John Piper - People are born sinners

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We are made in Gods image. God is not sin. We are both innocent and through what we encounter and experience that leads us to be sinners.


Sin is transgression Of the law (1 John 3:4), you cannot be born breaking the law of God. It is not logical.


I see alot of comments confusing these 3 things. We can be made in the image of God, born with sinful flesh, and the spirit of children automatically accepting christ and going to heaven.

We are created in the image of God, but once we are born into this world our flesh is subject to death because of Sin. However the spirit of christ gives eternal life to our spirits after death. Children are too young to make the conscious decision to deny God, the spirit saves children under the age of accountability. As adults we must confess our sins to God and ask for forgiveness for his spirit to give us eternal life (justification). However it takes our whole lives to become the person God originally created using to be before being born in sin (sanctification). It’s not until he returns that those of us on earth, or those in the ground, will be put into our glorified bodies without sin.


So many people misunderstanding the point... We are all sinners as we are all human. It is in our nature that what Christians call sin. No one person is free from naughty or selfish thought. They may have the decency not to act on the thought and realize that it's not a good thought but apparently in "god' s" eyes even a thought is sinful. I may be wrong but that's how I see it.


I'll Be Seating here waiting for my Predestination according to Calvinism and according to John i cannot respond to God, so why bother?


Okay - so through Adam's disobedience man became sinners without committing a single sin and without a choice. The second Adam, Yeshua, obedience by taking all mankind's sons upon Him, redeeming us and making us righteous with God again, without committing a single righteous thing and without a choice, then why is mankind still born as sinners.
It makes Yeshua's death on the cross meaningless.

I was a born again Christian for 31 years until the real God led me out of Christianity because unconditional love cannot exist in Christianity.
Only to discover that Jehovah is not God but a man of flesh and blood, who has a father, a mother, a sister, an aunt and a older half brother.

The Old Testament people didn't have the vocabulary to understand what they were seeing and experiencing.

Then I discovered that the bible is not the Word of God.

The real Word of God is not text written by men in books that gather dust, that's the bible. The real Word of God doesn't need interpretations, translations, versions, revised versions, that's the bible. The real Word of God cannot be used to launch inquisition, judge people, divide people, that's the bible. The real Word of God is written in the hearts of man, written all over creation and affects everyone equally.

A lot of things in the bible never happened.
Then I found out that Yeshau (the man people called Jesus) is not God but an Ascended Master, he didn't die for anyone's sins because all creation is born righteous and redeemed without sin and all creation is from God and to God all creation returns (the righteous and the wicked).

We are never punished FOR our sins BUT we are punished BY our sins.
All religions are shackles for the mind - a prison you can't hear, taste, smell, feel and see.

I can prove my words. People are practising blind faith. The real God doesn't need validation from creation through worship and praise, in fact, IT says of you want to worship me or praise me, then love each other, be kind to each other, be good to each other.

The real God is complete and is above the words God, divine, holy. Those are concepts of man.
There is no hell and heaven as depicted in the bible. The rapture was made up.

Lucifer doesn't exist. He is a misinterpretation of the writer of Isaiah 14:12-15 who was simply mocking a Babylonian king.

I have discovered even more and the truth sets one free. I now have peace beyond human comprehension that believers still seek everyday.

I have been doing this life thing for Eternities, so verily, verily I say unto you, before Jehovah was, I AM.


Then what is the point of life at all if we are not born to be happy?

And since most religious authorities teach: we are born sinful, why would we be judged and condemned to lives of suffering and pain because we have broken the "Ten Commandments?" Where is the sense in such statements?


So if babies are born a sinner, does that mean all the babies that die goes to hell? I believe babies are not born as sinners, just like babies are not born as rapists, murderers, thieves, etc...


your god so powerful yet STILL cannot get rid of the devil, so powerful but STILL cant fix what adam did. so powerful yet he needs humans do do his work for him.... ok


Then aren't babies sinful according to this?


