Mastering Authentication: React, Node, MongoDB | Login, Signup, Forgot Password, Protected Routes
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Mastering Authentication: React, Node, MongoDB | Login, Signup, Logout, Forgot Password and Protected Routes. React + Node + MongoDB: Complete "Authentication" and "Protected Routes". First we will implement "React-Router-Dom" for Routing then we will implement Registration page design and MongoDB configuration with User Model and API with bcrypt for password hashing. After signup we will start coding for Login to design it and write API endpoint with jsonwebtoken implementation to generate a token and store it in cookies for sign in. Moreover we will implement "Forgot and Reset Password" with Nodemailer to send email to user for Resetting password. Finally we will write code for Protected Routes and "Logout" functionality.
Login and Signup in React and Node.
Login and Registration using React JS.
MERN Stack Authentication and Protected Routes.
Login and Signup in React and Node.
Login and Registration using React JS.
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