What is Integrated Circuit Third Generation of Computer Technology 3rd 1964 1975 Master Mind Nation

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What is Integrated Circuit Third Generation of Computer Technology 3rd 1964 1975 Master Mind Nation,

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computer Technology 3rd 1964 1975,
Master Mind Nation,
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Advance “Microelectronic” technology mad it possible to integrate larger number of circuit elements into very small (less than 5 mm square) surface of silicon know as Chip or Integrated Circuit(IC). The use of IC in place of transistor gave birth of new Generation. They were able to reduce computational time from microseconds to nanoseconds.

Vacuum Taube 1st Generation 1942 1955 Master Mind Nation
Transistor 2nd Generation 1956 1964 Master Mind Nation
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration 4th Generation 1975 Present
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