3 Oil Painting Mediums and How to Use Them

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Have you ever wanted to start oil painting? There are a TON of supplies to choose from. This video will show you three of my favorite mediums to use with my oil paints. Think of the mediums as water for watercolor, except with oil paints the mediums can speed up or slow down dry time, add thickness or thin them out. I will introduce the mediums and then do a short demonstration of how to use them with oil paints. You can follow along with me or just watch and see which ones you might want to use. We are starting some oil painting tutorials! Let us know what would you like to paint with oils in the comments below and what mediums you like to use.

The mediums I go over

The Hardest Part by Jeremy Blake

This video was made by McCall for Mr Otter Studio
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i am new to oil painting., I got confused about those mediums....You explianed very well.. thank you so much.


You actually explained this whole process faster and better in half the time of other youtubers. Thank you I have a feeling you are or were a teacher.


I'm new at this... trying to learn to paint with oils at the age of 76. I have often wondered what the difference is between these various mediums. Thank you for a very helpful video. I plan to archive it for future reference until I get more comfortable with the process. Thanks!


I'm 77 years and 4 month old today and I've determined to start oil painting for half a years ago and still feel timid to begin! Painting is my childhood dream, but as an orphan at early age, I couldn't afford paper or pencil until my boyhood. My dear friend sponsored the materials for painting and we both didn't know exactly what we need and he bought me a few canvases, brushes, and oil-paint tubes, but not mediums are included. I even thought I must begin drawing yesterday and watched a few oil painting tutorials and found out I need more than I have to start painting- MEDIUMs!!! What a I was who even think it was the same as water colour to use water as its medium.

Miss, your explanation is very lucid and enlightening and I'm going to ask my friend to send some mediums right away!! Thank you so much, sensei.


You made it a lot easier for newbies like me to understand how these mediums work


I hate to admit this, but I watched 5 other videos, and this was the only one that actually made sense. Thank you for helping me finally click


Thank you so much for this informative video! I always was intimidated to make the “jump” from acrylic to oil painting, but this dissolves my worries. Hope you have a nice day 💜


Great advice, just one thing I'd like to add, and that is Liquin is considered a fatty medium. Your order was correct if you were to use those exact mediums, but you also wanna use a ratio it as you paint; 1:1 beginning, 2:1 middle(progressively less lean as you continue each layer) then finish with a fatty medium or the same medium you start with minus any lean solvents(this method is for liquin in particular). Hope this helps anyone who was wondering about liquin.


That was really helpful, I'm new to artistic paint. I knew linseed but I bought a kit that came with odorless turpentine and I tough it was solvent to clean the brushes😂


This 8 minutes equals my entire art classes in school. Thx 🙏🏾


The video is a revelation to me. I finally found someone who uses oils the way I use oils.


I can’t express how grateful I am for this video!! Incredibly informative and very direct. Thanks for sharing!


Exactly what I needed, its so easy to be bombarded with so much info when first embarking on using oils, thank you!


All this time I thought linseed oil helps the paint dry faster and bought it. Didn't think twice. Halfway, I realized that what I really need is turpentine. Sadly, I have to save up before I could buy one. But at the end of the video I had recognized their function and I don't regret buying linseed oil now since I could use them over lean. Thank you so much! This video greatly enlightened me!


This was SO helpful. I’ve watched a ton of tutorials for beginners and still didn’t know what to buy or how to use it. Thank you!


I am going to start oil painting
Tq so much for this video
Now I understood how to use the mediums


EXCELENTE DEMO!! I just discovered Liquin, and love how is dries pretty fast. The fat over lean is a great tip, wish I knew this years ago! Thanks!


This by far is the most helpful explanation and visual tutorial I've ever watched . Thank you a million!


Best explanation and I already bought everything so I’m prepared too haha tysm


Thanks for the tutorial! You really motivated me to start oil painting for my yt channel! Thank you! ✨✨
