Ravello - Amalfi Coast - Beautiful Italian Village walking tour - Villa Cimbrone Gardens - Italy 4K

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A beautiful Italian village walking tour in Ravello, Italy. This mountain top village known as the 'City of Music' sits 365 meters above sea level on the Amalfi Coast. Visit Ravello and enjoy the sounds of village life. Wander the Villa Cimbrone Gardens with us, and be inspired, by the stunning views from the Terrace of Infinity. Many a soul has found tranquility here, spiritual monks to famous celebrities. A calming peace can be enjoyed, far from the bustle of the many tourist resorts along the coastline below.

Filmed in high quality 4K with immersive binaural audio, our videos can transport you somewhere new and help you to feel relaxed. Turn on optional [CC] captions for additional information. We recommend wearing 🎧 headphones to listen to the relaxing sounds of nature or the fascinating hustle or bustle of life.

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Chapter Markers
0:00:00 - Ravello Tourist Guide
0:01:06 - Ravello Amalfi Coast Walking Tour
0:02:03 - Piazza Duomo
0:05:00 - Giardini Calce Luxury Rooms Ravello
0:06:39 - Duomo di Ravello
0:08:37 - Walking route Amalfi and Minori
0:11:54 - Annunziata Historic Building Ravello
0:17:23 - Viale Richard Wagner
0:22:40 - Giardini Principessa di Piemonte Ravello
0:26:12 - Palazzo Avino 5 Star Hotel
0:28:47 - Comune di Ravello
0:30:52 - Hotel Villa Fraulo Ravello
0:39:37 - Hotel Rufolo Ravello
0:42:41 - Chiesa S.Francesco
0:47:25 - La Bottega di Villa Maria
0:48:28 - Hotel Villa Maria Giordano - Villa Eva
0:49:20 - Via Santa Chiara
0:51:15 - Monastero Di S. Chiara
0:53:08 - Villa Cimbrone
0:55:24 - Villa Cimbrone and Gardens
0:56:58 - The Cloister Villa Cimbrone Gardens
1:02:03 - Tea Room Villa Cimbrone Gardens
1:02:59 - The Avenue of Immensity
1:06:19 - Statua di Ceres (Statue of Ceres)
1:06:54 - Terrazza dell’Infinito (Terrace of Infinity)
1:09:08 - Belvedere Gallery Ravello
1:15:49 - Terrazza delle Rose (Rose Terrace)
1:23:07 - Poggia di Mercurio (Crest of Mercury)
1:25:32 - Temple of Bacchus, Villa Cimbrone
1:30:31 - Grotta di Eva
1:32:23 - Statua di David Donatello
1:32:57 - Hortensia Avenue Cimbrone Gardens
1:51:45 - Duomo di Ravello Interior
1:57:34 - Villa Rufolo home to “Wagner Festival”
1:58:44 - Ravello Walking Tour Outro

About Us -

We are Michelle and Charlie and after experiencing life changing injuries, permanent and severe chronic pain and depression, we took a 'leap of faith' and now travel, creating beautiful videos for curious explorers to help inspire, inform and entertain our followers. Join us on our walks and road trips, let's explore the world together.

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*All of the audio-video material on this channel is copyright protected. No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Walking Tours and Road Trips. We will not remove a copyright strike once it has been issued.

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Рекомендации по теме

Какая удивительная страна Италия, сколько красот в ней собрано, путешествовать и путешествовать, смотреть, вдохновляться её красотами. Спасибо за прекрасную прогулку.


Every time I watch this fascinating video I see more. Superb videos looking forward to the next one


сопровождающее прогулку пение местных птиц + ландшафтно - архитектурные красоты = высший релакс !!! Большое спасибо !!!


19.11.2023.First class, beautiful and wonderful..Thank you.


Благодарю за прекрасную экскурсию по Амальфитанскому побережью .Невероятные уникальные сказочные места.Там живут счастливые люди.👋👍💝


hi dear thanks for the gift of amazing video, oh it really brings back memories of amalfi coast when i first played need for speed hot pursuit 2 i was in 6 class now im 32 have traveled many countries, there i first herd this word amlfi coast while plying the game now i know where it is, o i love Italy the cuisine, the rods m, the history, just beautiful and u are also beautiful who uploads good stuff, be blessed.


❤Прекрасное итальянское утро
ВдохновенЬе, сонастройка с благоприятными обновлениями в моей жизни 💖🤗

Завтрак, Италия, звуки пробуждающегося города ...


Very nice filming. I visited Ravello last year, in August. Wonderful.


Realmente a Itália é mesmo muito linda, aliás a Europa toda, e este nosso Planeta, um verdadeiro espetáculo da NATUREZA !!!!




The very best of virtual reality. It is like being there in every step. The natural sounds draws one into the moment. Meditative experience. Thank you, again!


So utterly beautiful, your channel is spectacular❤


Благодать, красота, хочется бесконечно гулять столько зелени, море, горы, тепло, супер, спасибо❤❤❤


Um belíssimo passeio por esses jardins típicos e históricos da Itália é que tornam a qualidade deste vídeo, ainda mais especial


A fairy tail!!❤🎶🌈🧚🧚💕I had been here with my husband about 25 years ago! I was sooo touched!!Ah, , , Villa Cibrone!! ❤ But you did walk me into tiny paths and spots, I had not visited then! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!❤


No wonder this piece of Eden was the last haven for Romans, following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. A uniquely sublime place, with a diving setting, far away from all the chaos of the Germanic barbarians.


حقيقة اكون سعيد الحظ جدآ عندما اشاهد هذه اللقطات والفيديوهات الرائعة والمميزه لبعض البلدان الذي احبها واهتم بمشاهدتها ومتابعتها وشكرآ لكم 🤎🧸🗼🍇


Какая красивая музыка!Можно слушать целый день в любое время, при выполнении повседневных дел, на душе становится радостно, спасибо большое!Дай Бог вам всем здоровья!


이 곳이야말로 진정한 천국이 아닌가요? 풍경이 너무도 아름답습니다. 이탈리아를 꼭 방문하고 싶은 충동이 생깁니다! 🎉🎉🎉💚💛🧡💜💙💖👍👍👍


Mon plus beau souvenir de la Côte Amalfitaine. Ravello (et Anacapri au sommet de Capri )Calme, luxuriant, des fleurs, des petits hôtels charmants et de qualité, la brise du soir, l’architecture simple et grandiose, la mer toujours à portée de vue, les concerts de musique, les vieux repères d’artistes et de musiciens d’un autre siècle et des restaurants de grande qualité. Des gens accueillants. 🙏🇨🇦❤
