The Importance of Ancient Indian History FULL CHAPTER | RS Sharma Chapter 1 | UPSC Preparation ⚡

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Unlock the gateway to India's past with RS Sharma's Chapter 1, 'The Importance of Ancient Indian History,' a vital resource for UPSC Preparation. Delve into the historical foundations that lay the groundwork for a nuanced understanding of ancient India. This comprehensive chapter is a must-watch for UPSC aspirants seeking key insights into the significance and relevance of ancient Indian history

🌐 UPSC Foundation Batches:

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0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - Beginning of TOPIC
3:40 - Development of Ancient Culture
6:45 - Unity in Diversity: Different Races
12:25 - Unity in Diversity: Religions
13:15 - Unity in Diversity: Unity
14:38 - Unity in Diversity: Unity: Chakravartin
16:30 - Unity in Diversity: Unity: Sindhu
17:37 - Unity in Diversity: Unity: Language
20:02 - Unity in Diversity: Unity: Social System
21:20 - Relevance of Past to the Present
22:55 - Relevance of Past to the Present: Caste System
24:50 - Relevance of Past to the Present: Women Subordination
25:18 - Relevance of Past to the Present: Religious Sectarianism

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Please continue this don't break this series 🙏, , 📿🚩


The study of ancient history helps us to understand:
1.Development of various cultures
2.religious and political systems
3.the complex and diverse contemporary society and culture of India
4.religious tradition and origin of hinduism, jannism, Buddhism
5.various linguistic and cultural unity


Relevance of ancient India in contemporary’s era :
1. connects us with our earliest culture and our origin
2. Highlights the evolution from ancient agricultural and settlement society to modern day India
3. Highlights Indian ‘unity in diversity’ in terms of social system, culture, language, political system etc.
4. brings out the evils of Indian society which exist even now
1. Women subordination
2. Caste system
3. Social discrimination
5. With a comprehensive understanding and study of ancient India in both positive and negative light, one can find learnings and solutions to our contemporary social and political issues .


Ancient Indian history holds significant importance for several reasons:

1. Learning from Past Mistakes: Understanding our ancient history helps us recognize and avoid past mistakes that led to substantial setbacks. For instance, extremist mindsets, the rigid caste system, subordination of women, and religious sectarianism were some of the issues that hindered our progress. By studying these, we can work towards a more inclusive and harmonious society.

2. Understanding and Strengthening Our Roots: Knowledge of our roots is essential to strengthen and support our heritage. This awareness empowers us to challenge foreign influences not only on battlefields but also through fields like knowledge, diversity, and unity. By embracing these areas, we can present a more resilient front against any challenges to our cultural identity.


The study of ancient history help us to understand many things:
1.Development of society and agricultural
2. Development of culture
3. Understand the political and economic system of society
4. Origin of caste and varna system
5. Ancient history also help us to understand unity in diversity.

Thank you so much sir for this amazing lecture 🙏🙏🙏


U r legend as some of people are there who doesn't afford it and u have started an initiative.Hatts off to you


3 things required to clear UPSC
1. Ncert then standard books
2. Revision
3. Consistency (patience) 😊😊❤❤


The ancient history helps us to understand our how we have changed from the millue into the present .
it helps us to understand how our culture, language, religion, socio political and economic worked and how it has enriched our present structure of modern civilsation.


First sensible history teacher I hv seen on YouTube so far…. He clearly mentioned he cn make mistakes while commenting on religion.


The Ancient Indian history tells us about various things such as early livelihood how people of IVC were so well planned but there were no discovery of iron but later in later vedic period when iron was discovered people make plough and cut trees in regon of Ganga and settled there it was Magadh Kingdom .
Various religions has settled in India and intermingled with each other. We learn different cultures, trediation, pottery, etc from various religions i.e different nethenic groups contribute to make of Indian culture.
Also modern languages in India have roots in ancient times and have evolved over the ages.
This is how aur ancient Indian history is connected to contemporary India.


Your suggestion about mind map technique is so good. Thank you.


India is known in the world for its diverse nature of culture, religion, language and tradition which is due to invaders, traveller, conquers and missionaries .They promote their religious belief and culture without any restrictions .

1. Ancient history provide us knowledge about most developed civilization of Indus Valley at that time because of extensive agriculture, textile, trade etc.
2. Susruta is known as " Father of surgery " and charak sahita provide us ayurvedic knowledge to improve our life .
3.Lesson of health in form of YOGA by pantanjali provide us a great place in world " vashudheva kutumbakam" .

Way forward
Instead of such great ancient history our country faces a lot of inequalities ....
1. Gender inequality as mention in 5th goal out of 17 SDGs indicate that India still facing it that we have to tackle up to 2030 .
2.caste system leads to practice of untouchability in society that has been abolished under Article 17 of Indian constitution.


Sir aap likh likh ke parate hai....
Bht acha lgta h parne me
Aisa lgta apke samne par rhe
Thank you sir


Ancient India gives us an idea about
- how, when and where the earliest culture developed
-about agriculture settlement
-about discovery of resources for livelihood
- development of village, cities and kingdoms
Many races and tribes intermingled in early India. Indian culture has been the origin of cultural elements from the north and south, and from the east and west. Ancient India also saw the birth of Brahmanism or Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, but all these cultures and religions intermingled and interacted. That proves unity in diversity but there was also an unusual type of social system which developed in India. The relevance of the past ancient Indian history to the present is shown. The study of ancient Indian history is important to understand the true nature of the past and also to understand the nature of the obstacles that became a pillar for India’s progress as a nation.


Knowledge of past is relevant in contemporary world because-
1. It tells to avoid those mistakes we have done in our past.
2. It tells human capabilty to achieve the most difficult things. Ex- how humans invent the wheel which was incredible at that time.
3. Evolution and moderinasation in agriculture.
4. Political and social structure of society.
5. To understand the science deeply which they used to secure themselves from animals


The study of ancient history help us to understand the following concepts:
1.Evaluation of human beings from homo sapiens to homo erectus
2. Nomadic life style to settled life
3.Improvement of knowledge through various stages(Brahminism, Jainism and Buddhism)
4.The social discrimination
5.Different types of cultures evolved during the ancient india.
6. Evaluation of modernisation in life (clothes, foods, occupations etc)
7.Different forms of arts.
8. Economic life
9. Administration of society


Sir I am following you in your both series ancient and modern. You are very amazing...🙌🙌 .I wanted to make request that I want to study medieval history also from you. It would be great if you also start that series. THANK YO SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS. IT MEANS A LOT FOR US.


Sir your teaching style is outstanding please continue this series


Sir please make seperate videos of all the previous year questions of all the subjects.

It will be soo much helpful for all the aspirants to know how much they prepared.
