Exposed! How Calvinism Perverts John 3:16 and Ephesians 1 about Salvation in Christ

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Calvinism is exposed for their many distortions and perversions of Bible verses that speak to how anyone can be saved and that salvation is available to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ according to Scripture. But the Calvinist tries to get around the truth by saying all those who believe are God's elect and that is why they believe, chosen from before time began by God to believe and predestined to heaven. They fail to see the perversion of their logic and doctrine that this is still teaching the unbiblical idea that salvation is not available to most people and all those who don't believe are unbelievers because they have no ability (T in TULIP) to believe because of God's decree who by having not elected them unto salvation has in fact predestined them all to hell. In this video I walk us through many important Bible verses and passages such as John 3:16 and Ephesians 1, Romans 1, Romans 4, Romans 8, Gospel of John 1, John 3 and many more that are referenced in this teaching.

#Christianity #Calvinism #salvation #Faith
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There is no way to candy coat it.
John Calvin was a murderer, burning Christians at the stake, as if he were God and had the power to judge men.

Nothing good can come out of a dishonorable vessel.


Thanks for calling out this blasphemous doctrine! Needs to be more like you. The 5 points of calvinism perversion gives a green light to any sin possible without any conviction.


Jesus did not die for all is something unacceptable. It makes one feel sick. It contradicts the words. It gives those who claimed it feels superior to others.


Thank you for your ministry . I just woke from Calvinism. I have ten family members who are still in it. Please pray for my family for wisdom.


Thanks Brian I like your videos we are saved by believing in the gospel of christ and the gospel is the death, burial,and Resurrection of Jesus.


I was in the comment section of your Mark Driscoll video the other day and one of the Calvinist trolls was trying to say that John 3:16 doesn’t say that Jesus died for everyone and I showed him both the words and their context and I had to repeat that to him over and over again because he kept denying it and pulling up other arguments avoiding the evidence. Talking to these Calvinists is like talking to the wall.


I don’t understand how Christians don’t see that the doctrine of limited atonement denies the very work of Christ.

And how they can say things like, “well I’m not a Calvinist, but I still listen to John MacArthur”. What?

This is no small thing. It’s wicked.

It’s like spitting on the cross.

Imagine saying to God who gave his Son, who he refers to in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 6 as his beloved, that he didn’t die for the sins of the world when he actually did.

Imagine the furious anger of God every time a person loses heart, and despairs because of this blasphemous and brutal doctrine.

Calvinist are told to look inwardly to judge whether they are truly saved, instead of to the cross. When I look inwardly it leads me to despair, but when I looked to the cross, it leads me to repentance and faith and hope.


100% with you, brother. Once saved always saved, Jesus came for everyone, not an elite few, and it was the blood of God shed for us on calvary - Acts 20v28-32


Thank you for exposing this hideous belief.


It's funny cuz I hear some Christians talk about John MacArthur in a good way or at least sort of a good way but certainly not a bad way and it confuses me, even someone that I respect as a preacher did that... Anyway I love that you break this all down for everyone to understand... I share this as much as I can because there's a lot of people, even the church I go to has a book that John MacArthur wrote on the desk for anyone to take if they want it... I wonder if they even know he's a calvinist....
Anyway thank you 🌹☺️ God bless you richly😊


Thank you for exposing yet another example of how Calvinists have "upgraded" the Bible by neutralizing yet another inconvenient verse.

Praises ever be for Theodor Beza and other "translators" who corrected the errors of the Textus Receptus so that the Geneva Bible could give True Calvinist Testimony! Praises ever be to Beza's gift of Latin which he turned to the Service of Calvinistic Truth. Praise also the successors of Beza who, even today, upgraded the Bible to conform to the True Holiness of Calvin's Institutes. Pay no heed to the foul slanderers who claim that Beza's other work of homoerotic love verses is Gay Pornography.


They would even change it more and say, For God so loved the “elect” lol


I had my doubts about you, mostly because of your former angst, but now I see you are right in line with scripture, fully dressed in grace.


Calvinists love to frontload and backload the gospel. Some Calvinist theologians have an Elitist attitude because they believe Jesus only died for them. They forget the scripture 1John 2:2. They believe that God is Soverign where He forces you to believe or resist Him, which is heresy. Jesus died for all, and everyone has the opportunity to believe in Him. John Calvin used his own soveignty to murder whoever didn't believe his theology.


12:24 //// the unequal scales seem one of the best points I've heard as to why Calvinism is so very wrong!!
Yes, God hates unequal scales and He (above all) is not unjust and unfair!! God will not be (rightly) accused of having unequal scales!!


They reverse the order of Gods revelation
They don't say God so loved the elect that He gave His only Son (John 3:16)
That is what they mean because God saves only the elect
Whether they say it or not their theology must mean that is what they believe
Therefore they justify what they say
The elect are the ones who have become the chosen when they receive Him
When you are in Christ
He is Chosen
We only become the elect when we receive what God gives
Then we will have been chosen because we are in Christ
Not to get into Him
To as many as received Him to them He gave Power to become Sons of God. John 1:12
The way Calvinism puts it reverses the order
The reason the Bible puts it that way is because that's the way it is
Anything else is presupposition


hello faith on fire, how do you feel about doing a video exposing the deception of a calvinist pastor, who has taken a small but very historic Baptist church, and giving them a false history and trying to convince them to "return them to their calvnistic roots"?


21:30 To add to your point about praying for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven...
Noticed in verse 11 that the word 'counsel' in the phrase "counsel of His will" is the Greek word 'boulen', which is the exact word used in Luke 7:30, where the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the "counsel of God". Calvinists are adamant that His counsel is undeniable and cannot be rejected by mere created man. And yet clearly on earth, man can choose to reject it...


Amen Brother. The TULIP is the devils favorite flower. First John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. First Corinthians 1;21 For after that, by the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of preaching (First Corinthians 15:1-4) to save them that BELIEVE. God is no respecter of persons and will save anyone who accepts His free gift of eternal life. John 6:47. God cannot lie. John 5:24.


The definition of Adoption is in Romans 8:23
