Named Crafter Spawn Locations East Isle of Siptah | Conan Exiles 2021

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This is the East Named Crafter Spawn Locations video.

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Conan Exiles is an open-world survival game, in the brutal lands of Conan The Barbarian. You are an exile, one of thousands cast out to fend for themselves in a barbaric wasteland swept by terrible sandstorms and besieged on every side by Enemies. Here you must fight to survive, build and dominate.

Hungry, thirsty and alone, your very first battle is that against the harsh environment. Grow crops or Hunt animals for food. Harvest Resources to Craft Weapons and Tools. Build a shelter to survive. Ride across a vast world and explore alone, or band together with other players to build entire Settlements and Strongholds to withstand fierce invasions.

When strong enough, march forth into battle and wage war against your enemies as you fight to dominate the exiled lands. Sacrifice enemy Players on the Altars of the gods and shift the balance of power your way. Unleash your fury in savage, fast-paced Combat and execute bloody and bone-crushing attacks that will see heads rolling and limbs flying.

Isle of Siptah is a massive expansion to the open world survival game Conan Exiles, featuring a vast new island to explore, huge and vile new creatures to slay, new building sets and a whole new gameplay cycle. Fight the elder races in new underground dungeons. Defeat demonic monstrosities that spawn from a storm of pure chaos. Dominate the surge to secure the island’s only supply of thralls.

#wak4863 #ConanExiles #ConanExiles2021
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Just wanna say i liked you before neebs... but youve won my heart working with those guys. Theyre hands down my favorite channel on youtube.


The name of the dancer thrall is ( A Nu Tis ) but is pernoused ( A New Tis ) its a play on name with the fact that when said fast all together it sounds like it says ( A Nudist ) with out the D sound. So Her full name would be ( A Nudist The Limber ). I know they are not crafters but if you go to the northern peninsula of H - 6 that is a unmarked location. You can always get a T1 - T2 - T3 Unnamed Accursed Bearer Thrall, a T1 - T2 - T3 Unnamed Accursed Taskmaster and a T1 - T2 - T3 Un-named Accursed Archer or Fighter thrall. Once in a while it's a Named Accursed Archer or fighter. It's a great place to farm them at level 10 with the fact only those 3 NPCs will spawn at the location. Also a Statue and a steel spear will spawn there almost every other time you return to it.


Stellar series. Super helpful. Wak you are THE resource for Conan Exiles. Your let’s play series with the dagger only (and other) rules is my favorite.


there is a stygian invader camp on the mountainside. i dont know if it was recently added or not, but its a spot that I have found a named sorceror, which are considered crafters. There is that tiiiny sand looking area in the on the cliff side of the map southwest of the Flame of the North map POI. right on the line of 13/12 about one third into the L box.


Also at the Bastards Nook there is a pile of skulls which appears near the smithy that always drops Szeths Truncheon....


Thanks for your great vids, I really appreciate all the work you put into them. I just wanted to say that without fail. and this has happened around 10-12 times so far, every single named that has spawned in the locations in these vids has been an Accursed Berserker! I have yet to see a single crafter spawn.

I have started to see some named crafters now! But the berserker are a LOT more common it seems.


Great video series @wak4863, thanks for your efforts!


Thanks for this vid I've been waiting for it it's the area I live in so this will be greatly helpful


Ty for doing all these informative videos.


Thanks wak I just started a character on siptah will be a loong way to reach the level I achieved on exiles... 😬


At riverwatch on the side opposite of the jails there is a armorer and blacksmith spot I know for certain that the armorer gives a named got one there a day ago


Informative as always, thank you for your time and effort. I believe the Dancer 's name is pronounced Ah noo tis.


Valarius Steps-On-Toes makes a fairly good fighter and he keeps your corruption down.


Any of the blacksmith that spawn are they able to make legendary repair kits or do you have to get them from a purge


I think this may be outdated since 3.0 released. I live right next to the river watch keep and have never seen a single named thrall there, except the mini boss on top of the gate.


Missed the mainland camps in the upper section of the map. Nearby the vault at L-M 12, 13. Carpenter Bearer and Priest, jailor at one at other Smelter and cook as well as two playful pups.


Greatly appreciated.
Having spawned on the Eastern side, I did find the pickings, especially early game, very thin.
That having been said, Riverwatch is so incredibly easy to farm, it's not the end of the world, but it does get quite repetitive.


Sorry Wak, I've got a named alchemist at the stygian gate. You might have missed it. It's at lvl 2, and usually spawns together with the 1 skull mini boss there that drops the Khayne gear. That and the priest are the only ones that are named crafters over at the stygian gate.


Man. RNG for named thralls has always been harsh to me. I have farmed several of these locations you're talking about and had nothing but trash spawn, no named


Do you know where to get arch priest for jhebbal sag
