good q stella #buspar #anxiety

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did literally nothing for me and i can’t tell my psych without looking like i’m drug seeking. so tired of this tbh just want something that works.


It helps me tons but it really bothers me that it makes me feel like I’m boring


Its the only medication that worked for me with no side effects, 10mg twice daily, for Depression and Anxiety (negative thoughts), in the beginning or if you miss some doses once you take it will cause headache for an hour or so


It's been great for me, I've been having to adjust the dose, but my doc and I are doing really well on making adjustments as needed.


I take this for anxiety and it has changed my life!


This med made me think weird…. Example…. “I wonder what would happen if I drove into a wall?” Very scary thought process.


It did not work for me, if anything it made things WAY worse. I went through 7 days of psychotic hell!! It’s been a month since I stopped but my body is still suffering. I was healthy before it, now I have heart palpitations and my anxiety is worse than what I started with.


I’m not gay, but that’s a good looking man. 😂


Buspar has a side effect like serequil and it's ANGER. That is the side effect that makes me realize I'd rather be anxious lol


I used to take benzos for my anxiety, but I needed something I could take every day. This medicaiton works wonders for me. It doesn't take my anxiety away completly like a benzo, but it calms it down a lot consitantly. it's actually safe to take everyday, and doesn't cause memory loss. It's much better for general anxiety that needs to be managed all the time, vs panic attacks, or times where u just need to calm down. You have to give it a couple weeks to really start working well. You can't take benzos every day. That's like drinking every time you feel anxious.


I had to stop Ativan because I have a chronic pain condition and it’s just not safe to take benzo’s and pain pills.

I started buspirone and it’s working. Not as well as Ativan, but I know I am much more alert.


So is this suppose to replace BENZO"S😮😮😮


Valerian Root and/or Magnesium Glycinate might help your anxiety. They're both OTC. 💖💖💖💖
Both of them help mine and I've been on everything. Do your own research though. My doc decided to dangerously yank me off of meds after being on them for over 20 years. Her daughter came in to the practice and doesn't "believe in" helping anxiety patients. Won't even refer patients to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Not good.
Buspar gives me a horrible migraine and such severe nausea that I can't even keep it down on day 2 or 3. I've tried and re-tried. Plus, the brain zaps. 😣

SSNIs or SSRIs do not help me in any way. So, I have no other choice but to take the Valerian Root and Magnesium. 🤷‍♀️ Valerian can be harsh on the liver. These people do not care about what works for you. They just follow whatever protocol they're told to follow and that changes over the years. They do NOT care.


That shit had me in a goddamn coma watching television you could have did surgery on me after taking one buspirone 20 mg dose


I hope you see this. I’m a new CICU nurse and I was diagnosed with adderall. I don’t like taking it because the come down makes me feel weird and I get anxious. But if I don’t take it I stutter at work and sound stupid and I feel overly anxious. I have buspar do you think I should just take that and what can help with adhd instead of the adderall. My symptoms are mainly overthinking and blurting out things without thinking. And interrupting others 😩. I can usually hold it in long enough with my patients but inside I feel so revved up. I get home and I just crash because I feel overstimulated 😢. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I only have anxiety I took antidepressants for years. But I was only depressed because I could never follow through so those only made me feel blank. Please help!


Yeah once you're on benzodiazepine for a long period of time probably nothing is ever going to feel like it works as good as that did but you have to overcome that because it's a horrible medication that does horrible things to your body and your brain in the long


Tried it. It's very good but unfortunately I had bad side effects


That was the worst! I had it prescribed for chronic pain and anxiety. Terrible medication! All side effects. Anxiety actually increased.


Its not physically addictive, they say that about antidepressants as well. I know better. The idea that comes to mind is it something your going to chase like other drugs. Some might argue about the effects of not having it after having some time taking it, well its going to have effects and in that case its physically addictive. The body is off balance and relies on the drug. Its just different way to think about the brain body connection and the effect of drigs.


I was on both and buspar does work but in a more subtle way
