Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik

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Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik


Lets discus the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the Buddhist Scriptures.
Almost all the Buddhist scriptures, they speak about a maitri to come, it’s also mentioned in Chikkvati Sinhnad Suttanta D 111. 76 it says that another Buddha will come by the name of maitri the holy one the supreme one the enlighten one and endowed with wisdom and conduct, auspicious having knowledge of the universe, whatever he will get from supernatural knowledge he will preach to the whole world, he will preach a religion which will be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax and glorious at the end. He will preach a way of life which will be truthful and wholly perfect. He will have several thousands of monks as I have several hundreds of monks.

This Prophecy is also repeated in the Sacred books of the East vol. 35 page no. 235 that a maitri will come with such and such criteria and qualities and further it says, that he will be a leader of thousands of people as I’m a leader of hundred’s of people.

It’s further mentioned in the gospel of Buddha page no. 217-218 that Anandahe asks Buddha that ‘O blessed one after you have gone who will guide us so the blessed one Buddha he replied that I am not the first Buddha in this world neither am I the last there will be another Buddha who will come the holy one the supreme one the enlighten one endowed with wisdom and conduct the auspicious having knowledge of the universe, he will preach a good religion he will preach a religion will be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax and glorious at the end. He will teach a religion which will be based on truth and will be a perfect way of life and he will have many thousands of disciples as I have only hundreds of disciples.

The Ananda asks Buddha the blessed one, how will we know him? So Buddha replies, he will be called as Maitri. Maitri means the “Merciful” “Loving” “Kind” “Compasionate” one equivalent Arabic word is “Rahmah” and Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ambiya chapter 21 verse 107:

“Wa Ma Arsalnaaka Illa Rahmatal lil Aalameen”

107. we sent Thee not, but As a Mercy to all the worlds as a mercy to all the creatures as a mercy to whole of humanity.

This word “Rahmah” mercy and its derivatives are mentioned in the Qur’an in no less than 409 times and every chapter of the Qur’an except for Surah Taubha chapter no. 9 begins with a beautiful formula “Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem” In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.

So the Buddhist scriptures almost all of them prophesize about the Maitri i.e. Prophet Muhammad (saws) to come.

Muhammad (saws) is further prophesized in the Buddhist scriptures which is mentioned in the sacred books of the East Vol. 11 page no. 36 Maha-Parinibbana Sutta ch. 2 verse 32 it says that as for the Buddha there are no exoteric or esoteric teachers and O Ananda the Tata Ghattas that means the teachers have nothing like a close fist we cannot keep the knowledge to ourselves it should be proclaimed and we know Muhammad (saws) whatever he received as a wahi from Allah (swt) he proclaimed to the whole of humanity and he told his disciples that never keep it away from human kind proclaim it and spread it that’s what’s mentioned in the prophecy, theres nothing like esoteric or exoteric, everything should be told to human kind...

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Рекомендации по теме

When I read the prophesy of Isaiah about the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and how accurate it was. I cried and regretted my ignorance. Thank you once again sir


Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is mercy to the whole world. Rahmat ul Alaymeen.


Allah never said the road would be easy
But he said he'll be with those who have patience ❤❤


Hi! I am new Buddhist but I have the great respect to Islam and all muslims.

Ya, Buddha ever told us about Maitreya, but Maitreya can't be the same person with Prophet Muhammad.

One of the attributes of Buddha is "Sammasambuddho", which means "Fully self-enlightened".

According to Islam, prophet is the messenger of God, who hears the teaching from God and then he spreads it to people.

According to Buddhism, Buddha finds dhamma BY HIMSELF and he is able to TEACH PEOPLE TOO.

Then, how can PROPHET be the same one with BUDDHA?

Tripitaka says that Maitreya Buddha will come after the teaching of our present Gautama Buddha is gone, people will be worse, kill each other, harm each other, until some of them will improve themselves, the world will become better, then Maitreya will come. And Maitreya is not the last one, there will be many Buddhas in the future.

But we know that we still have tripitaka and good followers...

Buddha's practice is different from Prophet Muhammad. For the easiest example, Buddha and monks need to be chaste, they can't even touch a woman but Prophet Muhammad had wives and children.

And the most important thing is the concept of Islam and Buddhism is very different.

Buddha said about 4 noble truths, but Prophet Muhammad didn't say about 4 noble truths. And when Prophet Muhammad said about Creator God, Buddha said about paticcasamuppada. For buddhism, everything is anatta, but Islam accepts atta or soul.

