Jesus’ empty-tomb story could not have occurred – Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to caller

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I was a mortician and I am telling you after 3 days in a tomb in the middle east after a horrific death that body would not be in any shape to wash or anoint even if you could get past the smell. And yes Rabbi the decomposition process begins roughly 20 minutes after death.


I was raised to believe thats just something that the ancient jews did for burials.. thank you for clearing it up for me


I am a Christian and am very intrigued by your teaching. You have peeked my interest. I will continue to follow.


Can you explain why the earliest readers of Mark, which was written in about 20-30 years after the crucifixion, didn’t object to this story of the women and the spices? Most Christians were former Jews. Why do we have no record of people objecting to this story if it is so “stupid”?


Thank you Rabbi, I love your truth and am so glad you are getting the truth out to people, Adonai Echad, the Lord our G-d the Lord is One


That's the truth thanks rabbi ❤u and your work for God


You can't in any way get three days and three nights from the narrative! Friday evening to Sunday morning is NOT that!


The question asked was brilliant! Kudos to the caller!


Tovia got mistaken. The body was not buried in a grave, but placed in a tomb. There was no 'burial', but placement in tomb. Read up on the process of Jewish burial in the Gospel times.There was no 'burial', but 'entombment'.


As a deconstruction ex-Christian, stuff like this is really important for me to know I made a good choice leaving the faith and yet, I know that the apologetics would excuse this and everything else and any other inconsistencies.


the reason the woman went to the tomb on a sunday is because Jesus died close to the sabbath and the woman would not had time to properly anoint him they themselves had to go home and prepare for the passover so they went back on whats the Problem rabbi???


Not to mention, the body was in some cave, with a huge rock rolled in front of it. So. How would these women even be able to roll the stone back, in the first place? Too many holes in this story, for sure.


It say's in the Bible it was a huried internment in a tomb late on Friday, next day sabbath and it was Passover they went to the tomb at the first opportunity to do what was customary for the Jewish burial.


Rabbi you conviently forgot that Nicodemus and Joseph did the burial because the disciples were not allowed. Also nobody would have access before because the romans guarded the tomb and the previous day was the Sabbath. The women came because the disciples would have never because of fear, so God used them to announce what they found to the disciples.


"Emperor Antoninus asked Rebbi [Rabbi Yehuda haNasi] "Do I have a portion in the World to Come?" Rebbi answered him "Yes, you do." Antoninus replied "But isn't it written [in Obadiah] 'There will be no survivors from the House of Esau'?",
"Yes" Rebbi answered, "but that only applies to those who *behave* like Esau." Tractate Avoda Zara 10b.


Christians in general wouldn't know about the spices. I had never thought about it but, it makes sense! Thanks Rabbi Singer!


Just wondering if the tomb Jesus was placed in was meant as temporary? Would spices be reapplied to the linens prior to transporting a body to it’s final resting place. Could the women have simply been delivering the spice mixture in preparation for the body’s reanointing and removal from the tomb by those authorized to do so? Did the followers of Jesus do things according to the Talmud or the Old Testament or break some traditions like David’s soldiers eating the Holy Bread? Also wondering if an underground water source could cool a tomb/cave down to slow a decomposition. Surely there must have been a water source nearby that Tomb to maintain the Garden in close proximity to it.


Thank you Rabbi Singer for your informative teachings. I am a Black South African who had embraced Christianity. Since beginning to watch your podcasts my eyes have been opened in respect of the differences in the gospel narratives. One of the problems in our part of the world is that we do not know anything about Jewish traditions. When we read the gospels we accept what is written and swallow every story hook, line and sinker. Again thank you very much.


Jewish burial
Washing and Anointing
In both ancient and modern Jewish practice, the body is ritually washed (in a process called tohorah) after death before being wrapped in a shroud. The practice of anointing varies over time and location, but in ancient tradition, the body was also anointed with oils and sometimes wrapped with aromatic herbs such as olive, laurel, palm and cypress to help fight the effects of the rapid decomposition that occurred in the Mediterranean heat. However, it should be noted that Reform Jews do not partake in tohorah.


BH Rabbi Tovia for your videos. I recently found you and am happy to find your ministry.
Your knowledge and wisdom of Torah continue to help me see the reasons why I left Christianity.

Your answers help me to talk to Christians/Messiancs who continue to try to pull be back into that religion.

May HaShem continue to hold you in his right hand.
