Narcissists and Poison

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Real story of poisoning and survival. The narcissist will stop at nothing to get what they want, including trying to murder you.
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I wish that you could talk about the symptoms of the poisoning at the beginning of your video.


These people are monsters. They injure you at the most delicate part of your body and then non chalantly say it was just an accident while they look at you experiencing the worst pain and complications of the injury they caused with no empathy at all ! Instead of empathy they show a facial expression of you being a nuisance because you are suffering from the painful injury their careless behavior caused !


My ex put poison in my sugar, coffee cream, ect. These narcs are demonic.


They love prescription drugs, they WILL spit in your drink, food, they identify with the villain in the movie, get away from them, a friend just recently got trapped into drinking and you know, pushed all her buttons, she went off and yep, she wound up in jail, with a record, before never had any record, I tried to say, stay away from this narc, but she got swayed into a Hoover. They like to get you inebriated and pump you for info, used against you later or make false allegations. Just run. Hugs to all.


Same thing happened to me. She convinced me I was gluten intolerant, then it was “Leaky Gut Syndrome”, I started noting when I’d get sick/what I had eaten and later realized it was always after I put my foot down or mentioned I would leave if she didn’t shape up.
After I got out I was back to cooking for myself. I was amazed to find I could “magically” eat anything I wanted and feel just fine.


I still don't know what me and my 5 children were poisoned with but it's led to heavy metal toxicity poisoning please pray for us we're only 7 months out healing our bodies is amazing because God gave us all the ingredients food is medicine and vengeance is his anyone who's never been through this never really understands stay strong


A lack of gratitude is a red flag often visible early in the relationship that can tip you off to RUN.


I am a victim of Arcnic Poisoning my self slowly every day in my pitcher of ice tea. Slow horrible death. Lost all my beautiful hair all my toe nails, lost taste, smell, severe fatigue . I'm 5'8" tall130lbs got down to 64 lbs. I went into total organ failure. Bed ridden for such a long time. Went almost totally blind, thought I was getting Altimers. No doctor would believe me kept telling me it was a part of aging. I ended up Dieing at home at the hands of my SADISTIC NARCISSIST husband. I saw the God of all the universe and Heaven. He let me come back to try to tell authorities. He's not in jail to do this again. My husband did all this for my Inheritance when my wealthy father died and left me well off. It does happen and they do get away it...


WOW this has really opened my eyes to a number of similar thing sthat have happened in my family, especially from my mother and sister. Not being sexist but in my family all the females are Narcissists, Aunties, Cousins, Sisters & Grandmother. These videos are so important to wake us up to what evil has been done to us and others. Sounds naive but i always had this trust in family that everything they did was of benefit to me and was of good nature.... Hard to beleive this sort of eveil exists outside of movies or mythical tales.


Yep…poison…didn’t work…left them speechless

You NEVER mess with a ⭐️ seed


My late husband died 'at the hands' of someone he considered his best friend - and it was by poisoning in food and beverages. He also 'poisoned' him mentally with mind games! Jealousy was a 'motive' fueled by vindictiveness. The Narcopath's wife was also involved' I REALLY want to expose them and have legal consequences.


Thanks for bringing out how dangerous narcisists are, I met my narcisist husband when I was seventeen years old, married at twenty two and had two children by age twenty five, I had my third child with him when I was thirty two years old, by then I was pretty much financially dependent upon him. I humoured him, tried to facilitate every aspect of his life, tried keeping home, children and him cared for on a day to day while being the focus of pure hatred by him. I started to become ill, very ill, very bad for periods of time, hospitalised at one time for ten days for what I could only describe as classic poisoning symptoms. I had less severe bouts afterward but I never suspected him. his mask was perfect, he appeared more content when I was most ill.
At some later time he proceeded to poison my house plants, then my garden plants, he loved my distress so much that I began realizing what was happening, I was poisoned many more times, unexplained vomiting, extreme sickness, diziness, brutal headaches. Eventually I knew what was happening. He poisoned my dog, thankfully she survived. After forty years of marriage I finally escaped.
He is pursueing a legal separation whereby he will try to paint himself a victim.
Since I am away from his radar, I certainly suffer from post traumatic stress, but I will recover, I suffer terrible fear of people who exhibit manipulation and bullying behavours, I seem to recognise these traits instantly in other people.
I never again want to see him, I never want to lay eyes on him.
I remained far too long with a monster. I met him at seventeen and left him at sixty three years old.
Learn what you are living with, if there is control or manipulation at any level in a relationship, abuse in any form get out as fast as you can no matter what their sweet talk BS is.
They hate you and they will always hate you no matter how good you are to them.


