Favoritism Masquerading as Equality - Christina Hoff Sommers on feminist double standards

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Christina Hoff Sommers criticizes feminist driven public policies that not only favor girls' development at the expense of boys, but also sees boys as fundamentally pathological.

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*Men doing better in schools than women*
Feminist: Its because of sexism and misogyny and we need to give women special benefits and programs so they succeed.

*Women doing better in schools than men*
Feminist: There is nothing wrong going on, its just that the women are better than the men in school.

There is your feminist mindset.


She's been talking about this for nearly twenty years and it's only gotten worse


she talks about boys having higher rates of suicide and mental stability... maybe that's a clue that it's not all fun and games


It's shameful that we have to say : "It's nice to see more women talking about this issue."
The fact that men who bring up the issue are dismissed as mansplaining kinda emphasises the problem, doesn't it?


This woman essentially voices what I have been feeling for the last twenty years without being loud or offensive about it. I've always been of the opinion that equality should not mean superiority. That's all.


I'm amused at the caller who *has* to namedrop Limbaugh at the beginning to poison the well and make sure her fellow travelers get their amygdalas properly amped up.


This movement isn't about EQUALITY, it's about SUPERIORITY. Social Justice is much less about JUSTICE and much more about REVENGE.


women don't want to be oil drillers, truck drivers, or garbage truck driver


the amount of common sense in this woman is to damn high


I thought the first caller was Camille Paglia until I realized you sped up the call. Lol


~7:40 There is not yet a movement to make on-the-job deaths among women match the death rate among male workers.


I so agree with this. ( I'm a woman too. )


As if i needed another reason to respect this woman. Thanks for digging this up.


why continue to use feminist instead of egalitarian if they truly are interested in equality. it doesn't have a built in gender bias or the connotations now associated with feminists


Yeah, she said this 20 years ago, and feminists STILL DON'T CARE....


It should be pretty obvious to men why we care less about schools in general. We're capable of thinking for ourselves. We can tell from a young age that school is nothing more than a state-run indoctrination system that's far less about education than it is culture control. A vast majority of young women don't know what else to do but play along.


I'm a social worker and last year, when I was still a student, I visited a youth center with some of the other students. They showed us the rooms, the equipment etc. and afterwards we sat down with the leader of the center and two of his employees to talk and ask questions.
At one point they all 'admitted' (they said it like there was nothing wrong with their statement) that they favor girls at this youth center. I was shocked. It seemed like I was the only one reacting that way though. The other students (even the two male ones!) were just listening as usual, no special reactions to that statement.
Modern feminism and other 'social justice' movements are destroying the social sciences! It's really driving me crazy. BECAUSE I studied social sciences for 4 years, I KNOW that there is a right way to do those things and that social sciences are real, valuable sciences (can't really blame the people who think otherwise atm, can you?) IF they're done correctly, by applying the basic standards of scientific research.


a man in New Zealand just won the gold medal in woman's weight lifting. Where will this end


OMG there was absolutely so much favoritism in school, especially in elementary school. The girls would be whispering between them, passing note between them, and the teachers seemed to never notice. The moment any of the boys tried it, even just once, and the teacher seemed to always notice and stepped in to put a stop to it. Even when we were to do something among ourselves and we could talk, it didn't matter how loud the girls got, as soon as the boys started to get loud is when the teacher would tell the class to quiet down.

We had nothing but female teacher who ranged in age from 40 to 60. It wasn't until grade 6 did it all change. In grade 6 we had a male teacher and a fairly young one. In his 30s. No longer was there a blind eye to the whispering and note passing and it no longer matter which group was getting loud.

Now I'm in my 30s so this all took place in the mid to late 80s.

Grade 1 was the worst. I think she hated boys. I remember that the girls got to go to the washroom whenever they asked. Keep in mind that this is grade 1 so it's not as if they were newly on their periods since they would be too young. The boys on the other hand were never allowed to go. Lunch, recess, and sometimes between subjects, that was it. Well, one of the boys had an underdeveloped bladder and one day it was clear he needed to go. The teacher refused and he ended up peeing himself. The teacher gave him a blast of shit and made him clean it up, in the middle of class, in front of everyone. At least karma caught up with her. She got fired because she saw one kid throw a snowball at another from the classroom window. She banged on the window so hard, she put her fist through it.


That first caller should have her sons removed from her. "Maybe the girls are just better!".

When elementary school teachers (>90% female and the majority confirmed misandrists) cannot identify the sex of students on test papers, boys receive substantial higher grades than they would otherwise. No such bias exists among male teachers, who are being neutered or purged from education.

The white upper middle class female professionals or academics (the cadre of feminism) are the most pampered, spoiled overprivileged group in society.

As for the so called "wage gap", 93% of workplace fatalities are male. Those men are not tripping over copying machines. They are doing dirty dangerous jobs that women think they're too good for. When feminists EVER address the disparities in workplace fatalities, I'll listen to their whining about the lack of women in STEM subjects. BTW, the proportion of women in STEM is higher in "patriarchal" countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and even Saudi Arabia than in anglophone countries and Scandinavia, mostly because the parents of female students in those countries wouldn't waste their money sending them to college to major in Feminist Dance Therapy or to write a doctoral thesis on the Emergence of Lesbian Feminist Consciousness in the Cinema.
