SpaceX's Announced Starship Upgrades are Ludicrous and Awesome!

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So ummm… this week a heck of a lot of stuff happened! How do you even intro a video with such a rollercoaster of excitement and jaw-dropping moments that have unfolded over the course of a few days. You don’t have time for pleasantries or drawn-out mentions. Yea… just roll the thing.

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Skyshow TV

Sen - Earth videos from space

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The sad thing for us in South Africa, we cannot get Star Link because our useless government will not allow StarLink here unless the country has a stake in the company, so they will rather make money for themselves than have all the rural areas get low cost internet and helping the community. Very sad.


We were blessed with perfect clear skies to watch the eclipse from Orford, Quebec. 3 and a half minutes of totality. It was truly awe-inspiring. The corona was much bigger and more impressive than I'd anticipated. The moments before and after were just amazing, with the full-spectrum white light just going to dark then blasting back to light. Seeing planets and stars mid-afternoon, going from warm sunlight to chills in a few minutes. A 360-degree blue-white sunset in all directions, really no words to properly describe. A terrific one-time natural spectacle to remember!


9:38 that Skyshow footage is mind blowingly detail at super resolution.


As a kid from the 1960s - the Falcon landings just blow my mind. I pray to live long enough to see Starship enter reusable launch programs - maybe even make it to watching a MARS bound launch.


Thanks Marcus!

For the Eclipse, here in Austin, Texas, we were. "in the zone". While it was fairly cloudy, there were plenty of breaks that allowed us to see essentially every part of it from start to finish. But the best part was how the clouds totally disappeared just about 2-3 minutes before totality. What a heaven-sent miracle. It also warmed my heart to know that all the folks who traveled far and wide and rented campers, campsites, hotels and motels, car rentals, you name it, in the area got to see it so well. It was a great sight and very moving I have to say.


I drove around the Great Lake Ontario and crossed at Niagra Falls into the US from Canada to New York state to be at the center of the moon's shadow. We (youngins) sat on a park bench with many elders at an old-age home to experience the sky go dark (so quickly), the side-walk lights come on, the birds silence their chirps, the crickets and frogs start peeping, and the air get quite cold...until the sun returned. Amazing. Im hooked. I want to experience totality again!


These space events are what I've been waiting for since the early 70's


I witnessed Apollo 15 being launched when I was seven years old and I am so thankful I am still here to witness what SpaceX is doing. I am very thankful for guys like you Marcus for bringing us all the facts that you know and your educated speculation.


Best time of the week, Marcus in the House 🎉


24:34 For everyone's information in regards to the Delta IV RS-68A's organish exhaust, a hydrogen engine has normally a nearly clear exhaust. The shuttle/SLS Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25 is an example. However, the RS-68A is an ablatively-cooled engine, which means the engine nozzle liner is slowly vaporized to provide evaporative cooling. It's this ablated organic material in the exhaust stream that makes it colorful.


My girlfriend and I drove up to Buffalo to see the eclipse; it was cloudy most of the day but cleared up just at the last minute. Truly a spectacular sight.


I really look forward to this every Saturday morning. Thank you Marcus, and the eclipse was amazing. Where I live in East Texas we were in totality for a little over 4 mins, but the clouds limited our viewing. Thankfully we had two 20-30 second breaks in the clouds to be able to see it in all its glory. Coolest part was seeing a solar flare near the bottom of the ring that looked pinkish/red. Very, very cool stuff!


Towers should be called “let me give you a hug”.


Loved the weekly update as usual Mr. House. I got to witness totality in Southern Missouri. It was an amazing experience that is difficult to describe. The feeling that something is off while the moon is blocking the sun is unique. I was amazed as everything grew darker, yet the trees still shed shadows as midday. The appearance of the corona around the moon was amazing. Dusk to dawn lights came on, crickets started chirping.

When the sun started to show again, the limited light felt like a flood light turning on nearby, not the sun returning. Unfortunately, words cannot do the experience justice and I hope you can experience one someday.


The solar eclipse was awesome! The auto shade of my welding helmet turned off automatically when the sun was totally covered. I could even see a solar prominence at the bottom left very clearly. And, the little critters and birds all got quiet. It was a strange feeling to look directly at the sun without any eye protection. And then it was over after what seemed like 2 minutes. It felt as if time stood still for a few moments.


The best single-host space recap channel out there. Thanks Marcus & team!


This video got me all excited for the future of the space industry. Great way to start my 40th birthday!


Watching those boosters return and land like 1950s bad sci-fi NEVER gets old. Just frikinAmazing 😊


I think back to the '60s when I would get up early in the morning to watch the Gemini and Apollo launches and how it was such an "event ". All this is the answer to the promise of what was to come. Looking forward to the


The shockwaves caused by the launch never cease to wow me.
