ENFP vs INFP Differences

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If you’re new to Geek Psychology, my name is Matt Sherman. People call me Sherman. I'm a personality type expert, life coach, hypnotist, author, podcaster, and course creator. I help mainly INFPs embrace their unique strengths and navigate life's challenges. Through practical strategies and deep insights, I aim to help people like you live a more fulfilling and authentic live where you can wake up and feel good about who you are and your impact on the world. INFP vs ENFP! How are they similar? Lots of reasons! How are they different? It really comes down to where the person spends most of their time and which "voice" (aka cognitive function) speaks the loudest.

ENFPs use extraverted iNtuition (Ne) as their dominant function - their loudest speaking voice, if MBTI was like an RPG it'd be their hero in a 4-member questing party. The supplement that with introverted Feeling (Fi) to help them make decisions. But there's a back-and-forth pull between Fi and Te (extraverted Thinking) which keeps them from slowing down to check in with their "conscience" (that's what I like to call introverted Feeling).

INFPs are flippy-flopped and use introverted Feeling (Fi) as their dominant function. The supplement that with extraverted iNtuition (Ne )to help them perceive and learn more about the world. But there's a back-and-forth pull between Ne and Si (introverted Sensing) which keeps them from challenging themselves.

This video also talks about the brain states that extraverted iNtuition and introverted Feeling use.

Hope it helps!

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All I do is think about pyschology. I think im straight up addicted to analytical psychology.


Must be an INFP but a pretty social one


I’m an ENFP but through failures and difficult life events I became an INFP. I didn’t realize my nature was extroverted and had to work my way back to finding myself as my inner child. Learning about ENFP and Enneagram 4 has helped so much because it describes that push and pull I’ve felt for much of my life. Thank you for these educational videos.


I agree with a lot of people on here ENFP here - total ambivert! People say Michael Scott would be ENFP and I just think NO WAY! I wouldn’t say an ENFP is hyper but our brains are hyper with ideas and constant thinking. We need that me time to focus or relax all that activity. I often have people come to me as their listener friend as well. Sometimes it helps with my hyper brain to forget about me and just think of what they’re saying to me while other times it’s extra stress because I already have enough on my plate!


Oh yes, this is exactly what I do when talking with someone I know (especially with Es) - sit back, smile, nod and do the "uhuh" and ask questions encouraging the conversation at appropriate moments. Whenever I go into "listener mode" with the Es I'm friends with, they tend to talk about their dreams, becoming really excited and lighting up like a Christmas tree. It's so amazing to just sit here and bask in all this light and happiness. Is I know, on the other hand, usually talk about their worries and struggles. Which is fine too. My brain is wired to enjoy meaningful "big talk" of any kind.


I feel like i bounce between infp and ENFp depending on if I’m depressed or not and if I’m around people that I’m comfortable with.


INFP, I'd say I'm personally both highly introspective and incredibly hyper. Still definitely more introverted and shy despite my energy


HAHAhAA... I'm the crazy INFP that names the trees around me, as well as the forest animals! thank you for making me laugh so hard!


I’m an INFP it’s weird seeing ppl talk about people that are pretty much me lol. But I think drunk me gets to an ENFP point. Sober me wants to be an enfp more, I used to think I was more fun drunk. People are so kind though, my friends have told me they like both sides of me and it touches my heart for some reason. I always want to hug everyone in the room and only drunk me has done that before, lol. Also I’m drunk, I want to talk to people. I’ve had nights where I’m drunk and I start calling everyone in my contacts in alphabetical order. I’ll talk to whoever picks up, it’s so fun. I want to say hello to everyone that I see, such special people walking around you everywhere you look. I love everyone.


Great video! Enfps are also more prone to take risks and try new things I think. I wish I had this courage and energy! In the other hand, I see the Infps as more loyal and kind. Infp here (but not 100% sure). Haha


Compared to some people in the comments I was the exact opposite as a kid, I was very shy and only really outgoing/loud around people I knew well, which is still kinda true. I'm trying to work through my social anxiety now. I could be hyper at times but was mostly pretty laid back, as I am today. Watching this though, I definitely relate more to the ENFP.


Nice! I was confused between myself being an ENFP or an INFP. NFP is me for sure.... but couldn't decide between E or I. But your video cleared it up for me! I am definitely INFP.
I love having extraverted moments and campaigning people to my causes or firing off crazy ideas, but I'm not energetic or crazy about it usually. It's pretty rare to get me in that state.


Cognitive extroversion is not the same as social extroversion.

A person can be a socially introverted, cognitive extrovert, an Ne-Fi, ENFP.


I like your description of the Enfp brain state, the holistic pinging lights going off at the same time. I read an article saying that an Ne doms brain looks a lot like a Christmas tree! We might be talking about the same source 😊


Great video! I'm an enfp, and my older brother is an infp. We've always been really similar and got along great. He's always been super mature, and even now that I'm 19 I'm hardly as mature as he was at my age. You guys are awesome, keep it up! ^_^


Loved it when you came back😂😂😂. INFP 4W5 btw. So true!


You are adorable, fellow INFP (I think?). Love your humor and choice of words - they always squeeze in as much meaning and quirkiness as humanly possible. I could totally munch on your brain like a tasty treat. Keep it up!


Druids are my favorite fantasy archetype, along with ranger--I just love the non-melee, nature aesthetic. I even studied ecology. My ENFP friend makes me feel like the "grounded" type for sure, heck, even my childhood ESFP friend.


I am INFP according to my test and after this video plus some reading about the functions, i cant say im a great listener though xD i talk a lot when especially under pressure to say something because somehow i perceive too much silence as awkward (bad previous experiences in social situations recorded by my Si i assume) so i just dont let silence happen and babble loads, that is for 1-1 conversations with both strangers and close friends, in a group of 3+ tho i am very reserved and tend to not like it when someone asks something and i have to answer with the group fixating on me so i give a humble answer and reflect the conversation towards others (hence its rlly hard to get to know me when in a group and i listen a lot in such a scenario unless i rlly wanna go home then u can find me in my head daydreaming about all the stuff i could be enjoying more than being here 😂)


As an INSP myself I just love your channel and insights! I would make a request though, please do no take it badly. I am a visual artist and I can not distract myself from the background on the video's. I am suggesting something more visual appealling, like maybe a plant or even a nice colored curtains. I find myself figering out and get distracted by the background. Everything else what you give me in words and thoughts is fantastic. Even your looks is lovely. Ilona self an INSP and you figered it out for me!! Please, please
