My Journey Through the Evidence for Christianity

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Read: The Difference Between Believing the Gospels and Trusting the Gospel

Although J. Warner seldom says much about his personal testimony, he gets asked about it all the time. Did the evidence persuade you, or were their people in your life who led you to Jesus? In this clip from J. Warner Wallace’s longer talk on the existence of God from the fine-tuning of the universe (based on his book, God’s Crime Scene), J. Warner provides a brief description.
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I was a Muslim that had an experience with Jesus and then I became a follower of Christ. Not in a vacuum. During my process of conversion, a question came to my mind: “What will I tell my parents?” Somebody had given me a Bible prior to my conversion. I opened it and it happened to fall open to Matthew chapter 10. My eyes fell on verse 37: “Anyone who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.” My faith in Jesus as Messiah is not based entirely on experience but experience was a huge part of it. Prior to the experience, they had piled a huge pile of evidence before me and I didn’t care. My experience with Jesus changed everything.


He makes a strong argument to move away from emotions and feelings and instead build your faith upon the bedrock.


@ 5:05 "All I care about is what happened, and is that true."
Amen 🙌


I WAS raised in a Christian home, but that didn't stop me from just going through the motions to please my parents, Sunday School teachers, pastors, etc. I was 36 or so when God got through to me about my spiritual condition. I was saved then, but it was when I learned about people like Lee Stroebel and you that my faith was grounded further. Between the two of you, I was assured that Christianity - as Jesus taught it - was TRUE.


Some may start by experience or evidence but we need to have both when walking with Christ. Discernment is so important.


I wasn’t raised in any religion growing up, as my family were agnostic. I had a vivid experience with a demon that eventually would bring me to Christ Jesus.
I understand this contradicts your experience, but had this not occurred, I don’t know that I would have ever picked up a Bible.


My testimony could become a block buster movie. It falls into the second most common testimony. That, and a life story that's more like Forest Gump. lol


Dear God I'm really needing help believing amen


It's very encouraging hearing how Mr. Wallace came to faith. Although many of us came to know Christ in a more experiential way initially, the longer we investigate Christianity, the more the truth of it shapes and develops our beliefs in an intellectual manner. Glory be to God!


I became a Christian by the Grace and Love Of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. My faith and everything good in my life is because of Gods loving kindness. I only knew self seeking sin . God opened my heart and gave me the gift of faith it’s all him and his loving grace


Merry Christmas Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.


This is so testimony is really so lame that anyone would say it's either rubbish or coincidence....logically they would be right.... at 61 years old and a non believer I could have said the same...but I just new it was glad the rapture didn't come 3 years ago or I would be going through the tribulation now!
Thank you for sharing this Vid CCC...GOD bless and keep you and yours.
Grace and peace and a merry Christmas to all
Gilly wife of Mark in Norfolk UK


I'm with you. What is of utmost importance is the Truth of the Gospel. Personal experiences are inspiring, but it's not about experiences and feelings. It is about Truth. There has been an emphasis for a long time on the date and testimony of your conversion. That was not the emphasis of the apostles. Experience/feelings is a big part of fake temporary conversions too; the parable of the seed on different types of soil. Solid faith is based on God's Word, not feelings.


@2:44 "So I bought a Bible"


Very interesting that witness testimonies have differences and that its normal.


People fall from faith for several reasons, and my list by all means not conclusive. First, they likely never repented, and came to know God incompletely, as in "God loves me" and this is as far as their theology goes. And then when they are faced with having to choose God or sin, they choose sin. Another reason I can think of is they choose not to carry their cross, and bailed. The walk with God is not easy.


A message to those who need it in the wake of the latest news on Ravi Zacharias' case.


I love how God meets everyone where he/she is. For some, that's irrefutable evidence, for others, an undeniable personal experience. Nevertheless, we should all be well equipped to answer the many objections that come against our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ because the gospel is TRUE and not merely based on feelings, experience or being brought up in church. There are enough false claims based on feelings and experience, and as J Warner rightly says, "It doesn't have to be true for it to be useful." Many would open their own books of 'evidence' as to why we evolved and why there is no God and some will even leave the faith after having believed for many years or fall into error that could cause many weak ones to stumble. We cannot afford to be fickle regarding the ONE thing that determines our eternal destiny and in which our ONLY hope lies.


How I wish that the average Christin would catch the reality of what he is saying! I must vouch for what he is saying! I am an ex-Mormon! Now, a born again Christian & Pastor. The average Christian today can not defend his own faith any differently than a Mormon does theirs. They have a very lazy faith.


Intellectual friend who lived by what he perceived as truth who ran off and jumped into the Catholic churches because of the issues that he saw in the Pentecostal and charismatic and other denominational churches because if wokism only to follow after a woke pope. He exchanged the truth for a lie because he thought he would find more security in what he saw as a verifiable church stemming from original apostles rather than living by experience of the Holy Spirit and pressing into God in such difficult times to be guided by His Spirit and trust in Him alone and His abiding presence. He is trustworthy!
