The Great Silence

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imagine during those three minutes some alien was off taking a piss and missed the signal


Imagine getting a transmission from space only to decode it as the universal S.


Imagine the day we receive a transmission. And that transmission says: don’t be so loud. They’re looking for you.


The part that upsets me most about the search for extra-terrestrial life is that... well... what do we do with the discovery of life in the stars? Other than confirm that the universe is, even slightly, hospitable, that is. At an absolute minimum, it'd take about 20 years just for two-way communication to occur, and that amount of time will only go up. We will never be able to truly learn about each other, befriend each other, compare our experiences and existences against each other. I would say that proving we aren't alone in the universe will only exasperate the feeling of cosmic loneliness, because there's life *RIGHT THERE* and we will never be able to shake hands. Life in the universe isn't so much terrifying as it is depressing and nihilistic. The search should continue without a doubt, but only to answer our own questions.


The theory i find most plausible is that we are the first intelligent life form. The universe is "only" 14 billion years old, and seeing that life on earth took more than 4 billion years to evolve, it seems likely that life is young and we are the ancient civilisation.


There is also the terrifying thought of the dark forest theory. The universe is a dark forest, if it is a dark forest then earth is the only one foolish enough to announce it's presence. For everyone else knows to stay silent.


"Briefly screaming in random directions" is my new favourite way of explaining how we're looking for aliens


Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying
-Arthur C. Clarke


When you realise humankind isn't even on the Kardashev Scale. . .it'll be a long time till we reach Type 1 civilisation.


I love the epmty sounding heart beat from the signal at the end.
It sounds so empty yet full of discovery at the same time, but it also gives you the fear of that it just stops or that it changes both would be terrifing


i just love that earth is basically reacting like people in horror-movies that yell "hello? is anybody there" in the dark


We are like a sailors on a boat floating in an infinite ocean, throwing bottles into the water and hoping someone will find them and send one back.


Me first finding this channel with this video:
"how is lemmino pronounced?"
"Just lemmino!"


It doesn't make sense to me that there is a universe this big if we are alone in it.


LEMMiNO: there are no signs of a galactic empire.

Rebels: you're welcome.


"If fish don't need air to breathe then they can survive in space right?" -Some dude at a Speedway gas station


My favourite explination to the fermi paradox is the reef analogy (thats not it's official name I just call it that).
If you were to go scuba diving in a coral reef, you would expect to be surrounded by fish, but there are some patches in reefs where if you were to jump in, you would see none. The only reason that would happen is due to the area being too dangerous for creatures to live there. Now of course it could be that maybe the water is too salty for the fish to survive, or maybe there is a strong current that would throw them into deeper waters. However, the much more scary alternative is that an apex predator lives in that area, and the reason there are no fish is because they have learnt to stay out of sight, lest they be destroyed. Because you are new to the environment, there is no way for you to know what the fish know, and your only hope is that apex predator doesn't enjoy the taste of human meat.
What if the reason we cannot detect any life is because we are the inexperienced newcomers in a reef full of unseen fish. What if there is someone or something out there that enjoys gobbling up little up-and-coming civilisations foolish enough to alert them to it's presence. What if, as we gleefully poke and prod at each of the millions of crevices among the coral, the thousands of fish hidden just out of view silently scream at us to shut up before a shark out there somewhere in the briny deep picks up our scent.


The most sound, sobering and upsetting answer to the Fermi Paradox is that, yes, civilizations are common enough.

But they're all entombed on their home worlds, just as we will be. There is no such thing as intergalactic travel or communication, and that's why there's no evidence of it. Everyone kills themselves or is killed by cosmic disaster (like an asteroid impact) well before they can ever do the kind of science & engineering necessary for intergalactic communications or travel.


With Lemmino It's : Quality Over Quantity <3


came back after watching his 370 plane video. Sometimes one can wonder, we have radar build to find something beyond earth yet we can't find MH370
