Deep Dive 11/06/2024 – Seeking summer sunshine – Met Office weekly weather forecast UK

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This is an in-depth Met Office UK Weather forecast for the next week and beyond. We go on a journey through space and time to try and locate sunny and warm weather and look at the prospects for things warming up across the UK in the coming weeks. Bringing you this deep dive is Met Office meteorologist Alex Deakin.

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We are the Met Office, the UK’s national weather service, and every day of the week we bring you a morning weather forecast and an afternoon weather forecast so that wherever you are in the UK we have you covered.

Forecasts and any weather warnings are accurate at time of recording. To ensure you have the most up to date weather information, check the hourly forecast and live warnings on the Met Office website or app.
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There are a number of comments on here from people preferring the cooler conditions and pointing out the risks from higher temperatures, which is all fair enough. But from the point of view of the nation's health, we all need the benefits of a normal British summer. We need to get some sunshine to build our Vitamin D levels for the long period of the year where we don't get sufficient strength of sunshine. We need the impetus to get out and exercise, which is so much easier when the days are dry. We need the warm days to shift our diets across to eating more fruit and salads. We even stop to talk to neighbours and casual acquaintances more when we are out and about and when the weather is pleasant enough to stop and linger. Our mental health and mood is so much improved by the chance to be out in the open air. In so many ways, we just need a decent summer! 🙂


I see British summer as really precious - the warmth and sunshine is so rare, I look forward to June/July/August for months - so when it finally arrives and it feels like autumn, I feel so robbed 😢


Last year we didnt have a summer, this year is the same . I have just lit a fire in the middle of JUNE!!!!


19:32 "going back a year, that's where we can find some sunshine" 😂. Quality info Alex. Made me laugh.


Hey everyone, Alex here thanks for watching the Deep Dive, I'll be replying to the


I love watching the 'deep dives', I have been a regular for about a year or so. Living in such an interesting climate area creates a lot of conversation, it's nice to have a reliable source of info and so well presented.


Much prefer this weather, chilly in the morning but bright, breezy, pleasant days and warm in the sunshine. Great presenting as ever Alex; really easy to follow with your delivery.


Sure, it's chilly.. But I'm sleeping great, and the allotment strawberries are doing really well!


June is a write off, more like Autumn.


I don't think a deep dive has ever made me so sad, seeing the sun and heat other parts of the world are enjoying and looking back at how nice it was this time last year. Sigh D:


We may be experiencing unexceptional weather for June, the trouble is the preceding 11 months seem to have been nothing but rain, wind and more rain. The summer is so precious in this country that it is very frustrating when it fails to arrive on time, if at all.


It's not just June that's below average though! It's looking like this weather is gonna carry on into July! It makes me laugh when we're told more showers but they're different! Sorry rain falling from the sky in irregular intervals are classed as showers! It doesn't matter how warm, cold, windy or not they're still showers! No difference! It must be difficult being weather presenters at the moment. The bringers of bad news day in day out. I'm sure it's an interesting science but we just want some warm sun that lasts more than 40seconds! 😂😂😂😂


I’m a real lover of hot weather. I’m needing the winds to go and heat generator to start up. It feels like April so far. Autumn and winter mild and wet, spring was a disaster and now this. As the Atlantic, is going to push lots of windy and wet conditions our way( south west) not flaming June anymore it makes my osteoarthritis painful and my mood is awful. Please we don’t want to hear how it was the hottest on record😅 I want reds please. It’s so depressing. I’m knitting a jumper lol


Summer? Soon be more miserable autumn and grey cold winter coming! We already in the "summer" 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Don't agree with the less rain, my garden is a wash out, just one big mud hole, my veg is under water, has been most of last month as well.. Could do with some warm dry weather in the first two weeks of July, I'm off camping in Cheshire.


I’m really hoping our weather gets drier and warmer soon . In need of some sunny hot weather


i dont do for me....cant understand why anyone lives in cold climates


I started watching this deep dive full of hope that that once this wretched cold spell was over, we'd be able to look forward to steamy hot days in a couple of weeks' time: ice buckets and fans in the bedroom to help us sleep, a run on BBQs, the cicadas singing in the olive trees, that sort of thing. But no. Not even a ray of hope. So depressing but compellingly and professionally presented as usual.


I miss our proper seasons. Snow in winter, frost in spring, sun in summer (about 70f) and leaves falling in Autumn. Now, in the south, we have no snow, no frosts and the leaves hardly fall from the trees


To be honest I’m not interested in past years weather, all I want to know is when it’s getting warmer dare I say hot!
