Nature or Nurture - Are People Born Gay?

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The differing sexual orientation of identical twins is an opportunity to investigate one of science’s most controversial questions, are people born gay?

Two brothers are identical twins, they were raised together, and as they grew up they remained physically similar, but their tastes and interests began to diverge. One became interested in dance and academia, while the other preferred sports. The most surprising difference between the brothers is that one is gay. They were raised by the same parents in the same household, sharing the same environment at a crucial time in their personal development.

In the general population the chance of someone being gay is less than 5%, unless you have a gay twin, here the chances are much higher. If you’re fraternal sharing half your genes, there’s nearly a 25% chance that you will also be gay. If you’re identical sharing all your genes, there’s roughly a 50% chance that you will also be gay. This suggests that there must be some genetic component to our sexuality. However, it can’t be all down to genes, otherwise all identicals would be either both be gay, or both straight. Some other factor must be at play.

In their first few weeks all foetuses develop along similar lines, if nothing changed we would all be born female. Foetuses with the male Y chromosome will form testes at about week 6, then begin to produce the hormone testosterone, but at about the 8th week testosterone is released and may affect early brain development. This hormone masculinises the body, testosterone also masculinises the brain, including a part called the hypothalamus, part of the network which controls who we find sexually attractive. Some scientists believe that the more the hypothalamus is exposed to testosterone, the more it sets the stage for a sexual inclination towards women.

Occasionally a male fetus may not produce sufficient testosterone or its brain does not absorb enough to shape it along heterosexual lines, if this theory is right , then it may be that the gay brother absorbed enough testosterone to masculinise his body, but not enough to fully differentiate his brain. As a result he was left with a desire for men.

Although there are still many mysteries twins like these are playing a crucial role in informing scientists about how and when we all develop our sexuality

Clip from the documentary “In the Womb: Identical Twins”.

After the success of In the Womb, which followed the development of a single foetus from conception to birth, comes In the Womb Multiples. This film series opens up the incredible foetal world of twins, triplets and quads in the womb. Using revolutionary 4D scans, we witness unique footage of multiple foetuses interacting with each other before birth. Multiples tells us not only about the extremes of human reproduction but the limits of human design.
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be ready for the comments.
let the war begin.


absolutely nothing was proven in this video.


So, gay, straight. It don't matter, you are who you are, the end.


theres only one dislike I must be early


Everyone saying that this doesn't matter are stupid. We need to understand our world and the people in it. We need to understand why people are like they are. Ignorance is what gives birth to hate.
On another matter this sounds like a good theory but it seems very different from the ones i heard before. Plus it does not explain the homosexuality in women.


Even if it isn't exactly decided at birth it's still out of our control really. I never actively thought about who I wanted to be attracted to. It just happened.


shit why is everyone so salty in the comment section. chill


How will this explain lesbian? Is it such testosterone was absorb by the brain but not but the body?


I'm Gay, But I have the most testosterone in my family
+ I'm from a religious family so I grew in a environment against Gay, But I still ended up to be gay, I wished I never was Gay, And I can't even tell my family Cuz I know They won't support


Im waiting for war in the comment section


Also, being gay does not mean your not masculine like just wow


So essentially watching this video and researching anything else about this subject is almost pointless. The best answers we have are just speculation as there are far too many holes in our understanding on this subject.


For all the people who are saying that it's not possible to be born gay... You wouldn't know unless you were in our shoes. Please don't speak on something you don't know. Just because you weren't born gay doesn't give you the right to speak over every single male in the universe that is. Some people were born gay and some weren't. Maybe someone you know acquired that trait but I know for sure that trait wasn't acquired for me. I didn't ask to be this way. I'm also very positive that i was never molested or anything in that manner that could've influenced me to be this way. My advice would be to Speak What You Know, Not What You Think!


Who cares? If you want to ride the chocolate starfish, that's your business


Homosexuality is an adaptation not an inborn trait


this is coming from a catholic. For all you ultra christians who say god chooses what your going to be and plans out your life. That means he chose for you to be gay and he wanted it for a reason. Hopefully good


I'm a very feminine lesbian who is attracted to other feminine lesbians. I was growing up in the 80s and 90s (I'm 36) when being gay wasn't talked about and if it was, the comments were always negative and disparaging. Human sexuality is very complex and I know that it isn't 100% about genetics. What I CAN say for me and for the gay people I know, I knew very early on and it wasn't a choice and it was not something I had the power to change. It's not a behavior or "lifestyle choice" like being vegan or gambling. It is deeper and more ingrained than that. It permeates who I am but it doesn't define who I am. I'm a person who just happens to be gay and it was no more a choice for me than my eye color.


Absolutely 💯 Beings homosexual isn't a choice


In my personal opinion I think this is a great video. I'm straight and I didnt choose to be straight. Same with a gay person. Gay people dont choose their sexuality. In the end though we all want to feel loved


Wow, all these comments saying that you can’t be born gay when they’re literally commenting on a video that proves that people are born gay
