Spiral Musculature ('Serape Effect') Visualized and Dance Application

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(Hip to head spiral) Leslie is assisting me in visualizing the front spiral line originating at the rim of the pelvis; internal oblique, external oblique abdominis, external intercostal, wrapping around the torso to the back and intersecting with levatores and transverse processes of neck, crossing the spine to continue into the splenius capitis and attaching to the base of the head on the same side as the origination of the spiral line from the hip. We show how the spiral line tightens and lengthens in twisting motions and how more subtle activation of the spiral musculature can refine our dance. In sports training this musculature is referred to as the "serape effect" however over twisting in pairs dancing interferes with our partner's balance and shape so more nuanced use of these muscular patterns produces refinement in movement and enhances the internal communication with one another....part of the magic of partnering. I will do another tutorial linking the legs into the spiral.
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