And for the cosmology, we are different too. Buddhists learn that there are 3 spheres, sense, form and formless sphere. Nirvana is out of sphere. The way to achieve nirvana is not similar to any religion.

I just share some opinion from Buddhist's view. If you want to know about Buddhism more, you can ask me. I will not pressure you to convert to buddhism.

I love Islam, I have many muslim friends, my best friend is muslimah too. I just want to tell you from our side.


LOVE, from new buddhist.


Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni


Assalamu alaikum brothers, I embraced islam at the age of 18. Even then I committed sins. I am interested in Tawba. please pray for me to Allah to solve my current problem. I have a huge credit burden around 7 lakh rupees. I want to live a peaceful life insha Allah


Jazakah Allahu khairan Dr Zakir, may Allah protect us in all corners, amen


Yes buddha did mention maitri (sanskrit, metteya in pali)
But buddha also mention the next buddha will come after the gautama's buddha teachings have gone, the world turn into chaos, moral is somethinf that is scarce, people's live shorten alot
After that time there will come a family who realised those misconduct and build a moral
After many kany generationa than the buddha will come
Why didn't he mention this?
You can find it in cakkawatti sihanada sutta


Do not lose hope or be sad
QURAN - 3 : 139

Islamic content creator😇


You say buddha ref then why you are broken buddha in Afghanistan, why Muslim ruler broken temple in India you don't want others faith to be on only your religion lslam,


I Invite everyone to listen peaceful and heart soothing Quran recitation


it is important to note that the Lord Buddha mentioned that he was NOT a God, NOT a son of God, NOT a messenger of God, and NOT a prophet of God. Lord Buddha never claimed to be any of those things. He is a human being who attained enlightenment (the understanding and realization of the universal truth) and attained Nirvana, and preached it to others. Lord Buddha did not claim to get this knowledge from God or a higher power. He, and all other Buddhas got and will get this knowledge through their own wisdom and effort. This was not the case for Prophet Muhammad(SAW). And according to Buddhism, a Buddha appears in a timely manner, when there is a need for such wisdom in the world. Therefore there is a large time gap between the appearance of each Buddha. Lord Buddha appeared 2500 years ago and Prophet Muhammad(SAW) appeared 1400 years ago, which means there is a very small time gap, and there was no need for another all knowing one in such a short time period, because Buddhism was established and therefore the wisdom was spread to people. Above all, it’s important to note once again that a Buddha(englightened one) and a prophet of God are entirely two different things. However, even as a Buddhist, i highly respect Prophet Muhammad(SAW)since he was an admirable person.


Muhammad is not future Buddha because Buddha Shakyamuni teaching still exist and Buddha said there cannot be two founders Buddha in same Era. in Sutra it clearly said when humanity extinct by Seven suns after millions of years later new humanoid will rise again their life span is 10 years only and thier body size will be size of the hand and that time the future Buddha Maitreya will come and turn the wheel of the Dharma.


Zakir Naik, is it logic Prophet teaching (Buddha) is more logic than God teaching?
Logic or not??

Just find 1 sutta of 84.000 sutta in Buddhism holy book, Buddha taught his follower to kill his enemy or those who attacked or insulted his religion.
Just find 1.

May all beings be happy.
Sadhu sadhu sadhu..


Buddha said that the maithree will come as the next buddha after several aeons after the budhism goes extinct and when the world is in total chaos.sorry dear friend u have totally misunderstood everything budha said and biassedly and selectively using it wrongly to conform ur believes.but budhism aint the one u say


Jazak Allah khair Doctor...May Allah bless you


I call all the people to study about Islam and quran with open heart and inshallah u will accept Islam..


There have been many Buddha's since. He never professed that Buddha's would cease to exist. Religious teachers who try to discredit other religions are not men of god, only false preachers. Intolerance of other religions is the same as racism. It is not welcome in this world. Hopefully one day this guy will understand that, alongside those in other religions who have his belief. It's all about love. This is not love. Peace.


You r wrong. Maithree buddha will come after the teaching buddha are gone. You are just making things up. Buddha is someone who learns by himself and then he will preach others. Muhammad is even said to be illiterate


Buddha didn’t said this Buddha said that anybody can be a buddh and you have to be your own light. I can be Buddha and I have to meditate enough for that but many people would not do that they will just follow any teachings gives to them and will cling to them. Just meditate and find the truth for yourself