It's true. My malignant narcissist "mother" tricked and poisoned me (the scapegoat) with sulfurized dried fruits. I am allergic to sulfites and have bowel disease so it caused me to bleed in my gut and get really ill for months, now years, exacerbated by discrimination/no help, as I am a foreigner in a right-wing country. I nearly died and am now recovering and trying to rebuild my life. Huge smear campaigns and gaslighting - "You did it to yourself" etc. - now trying to hoover me back in, Of course no acknowledgement or apology. I have no contact with my mother or siblings, who are also part of the dysfunctional family system: golden child, flying monkey etc.


Thanks for this Tyr. I know it can't be easy reliving it. What caused me to relive it was a tv program I saw the other day on a crime network where a psychopath narcissist was poisoning her husband gradually over several years with the intent of causing cancer. The narc was eventually caught and prosecuted after the husband had become suspicious of the chemical taste in his food and drinks. He had setup hidden cameras in the kitchen which showed the narc putting Drano in his food and drinks. Unbelievable.


My mother did this to me, and unfortunately this was the start of a whole bunch of stuff about me being "mentally ill". I was never able to get any help at all, other than a blood test for arsenic in my urine nearly 2 weeks after (I still felt sick). It was present, but the doctor said maybe you ate some bad fish. 😡 Much easier to call me a lunatic and blame it all on me. My mother is a "nice" conservative Daily Mail reading woman, whereas I'm a hippy. Very easy to hang that tag on me.


Loved your detailed openness, Tyr. And I'm glad it was a long one. When people have no moral compass, they can be cut throat.
It's sad cops can't/won't get involved til it's too late for the victim. Apparently the narcs know it. I've watched several narcs take on the action and thinking of what they picked up from TV soap operas & movies. This is a VERY SICK existence we're living in.


What society needs more than anything else right now is that everyone be screaming for these kinds of mental disorders and removed from society.


I remember a female oncologist in our area was accused of poisoning her husband and also months later set her house on fire, with her kids inside.


1:44 - This is pretty much their greatest fear, the death of themselves.
They don't value anything but their fake perfect self, and death is something not even their fake perfect self can shield from their feelings of terror.
So there is no relief knowing when they're gone, others live on or that life goes on. There's no one else they care about. They deeply hate everyone, even their Flying Monkeys for not taking their place for them, so that they can escape death itself!
There's a reason why some of the most evil people to ever live demanded that everyone is to be buried alive and die with them. Human Funeral Sacrifice.
Gotta keep the dead narc some company in the afterlife!


Thank you for touching this subject! You are the only one who talks about this topic, but I'm sure there are plenty of us who have been poisoned and tried to get murdered by a narcissist.

10 years ago I worked for a very evil psychopathic woman. This is when I started to feel sick. I was a strong and beautiful athlete at that time and after working in that woman's office, I could barely walk, I lost almost half of my weight and doctors still couldn't find the cause. I strongly believe now that she has poisoned me.

10 years down the line, I still struggle with digestive problems, so I go in for a colonoscopy and it turns out the doctor who performed it is a narcissistic dude who was jealous that I didn't choose him as my main practitioner and as a revenge he performs a botched colonoscopy on me, perforating my colon and bringing me on the edge of death.

So, people narcissistic abuse is real. Narcissists are evil and vengeful and they will go miles to hurt you, even if that means to kill you for such an insignificant reason as not attending their practice any more 🤦‍♀️.