Babies have to learn to be good and to learn what good is, if they have to learn to be good what are they before that. Also why are we on earth, we are here to suffer and prove ourselves and love to God, if you have never suffered or been tested or even if you do not know who God is; which babies don't, they need to learn. That is why they don't go to heaven straight away.


ummm we are born INTO sin, not as. We are born innocent and evil violates all god's creation


Why it's wrong to say that Jesus is the second Adam? Because he is the last Adam, there is no more like Adam coming. (1 Corinthians 15:45) You and I now are not born in Adam but born in Christ. We are born again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3). Stop preaching an obsolete gospel that we are born sinners. The whole world are born again regardless if you are a believer or not. 1 John 2:2/ John 3:16


10 “Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven. 11 For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

12 “What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ni11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), nety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? 13 And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
(Matthew 18:10-14)

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) - unborn babies can not sin. - read more of Roman 3 to understand what Paul was writing to the Romans.

11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), - (Romans 9:11). Please read before verse 11 to get a better understand.


So if you are not born in sin. And you live complete sinless life you don’t need Jesus ? Internet doctrine going on . We weren’t born with inherited sin. The devil makes them think they have no sin from birth


I wana thank this man for clearly showing how ridiculous religion is.


That’s a false doctrine we are not sinners..then why you baptizing babies? If so where is the example in the scripture? The scripture does teach it’s through baptism a sinner receives remission sins Acts 2:38 but to many of believe that baptism is essential for salvation..Jesus himself said he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved..he that believeth not shall be damn..and here’s the reply why didn’t Jesus if you’re not baptized you’re damn..because if you don’t believe you want get baptized

When Adam & Eve sin that’s when sin was brought into the world..sin requires and don’t inherit sin..2nd Cor 5:10 when I go before the judgement west of Christ I will be judge base upon the things I have done in my body, it want be base upon Adam..


Nobody is ever born sinful or with a sin nature. The bible does not teach that anywhere.


Respectfully, I disagree with the doctrine of original sin.
When Adam sinned, he spiritually died, and a physical curse was placed on all of creation, not a Spiritual curse placed on humanity. This is corroborated with two main verses that split the physical realm from the spiritual realm, and that is Exodus 20:5, God visits the iniquities of the fathers to the third and fourth generation, not every generation. This is physical curses passed down.
Conversely, each man will be spiritually judged according to their own deeds, and not based off of the deeds of any father. This is in Ezekiel 18, summarized in verses 20 and 30.

Adam and Eve had zero ability to produce any spirit offspring, they only produced physical offspring, which is because our spirits come from God in the womb (Zechariah 12:1), yet we are sons of man physically.

Romans 5, 12 the key is death spread to all men because they sinned, not because they were born into sin. Read it in the NASB, which is a literal translation. Also, keep reading to verse 21 because it compares the first Adam with the second Adam, and how sin occurred in creation with the first Adam it will be done away with in the second Adam. Well, salvation is a one-on-one deal, not a sweeping blanket covering. However, physically, physical death spread to all as a result of Adam, but physical immortality will also be upon all at the same time because of Christ. That is the parallel.

Paul wrote he was once spiritually alive until he learned the law, then he sinned and spiritually died, Romans 7, 9. If Paul was born spiritually dead then the verse does not make sense.

This is why we are to be born again like we once were, John 3.
This is why children are the spiritual greatest while on earth because they have not sinned (Matthew 18 and 19).

Look at Luke 15 parables, the 100 sheep, the 10 coins, the two sons, they all start off in a relationship with God, then they go astray, then they become lost, then they forsake. These parables are about salvation, not a back-sliding Christian. This is clarified in verse one, "the sinners and tax collectors were coming to Jesus and He was dining with them. That is salvation.
Sin is always earned, never gifted. Since the wages of sin is death, then we cannot be born spiritually dead already.

This is why God calls aborted children innocent blood, and His children in the OT.

Children are not saved, just born spiritually Alive without sin, just like Adam, and Jesus. They are innocent and blameless like the spotless young lamb's in the O.T.

The doctrine of original sin is a Gnostic tradition honed by Augustine, which led to immaculate conception, infant baptism, and other extra Biblical traditions.

Colossians 2, 13 and Ephesians 2, 1 both say we were dead in our sins, which means we were not spiritually dead as a result of Adam's sin.

We inherit physical death from Adam, that's all.

Babies are born with peace, joy, kindness, and gentleness. When they become a child and steal, lie, and covet, it is not a sin because they do not know the Law, therefore, where there is no Law, there us no sin (Romans 4, 15).


We are born upright, and choose to sin when tempted. Don't listen to Calvinist wolves (like this pied Piper).
