Bulimia Symptoms & Warning Signs

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In this video Bonnie Brennan, MA, LPC, CEDS, ERC Regional Managing Director at Eating Recovery Center describes the symptoms and warning signs of bulimia nervosa. Due to the health risks, it’s important to seek help immediately if you experience any of these behaviors.

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It's always about how i need to get the food out


I’m aware of my eating disorder and I just want to recover but don’t want to gain weight!
I also lost the sense to full feel/satisfied from eating.


I'm worried I might have an eating disorder. I have lots of abnormal behaviors pertaining to food. I use food as a way to cope with my emotions. So if I am angry, or sad, I will restrict for extended periods of times until I am not feeling so hurt anymore. If i feel depressed, same thing. If I'm happy, I'll just follow my routine of not eating until later, and then workout to try and burn everything off. I tend to starve myself all day, and binge at night. and then proceed to purge by abusing laxatives, over exercising, and occasional vomiting. I never eat in front of people anymore because of how afraid I am that they will judge my food choices. Not even my own mother. It is rare that I will. I am terrified of gaining weight, and I am constantly worried how people are going to judge me of I have gained weight. I've been losing lately. Anyways, if you think I might be at risk, it have any advice, please let me know! Thank you.


I don't know if this is considered as Bulimia but:

I have been experiencing this way back when I was young (I am 18 now) and I just thought that eating a little but even though you are full, and you feeling the urge to vomit all what I ate is normal.

That is why, I tend to eat less (however when I was young, I tend to eat alot and have to problems, but ever since I reached 10th grade, it started to get worse. Especially now that I've entered university as stress and major priorities are getting more and more)

It's like, ever since I entered the university, eating is just an option, not a priority.

Now, since online class, I have been skipping meals (mostly lunch) alot to get my work done and then have my lunch.

But since I got used to the feeling of the vomiting urge, I would either skip lunch because I am still full or full my plate (because I am feeling hungry) but ended up just finishing the quarter of it.

Every meals, my stomach seems to reject my meals by either attempting to vomit or go straight to the toilet to let it all out (through potty)

Even though that the digestion in stomach is just in a matter of a minutes prior to me going to the toilet, my waste is unexpectedly alot, (like it's my dinner or any meals)

I would really like to know what is this I am experiencing.

Is this normal? Or something to be taken care of?

My mother said it's ulceritis *I don't know the spelling, sorry* but I think it's not.


I'm 330 pounds, 35 yrs old, and I think I started picking this up without thinking I did. Last week I started getting into throwing up my food after I eat, after yrs of struggling with roller coaster weight loss back and forth I feel like this is my only chance to lose it. Ive tried food councilors, diets, excericising, seeing a pychologist, trying to gain will power, trying to just not eat, hypnosis while I sleep, detoxing, and nothing ever seems to help. So yeah, it started last week, that I got hooked on it, I get a satisfaction feeling that the food is out of my body before it can absorb the calories. My question is, since this is a new bad habit, how do you stop the satisfied feeling of getting rid of the calories so I wont do this anymore?


I've also heard tooth mark-type bruises on knuckles from induced vomiting is another one.


i’m scared, after i eat i throw up but sometimes i don’t for certain foods. i skip eating breakfast and i don’t eat a lot but when i do i throw up, and when i don’t eat i even try to throw up even though there’s nothing inside my stomach. i do sometimes get the thoughts when i eat “your going to get fat” not all the time after i eat i throw up but i mostly do. anyone, please help


I don't know what's happening to me, everytime I eat i feel nauseous and vomit the food i eat specially foods with salt it makes it even worse. Sometimes, i just eat a whole bland food like boiled egg just to not feel nauseous about it.


please, idk what to do, im really scared my mother recently started throwing up food. everyday at night she "goes to the bathroom" after food, and once i walked into her room and she was standing in front of the toilet, but idk if she threw up or not, and i just pretended i didn't see and acted like nothing happened. then she brushed her teeth, which she never used to do, and i could smell a wierd smell from her breath and her bathroom, it didn't really smell like typical vomit tho it was sickly sweet ?? is that stomach acid or? i don't know what to do.. she doesn't binge, she used to be overweight, but a few years ago she lost weight and now she doesn't eat much, maybe half a cup of nuts, some fruit and lots of coffee each day.. but last week I noticed she was acting wierd and i think she started purging. im too scared to talk to her abt it tho, she's pretty strict and I don't wanna assume but im really worried bc I'm only 14 and idk what to do
