6 Quadrillion Damage Dealt

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Have you ever wondered what is the most amount of damage we can deal in Overwatch? Today, I will answer, practically and theoretically, with all the shenanigans throughout. In one shot, of course, cause why not.


Music used from:
Deep Rock Galactic (Original Game Soundtrack): Volume II
"Follow Molly", "The Core Infuser", "I Welcome The Darkness"

OneShot (Original Game Soundtrack)
"Pretty nice day, huh...", "Thanks For Everything"

OneShot: Solstice (Original Game Soundtrack)
"Eleventh Hour"
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Some backstory to this video if anyone is interested. Kinda long though.
I initially wanted to make this video 3 years ago, but I never did. I recorded a lot of footage, tons of good stuff, and kinda just never worked on it. I.. don't really know why.
It's not that I forgot. In fact, it has been in my head mostly every other day, even more and more as time went on, but no progress. Nothing. Maybe my mental problems. Idk. Anyway.

Fast forward to about 6-7 months ago from present day, I took notice of one of Marblr's videos, mainly the 5 Million DMG Mitigated one. Something just clicked after watching that. I got determined, and I actually started working on it. Thing is, though, due to my content 3 years ago being from OW1, kind of outdated, I had to do it all over again, even though the numbers back then were higher. (at least they were... the final part of the video blows it out of the water. lol)

I had to make a choice though. I thought for a while in what style to make the video, and in the end, I decided to make it in this style. I've always kinda wanted to try and make a video in this style ever since I first watched a video from the YouTuber "shounic" long long ago. First time I saw one of those it was really cool to me and I remember kinda wanting to learn more about it, perhaps that's why seeing Marblr also ignited something within, cause his videos are pretty similar too.

So, I started. And oh boy was it an adventure with A LOT of ups and downs. I had near zero experience in making this type of stuff, I had no idea what I was getting into. Sure, I had some editing experience, but it was very basic if you ask me. I had to learn and unlearn so many things for this project. First of all, I tried to make this video for a while in my old editing software, Vegas Pro 16, and yeah that didn't go well very fast. It was laggy, and several things I wanted to do were just painful to do, slow, and annoying. So I had to try something else.

After a bit, I found DaVinci Resolve. I've never used different editing software before, so this was an experience of itself. I struggled for a good while, even almost wanting to return to my previous cause I couldn't figure it out. But as I kept going, I knew the pain was eventually going to get bigger to handle in Vegas than learning Resolve. For example, the "simple" background effect you see me use throughout the video (at the time, unfinished, unanimated, by the way) made the preview be like 2 fps, and sometimes even wanted to crash; I knew I couldn't stay for long, so I had to shift. Eventually, I got more or less the same skillset in Resolve as I had in Vegas, but a lot slower at the time. I remade what I had in Vegas in Resolve. It wasn't much, it was mostly just cuts here and there and 1-2 effects but it got me a grasp of the basics.

Let's talk about outside of Resolve for a little bit. I also had to learn how to use the Workshop properly. During this time, the Workshop was literally disabled. I had to learn in Notepad. I had no idea what I was doing, but I needed to learn how to make some of the basic "cinematics" you see throughout the video. Fortunately I did have programming experience beforehand, so I knew what I wanted to do in theory, I just didn't know the syntax.. which I couldn't easily get cause the Workshop was offline. Nice. I had to take a bunch of custom games made from other people and paste them into notepad to view the code. It was a messy experience at the beginning, but eventually I got pretty decent at it... With all the typical programming misadventures that tend to happen. Still remember some of those extremely silly errors.

Beside that, I also had to learn how the heck to even make these effects and backgrounds in the first place. Initially, I wanted to make a lot more and/or different better ones, but my brain was too small for that, so I made this one and a few extras and moved on. This was overwhelming enough for me already.

Back to Resolve. My goodness. Looking back, my workflow was really bad sometimes, and I made so many mistakes stacked on mistakes. I cannot count how many times I had to go back and readjust stuff cause I messed something up, or cause I changed my mind about something / got a new idea, or something broke, etc. It cost me so much time and willpower. Especially further down the road cause there are just more and more layers in the project. For example, I honestly don't like doing voiceovers that much, so I left it for close to last. Big mistake. Even though I tried to more or less make everything prepared for when I do the voiceover, it did not match like 60% of the video. I had to move and readjust my entire timeline so many damn times, recreate many of the transitions, taking a long time, at the risk of potentially breaking something. It wasn't nice. I'm honestly not too happy with some parts of the video, but I really did not want to rewrite, code, record, voiceover, edit, again and again. Too many times. Should I have? Probably. But it was just too much too often.

If I had to say one word about this project, I'd say overwhelming. It was too big for me, I should've made something smaller and then progressed. As time went on, I was really feeling myself not wanting to do this anymore. It was physically painful to work on it for like a month at one point, I had to stop. I was just too tired of learning everything and failing at everything. Even recently when I'm so close to the finish line, when I should be the very motivated in theory, I just didn't want to keep going frequently. After I passed the mental block I did enjoy the process again though for some time, but it was hard to get into it almost everyday.

I have to admit though, I did learn a lot. I persevered in the end, this made me learn so much more than I probably ever thought I would. It still isn't much compared to some stuff I've seen, but I'm honestly really happy with the result in the end, and I want to make more, that's all that matters. And I know that it will be SO MUCH easier moving forward. I have made so many mistakes, which means I have learned a lot of what I should not do.

Recently, the big PvE for Overwatch was cancelled, too. You know, being probably one of if not the biggest PvE player for the game, this shook me to the core. This for a day or two completely shut down my progress for the video. I felt completely done. But after some time, I knew that I can't just abandon this project. I spent way too much fucking time on it to just let it never come out. So, in the end, the cancellation was actually a really good motivator. If I finished this, I could finally move on, and so I will.

To some extent I would hope this is my last Overwatch video, but it probably won't be. I might make another video, maybe I won't, I don't know. Time will tell. Either way, I'm happy.
I have ideas coming outside of Overwatch which I hopefully will be able to achieve sometime soon now, we will see how it goes. If any one of you read all of this, I thank you very much, friend. I just hope you actually enjoyed the video lol

also i swear if i let an editing mistake slip somewhere i'm gonna be malding okay bye


damn, this damage is almost enough to kill Orisa


hero: **exists**
roadhog: **rapidly aproaching their position**


"As you can see, sombra has already wrecked the universe with her EMP, but we can do better!"


that one unemployed friend on mondays:


The roadhog appearing after the 4 bap deadeye genuinely scared me.


rip cass spinbotting for infinite damage multiplier


this is how it feels to get hit by orisa spear tbh


the roadhog killing everyone made me die laughing every time


I didn't expect the absurdly good production quality, but if I had expected it, you still would have exceeded my expectations.


I don't think that's enough damage. I think we need 1 quintillion damage for it to be enough


I seriously love the humor with Roadhog. Wonderful video.


The editing is top tier. 3:28 the random no-clipping hog had me laughing my ass off 😭😭😭


I love the edits and roadhog randomly killing heroes


That Roadhog jumpscare was incredible lmao


8:34 I love the Undertale reference here, the humor in this video is incredible


That DVA transition was so fucking cool. Absolutely deserved every single like and views, and you need more


The production quality of this was so good I thought this was Marblr's channel until you credited him for a discovery!
I started following you for your PVE content years ago and I hope you're able to continue with anything OW related <3


"Bro he is one shot"
The one shot in question:


I love the entire sequence of events at 0:24
