Bear in camp! Katmai coast alaska. Electric fence.

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A bear comes to investigate our camp as we get ready to cook dinner. We rest easy and stay safe by using electric fence. Katmai coast, Alaska peninsula.

Grizzly, camping in bear country, electric fence, Alaska, brown bears, bear safety,
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You’re putting a lot of faith in 4 wires.


It worked in that case. There are many instances of bears going right through electric fence, no prob. All bears are different


“Most bears don’t want trouble, but they are always curious.”
I believe that from my experiences as well.


Years ago I had two horses and a tiny pony in a field surrounded by an electric fence. Before I got the pony the fence charger could be shorted out for a few days before I realized and fixed the problem and the horses were none the wiser. When I got the pony, that little Bratt could smell when the power was off and would escape with the 2 horses in tow within a few hours! As smart as bears are, I have no doubt that once they understand what an electric fence does they would have a keen sense as to whether it was functioning or not. A bear circling is getting a good smell of the camp.


If that 🐻 would have charged, you were toast fence or no fence.


"Bears generally don't want trouble." - Sounds exactly like something Timothy Treadwell would say.


Thanks for being 1 of the few who doesn't shoot to kill, ESPECIALLY when your behind a powerful Electric fence.
I understand in some situations, like being in the open back country with No other protection to hide behind..
You must shoot to kill.
Thank you for sharing this Beautiful experience with us!


Nice. Detereence is better than execution and I agree that, lik people, 'most' bears don't want trouble. I also believe that it's good to be prepared for both.
Hope you're well.


Bears are not predictable, don't bank on that.


I am watching all kinds of videos. I would not expect a very hungry, or injured and desperate griz to be deterred by an electric fence. The "electrified carcass" video was the most instructive. The bear was willing to be shocked hard many times in the mouth. I purchased the most power 12vdc energizer I could afford that has a reserve of 4.7 joules as it is best to have enough juice to hit hard through a thick and possibly damp coat. And the bear could become entangled in the fence, grounding it out. In the event that they are highly motivated, It is best to be able to hit them hard as possible so that they do not test the fence again.


Outside of my previous posts, I'll add one more, for those considering bear defense and deterrence.. I think the electrified fence setup (if setup properly) is a really good idea for camp.. One thing I would also include are (interior) perimeter trip wires.. No, I don't mean claymore mines, etc... They sell these devices (cheap) to work with 12g blanks or primers that are sure to wake you up, and scare animals almost out of their skin.. There are videos of these here on YT, and I've actually used them before, but never had one tripped. Reason being? IF the fence goes down, or a predator decides food is worth the jolt.. You'll get a heads up, in case they stick around.. Still love this video! And, I also believe animals can somehow detect whatever field it may produce from the ground to the wire..


A question, is that fence gonna stop a really hungry bear?


When three becomes a crowd !!!! Great video Brad !


Like sharks it all depends on how hungry they are at the time that determines how the situation goes down .


that is awesome Brad, thats for posting.


I just bought the 45 sq ft UDAP bear fence and going to test it out camping in the interior of BC in a couple weeks. Is that an UDAP fence? I see it has 4 wires though and UDAP only has 3. Would have love to see it touch his nose on those wires to see how effective it is. Certainly gives you some added security at night in your tent though.


You guys actually believe that electric wire will stop a grizzly?


Someday those bears will surprise someone by leaping / jumping or cartwheeling over that fence !!


So far so good. Sleeping may be safer however we still have to leave what appears to be a well designed safety zone.. Definitely a good option!


I like the video with the salmon fisherman that was just sitting in a chair relaxing when a grizzly walked up and sat next to him. Looked so calm and relaxing but i know that guy was messing his pants trying to figure out what to do.

Im hard if hearing and bears make me nervous, they are relatively quiet when they meander up to a campsite (from my perspective, being partially deaf) but they are so powerful that i wouldn’t stand a chance. I like to think i could at least fight a mountain lion so i didnt die a complete looser but a bear…. Just tell me what plate you want me to sit on me bear. Lol.
