Behavioral Theory - Nature vs Nurture Personality?

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--- Invest in yourself ---

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*Our environment shapes much of our personality and who we are. We do have a will but it has to operate within the limitations of our environmental influences. To make a lasting change, start from the "outside"!*


Great video Theodore. Learning how psychology works in this way is actually great for teaching people in achieiving specific results based on individual personality traits.


I still don't understand how performing BDSM is pleasurable...


I liked this video and the examples, definitions, and visuals that helped make it better to understand.

But I do think it would be better to slow it down a bit to pace out the information well. It’s good to give some quick information but it can be hard to learn at times when people trying to graph the material down at a quick pace.


Just found your channel. You make it all easy to understand and digest! Great job!


Nature - *SUBCONSCIOUS* and innate - stronger part
Nurture - *LEARNED* and adapted - weaker part
Example, even though society tells that men should be emotional and tender (nurture), it feels very off-putting and wrong for many (nature)


I just wanted to let you know that i love your videos. i am taking classes and the class i am taking right now is on psychology this lesson is on the psychology of the personality. i have alot of trouble learning and focusing but your videos made it so easy to focus and learn everything i needed to know. thank you and please make more video on all different kinds of stuff becuase you make it so easy to learn. you should do social studies and science and math videos i would watch them all. thank you for you video they are great.


Listen, this is going to sound bad. But nothing is ever out fault. It is the result of events we have all gone through, and how we were born.


You can’t separate nature and nurture. Different genetic variants are expressed differently depending on the environment. They are intertwined.


@practical psychology I'm between Humanistic theory and Behavioral Theory as far as my favorite perspective on personality goes. I think I have ruled out Sigmund Freud, as great and insightful as so much of his work is, I just see to many errors. etc. though I do agree with the part where 10 percent is conscious, 90 percent is tucked away ego, super ego, id, etc. Humanistic Psychology uses positive psychology and is so future oriented that I can for-see true "healing" potential utilizing this view of optimism, exercising, heart healthy activity etc leading to a very satisfying life. Behavioral theory is also very interesting, as it uses associated ques and pairings of stimuli to alter and steer behavior, it's probably the most tangible as far as seeing results go. My list then goes 1.) Humanistic theory of personality and 2.) Behavioral theory of personality. However I can hardly like 1.) more than 2.). So, I'll take them both!! Thanks for the video superb job


Daily habits: why you do it? reguard or punishment. They reflex who you are overall as a person or reflex your values and patters of thoughts over the years. What your commitment to this valuos say about you personality


I just wanna know how can i use this information to improve myself like I can't give me a punishment by myself when i chew nails its something that others a meant to do and i don't have anyone to do this for me


Where to get more formal lessons of psychology and philosophy while im still in high school? Only looking for introduction type of content. The channel is a nice start but I'd like a more firm starting point.


It’s environment that shapes our thoughts and personalities, it’s internal and external environment so the argument against behaviorism is really a misunderstanding


But he didn't analyse or explain enough nature? Or I thought nature vs nurture was smth different.

I'm confused...


Thank god this video was made, the myers ap psych book doesn't really explain it very well in my opinion. The definition is very vague also


This is hard for me to understand but nice


i need the script of the video. how can I get it?


Wow way to over-explain basic psychiatry "psychological behavior building"
I took a very layered and much deeper in detail Psychology course at the University of Washington. the curriculum of some 28 sections, 12 sub-sections
Had a part covering it. It was by far the shortest by I'd say only 25% opposed to other topics in the course language.

Because it comes down to generalist human behavior.
To say we become accustomed to experience associated to predict future handling is short minded.

Often you get disappointed because the prediction model is never able to extract every defining characteristic that decisions are made and shaped. People evolve and so do their behavior patterns.

Why would a serial killer spend weeks-months-years hunting/killing then suddenly stop? Some never resume, some begin again but change method, some stay true to form.

Too many variables not enough true factually correct data. You are trying to be read through a person who mixes facts about their methods, mixing embellishments with fact etc.

But cool way to sound interesting but lacking sorely in actual behavior modeling


I think what it describe like the John B Watson experiment on the little Albert is true. For example, the police wear navy blue dressing and put on a cap. Whenever, I see someone wearing a navy blue color dress or a jockey cap whenever I have committed a mischievous acts, I became very frightened whenever later on someone wearing similar navy blue color shirt or jockey cap appears. I became reinforced and my behavior learned, just like the little boy Albert was conditioned to frightened the rats and generalized to fear all furry objects. 👮🛶🦥👂👨‍🦲😶‍🌫️🐼🐰
