leave my room for days, didn't shower for longer that I usually do. I pulled myself together after some point. I changed my major to American Culture and Literature, because if I didn't I thought I would lose my scholarship and no way my parents could afford the school without it. There wasn't really a soft cushion I could lend. My parents are pretty much feed, clothe and send them their way kind of people and very toxic. I started therapy. Thank God it was provided by school. I did better, had some better and some very nice professors. Graduated. You know what, I didn't grow a lot on this side, that I still partly hate my parents and I hate that school and some professors because they miss the point consistently. I have lots of ailments, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and now probably an auto immune disorder and I still have to pick up some pace through this(unemployment) and help myself. I hate it but I am going to try my best. (I have a great fear of science classes always did poorly on math and sciences. But ironically, the only A I got in university was a course called Physics for Poets. The teacher was the coolest guy. He had a speech impairment, very empathetic and nice.)


I can't tell you how encouraging this was as a Dyslexic student in college. Thank you! God bless you!


Your mum sounds so respectful and encouraging, something I never experienced so next time you see her tell her how special she really is. Congratulations.


Wow you've came such a long way! This channel is cool because it not only about ADHD from a doctors explanation and not just someone who has it but someone who is a doctor who actively works through it.


Your first semester wasn't dumb. It is two or three hard classes per semester. I did the mistake of being a full-time student with the wrong classes and I learn the lessons of why time manage and adapt to college back when I was young. Some professors or personal life can alter your grades; however, I likes the helpful professor. Some professors can be condescending or rude.


This is very encouraging thank you so much for sharing ❤❤❤


I can feel you tearing up talking about it. It makes me wanna cry. I get it, I really do. I’m currently in limbo, as a senior in biology. I’ve failed one too many courses and I’m applying for a mental health drop for one of the classes so I can stay in my major. I’m not sure if it’ll go through, but I’ve always wanted to get my doctorates, be an academic and I’m still hoping that I can be. Thanks for sharing your story. I’m glad things worked out for you ❤


Thanx for sharing!!!
This is sooo eye opening for those who are going through certain processes& symptoms & not knowing whyy. Ive completed 117 cr hrs undergrad due to overfocusing. I also desire to become a dr was told because im not good at math, math scores werent high enough. I had a professor tell me to get tested for learning disability---he saw me do the workbook & study guide, practice tests & still get a bad grade he said i shouldve scored higher!!!!
I know im smart just not the same way others display it!!!!


I felt that. Thank you, i needed to hear that <3


Thank you...I failed my second year completely:( I hope I will be granted the opportunity to continue and retake all the modules I failed


I failed at everything I ever tried in life. Adhd, traumatic brain injury, dysgraphia are my disabilities. I have never had anyone to help me in my life. I'm now about be on my 12th job in the 11 years I've been working. I just feel like throwing in the towel and going on disability at this point. Most people in society cannot and will not help you. Especially in the work place to accommodate you and be successful. At least that's been my experience.


Nah my experience has been so humbling!! As a CC student I did so well and maintained a very nice GPA. As soon as I started at university studying pre-med it had become so challenging out of nowhere! I’ve failed classes and haven’t made higher than a C in any of my core classes (besides Ochem) but did well in my elective classes🙄. I really don’t want to switch my major because it’s my dream to become a doctor. So now I’m doing a bunch of retakes and pushed my graduation back a year to rebuild my GPA and fix up my transcripts.


I had the same experience when I was a high-school senior getting ready to go te college. I was oriented in the medicine field but I had problems with my biology and chemistry teacher that did not supported me. In the same way they told me that I was not good in science and I will never be a good doctor. Their words demotivated me and I didn't go to medicine. As a result I started a software engineering degree. I also had a lot of struggles with math in high school, luckily the math professor there was very supportive and made me boost my confidence. Later on, I got only good grades in her subject. Thanks to her now I'm concerned that I can do good in sciences and also repent that I left medicine for others opinions.💕


I really needed to hear this. I have severe ADHD and so does my son. I decided to go back to college. I did great in summer semester and fall (even got a scholarship for outstanding adult student) but now in spring I have all the hard sciences and maths. I think I'll at least be retaking one of these classes and it hurts to see those around me doing well and not understanding what I am doing differently. I am trying so hard and still struggling. I hope that I soon can pick myself up and move forward. I want to do better and be proud of myself. I want to show my kids if you put your mind to it you can do it.


Damn this video is really motivating 😭 i am failing my classes and I am so demotivated right now but I really want to be a nurse so thank you for this motivating video ❤ 😭


That's just what is happening with me now, i can't do well in the simplest exam unlike everybody


I failed my first year of college too ! But I live in the beautiful country of france where if you fail your first year of medicine you cannot go to medical school anywhere in the country ever again yaaaay ( no I definitely don’t feel like dying )
