How Do I Overcome Generational Poverty?

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Here are the rules to success from another guy who grew up in poverty.
1) Dont get arrested
2) Dont get hooked on drugs/heavy drinking
3) Dont get anyone pregnant before marriage
4) Work towards a realistic goal

For example, I grew up extremely poor and surrounded by violence, statistically I was doomed from the start. I finished high school, went to trade school where I got paid to learn skills (instead of taking on massive student loans), and now work as an auto mechanic. I make more money than people I know who went to university, I don’t owe anyone a dime, I’m engaged, life is great. I think back to feeling hopeless and like the world was against me and still sometimes can’t believe I’m successful.


I come from well below the poverty line. I was homeless in high school. Put myself through school, bought a home, and completed baby step 2 this year.


Congrats completing your first year of college. Best wishes to you future Dr. Tyquine.


I am a product of generations of poverty, going back to the potato famine in the 1840s. I was the first person in the HISTORY of my family to graduate from high school in 1990. 150 years. I've had rich years, poorer years, but mostly medium years. This kid - he's gonna make it. My siblings and their kids have done well for themselves as well - he's a bit younger than them and if he keeps up his good habits, he can be an incredible example to his family and those around him.
I hope he helps those in his old area. Show them that it CAN be done. It's not impossible, it just depends on how bad you want it.
Love this call!


First piece of advice: DO NOT start handing out financial help to loved-ones even though you have it and they need it. DON"T.


I think Dave should start a mentoring network across the US for teens and young adults who are ready to break the cycle of poverty. Link them up with successful men and women who have been there and can help guide the younger generation into a successful future.


Moving up income classes and STAY there is extremely hard to do when you have no guidance from others that you respect


Don’t be afraid to hurt feelings or walk away from friends and family if they aren’t making your life better. Just because you share some dna, that doesn’t mean you have to associate with them for life


Lots of people who are in poverty have that mindset of always trying to find a shortcut, always trying to hack the system, which leads them to make not so good decisions like selling illegal drugs, buying lots of lottery tickets, stealing, dropping out of school..etc. people instead need to learn that when it comes to money, it’s a slow process that requires patience, because if it wasn’t such a slow process, everybody would’ve been rich right now.


I ditched my friends and it got me out of poverty. Great advice


They never really answered the question but I have a feeling Tyquine will be ok because he knows where he's at, has an idea where he wants to be and is ACTIVELY looking for answers. I am confident he will find them.


I wish I could like this video 1, 000 times. Every person in America needs to hear this message.


To be honest I can relate. I honestly got emotional listening to him. I don’t have a great surrounding. It’s tough .


I see myself in this young man. I came from immigrant parents with nothing but the clothes on their back. But I saw how hard my parents worked, I simply applied that hard work to school and now I’m in a place I never would have imagined. If he keeps his head down and works hard he will make it. He needs to just bury himself in books and ignore the rest of the world while working full time or part time to pay for what he can. Apply to every scholarships available and don’t spend money on stupid things.


This brother is literally me. Came from Africa to the US 6yrs ago, I stepped up my game, joined the National Guard, premed myself and about to be a senior in college this coming September. I met amazing people in the army and in 3yrs, I’m now a co owner of a home with my mum. The people u call friends are so important. Always find people smarter than u to walk, talk, eat and dine with and u will go places. Guys like Dave Ramsey, Eric Thomas and David Goggins transformed my life. If this your brother listens to him, I promise he will go places


I also liked what Tyquan said, "Learn from other people's mistakes" .


I wish Dave would have touched on scholarships and grants, work-studies and other outlets to minimize education (student loan) debt


I love how you encouraged this industrious young man but I didn't hear you answer his question about what to do with the $10, 000.


If Steve Harvey heard this young mans story, I feel like he would love to personally mentor him


This brother is focused, I wish him nothing but the best
