Christina Hoff Sommers & Stuart Taylor: College rape culture & the death of due process | VIEWPOINT

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The United States legal system operates on the theory that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. But Stuart Taylor argues that, when it comes to sexual assault allegations, college campuses are turning the American justice system on its ear and declaring young men guilty based on accusations alone.

Interview conducted by AEI Resident Scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, aka The Factual Feminist.

What do campuses say is sexual assault? 2:26
What if the man and the woman are both intoxicated? 6:08
"Pressure from government to hand down guilty verdicts" 7:08
What happens if you question the campus orthodoxy? 8:35
"What we oppose is presumption of guilt" 10:52
"There is no rape culture" 11:51
"Campus rape activists do not take rape statistics seriously" 14:55
"What is it like to be falsely accused?" 15:32
Activists admit that their methods don't work 19:22
"Activists say it's better to presume guilt" 19:59
How does the media deal with campus rape claims? 24:01
Mattress girl 27:12
What happened to due process? 28:17
The roots of campus rape hysteria 33:21
"Is there a way out of the false campus rape narrative?" 35:21

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Why are colleges even dealing with this? Where I'm from -Australia- you cannot hand judicial power to a body that is not judicial. A college cannot make judgement on a legal matter. If you accuse someone of rape, that accusation is meaningless unless it is reported to the police. Then there will be an investigation into that accusation and it will be dealt with appropriately. What the hell is happening to the USA.


Woooo! Christina the based is in the house. :D

Whenever she is in a video I give it a thumbs up.


I think they are thinking too deeply.

Feminism was started by lesbian and bi-sexual women, who are attracted by masculine qualities in women, namely women with high status as providers and protectors. They place no value on feminine qualities that men find attractive, such as sexuality and caring.

Of course feminism has no concern with what happens to consensual heterosexual sex. Of course they don't care if women hate men like they do. Of course they don't care if women value themselves so highly over men that they will not accept any man.

They want society to accept their valuation and standards for women, of course they do, they feel they are right. And as lesbians are the strongest and most dominant of women they are, on the whole, leading women, after all they work on those qualities, because they find them attractive.

This is all perfectly logical. No one should be in the least surprised it is happening. However, a smart, intelligent, heterosexual woman, who wants a family and a good husband, has an amazing opportunity these days.

If she works on her feminine strengths and become a good woman, by men's standards, she can marry well, have a wonderful family and children, and a very happy life with a loving, attentive, rich, attractive (not to mention happy and grateful) husband.

And with all her competition completely diverted, trying to improve themselves to the lesbian standard, she has an enormous advantage.


Awesome talk. One of the more comprehensive discussions on this institutionalized injustice which is killing innocents and destroying lives. I wish the people that pretend to care about social justice cared about this real issue, instead of being in the group making it worse.


The only dislike is probably from the Mattress Girl


5:50 perfect description of my university. we had a seminar at the beginning and they pretty much say exactly what was said here, except with a 'positive spin'


Thank you Christina and Stuart for publicizing the plight of the students of Families Advocating for Campus Equality.


Begging for sex is until you get a pity lay is now assault, wow.


I'm a man who has been falsely accused. I literally will not speak to women, at all now. I absolutely hate them. I know that may sound harsh, but I do. I'm perfectly straight, but absolutely hate women, and probably will until I die. My ex-wife admitted that she lied, and the court simply didn't care. She got away with a felony, like they usually do. With respect to domestic violence, or sexual assault accusations, the accused is LITERALLY guilty, unless they can prove themselves innocent. It is written into the laws. I was assumed guilty, the court took action, then she admitted IN COURT that she had lied under oath (a felony), and the Judge LITERALLY IGNORED it!! I will never be in a relationship, ever again. Only very naïve males get involved with women now. The false accusation nation will get MUCH worse, before it gets better, if it ever does. MGTOW MONK. Our GOVERNMENTS are doing this!!! The women are just taking advantage of the LAWS!!


Perhaps We should reinstitute pride in being a virgin?


Maybe that's a good set of events? That young men will be counseled to be careful and act like gentlemen?
Good luck with that.
If I were counseling a young college bound man today, I would strongly advocate the most extreme form of celibacy, better than a "good" Irish priest. It is a completely stacked playing field.
The women, the system, the entire tangled web of modern "jurisprudence", campus style, is completely and totally not to be trusted.
Let me put it this way.
When I was college age, it was a given, and understood implicitly, that the position of trust was entirely my responsibility. Fine. That worked quite well.
The tables have turned, and what we have now is a clear and present betrayal of trust. One so pervasive and powerful that no man can withstand it. Let that sink in a bit.
Sure - the sons of wealthy parents can waltz off to the courts to legally challenge their mistreatment.
The sons of welfare mothers cannot. And they do exist, on campuses.

Wandering through the wonderland of deconstructionist postmodern theory, one does not have to look too far to discover that it is heterosexuality that is under attack. Find me a half dozen cases of assault under same sex attraction. Scarce as hen's teeth.

I would strongly contend that many campuses could be brought up on multiple class action suits on the basis of gross negligence for encouraging extreme hookup culture and all its pleasant little byproducts, and then punishing the participants, specifically men.
Are we under the delusion that hookup culture encourages young men to act in profoundly respectful , gentlemanly, tender and sensitive ways toward young women? We are most certainly not. Any fool knows that these two things are diametrically opposed.
Which causes me to suspect that there is a distinct agenda afoot. Reel them in and then eat them alive. Preferably, raw.

Any casual perusal of current 10th wave feminist doctrine, theory, and ideology reveals the awful truth.
The current "correct" political culture is as ruthless as jungle law, and young people on campus today are playing tiddlywinks with consequences that issue party favors as matchsticks with which to go play in the dynamite shed.

Rape culture has grown fangs, and now comes as a man-eater. Vengeance is mine, saith the SJW.


It seems that no one has anything resembling reliable numbers because there are no reliable definitions.

If one includes a "pat on the behind" as an example of sexual assault, as he does here, there's no way it's as low as 1 in 40/50, just as if one only includes rape (as in actual non-consensual sex) there's no way it's as high as 1 in 4/5.
Until there are clear cut and well understood and accepted criteria, even the best data gathering methods won't return any usable results. Sadly, it seems that we currently have neither proper definitions nor proper methodologies.


Thank God this isn't You Rage, You Lose - that anecdote at 17 minutes in, holy shit.


these modrne feminists will simply abandon their sons. they already allow their sons to be held responsible for rape.


Christina is right at 2:26-2:33. People no longer seem to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Now people seem to be considered guilty until proven innocent.


I got a question what's the difference between satutory rape and rape


Wonderful interview. I wish more people understood this subject the way these two do.


How are these kangaroo courts, imposed on university administrators by the federal department of education (a branch of the executive, and therefore bound by the constitution), not a violation of the 6th amendment rights of the accused? Talk about a title IX violation, and if this abuse of justice is not a violation of title IX then title IX is INARGUABLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


Point well made by Ms Hoff on the return to a more controlled social behavior vs "hook up" culture.
