How LOST Should Have Ended

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Who wants some eternity water? Whether you loved it, hated it, or just didn't understand it, there's no denying that everyone has an opinion on how it should have ended. For those unfulfilled fans, here's our take.

--------------Previous Episodes--------------------
BAT BLOOD - A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:

How Big Hero 6 Should Have Ended:

Villain Pub - The New Smile:

How Jurassic World Should Have Ended:

How Inside Out Should Have Ended:

How The Avengers: Age of Ultron Should Have Ended - Part Two:

How The Avengers: Age of Ultron Should Have Ended - Part One:

Super Cafe: Batman v Superman - It’s On!

How Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Should Have Ended:

Batman Meets Galadriel:

How The Battle of the Five Armies Should Have Ended:

March Update - Painting the Elf Army:

Movie Mash: The Hunger Games and Robocop:

Super Cafe: And The Reboot Goes To:

Extras - Painting the Quicksilver Scene:

Total Spoilage - Lord of the Rings:

How X-Men: Days of Future Past Should Have Ended:

Jurrassic World - Raptor Training:

Movie Mash: Gremlins and Taken:

HISHE 2015 Announcements:

How to Train Your Dragon 2 HISHE:

Lego HISHE- Sand People are Bad Shots:

How Guardians of the Galaxy Should Have Ended:

Lego Batman is Jelly:

How The Avengers: Age of Ultron Should Have Ended:

HISHE Bonus Bundle:

How The Maze Runner Should Have Ended:

Megatron Misses Shia:

How The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Should Have Ended:

Villain Pub- To The Tailor:

The Lego HISHE 2 (The Alternate Ending):

How the Batman v Superman SDCC Teaser Should Have Ended:

How Captain America: The Winter Soldier Should Have Ended:

HISHE @ SDCC 2014:

How Godzilla Should Have Ended:

Villain Pub- To Battle!:

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The Lego HISHE:

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How The Phantom Menace Should Have Ended:

How The Desolation of Smaug Should Have Ended:

How Thor The Dark World Should Have Ended:

Super Cafe: Who’s a Hero:

Doctor Who: How Doomsday Should Have Ended:

How World War Z Should Have Ended:

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How Pacific Rim Should Have Ended:

Super Cafe: Versus

How Man Of Steel Should Have Ended:

How Fast and Furious 6 Should Have Ended:

How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended:

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How Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Should Have Ended:

Super Cafe: Swingers Tribute:

Stan Lee’s Star Wars HISHE:

How Portal Should Have Ended:

How The Hobbit Should Have Ended:
Рекомендации по теме

Best quotes from LOST:
"Don't tell me what I can't do"
"Live together, die alone"
"See you in anotha life brotha"


When he said "Kate continue being useless" and "Jack keep having problems with others in control"I kinda died cuz that was really accurate


Just finished the series. Now I'm lost.


"Sawyer, hand me that gum wrapper. And, try not to sleep with it or call it a funny name."

"Whatever you say Eyebrows - I mean Lapidus." LOL, that's the best part. XD


Was anyone's favorite character Desmond?


Don't tell me what I can't do..


How Lost Should Have Ended:
"Hey guys! I found them!"


Dude I think the best character, aside from Hurley lol, was Jin. I was never upset with that guy, they all did stupid shit but I liked him a lot.


I think the most disappointing thing about the ending of Lost was that Claire never got the greatest hits list from Desmond even though Charlie told him to.
Also the fact that Claire nor Aaron found the ring.


"Kate I'd ask for your help but you pretty much only find trails and create love triangles... so you know, useless as usual."


"Walt used to be important" I completely forgot about him through Season 6 what was up with that? He and Michael weren't in Purgatory either


Literally the only thing I cared about at the end of the series was Richard, what happened to Richard??


Take it I'm not the only one who tried to watch all of lost in lockdown


So accurate. Lapidus was always so fucking chill about everything. He neither openly believed or denied all the weird island mystery stuff, he just didn't give two shits. He was all, "You guys have your cork-in-the-island fun, i'm getting out of here."


So glad someone finally understands my love for Lapidus...


LOL Lapidus was the coolest! When I saw him with the main cast I thought "ugh hes dead" but then he survived a freakin steel door to the head and flew everyone off the island! It was beautiful (sniff sniff)


FACT : They named the series Lost not because the characters were lost but because that's how everyone was supposed to be after the series finale.


The psychic says in the episode that Claire's inherent goodness needed to be part of the child's upbringing. Now depending on how far you are willing to delve into this, it gets fun here. The psychic said that there was a couple, in Los Angelos, that Aaron could be raised by and things would still be ok. It seemed like this was just a ploy to get her on the plane, but when Kate takes Aaron off the island he is raised (for awhile) by Kate and Jack, a couple in L.A.


"I guess I'll just try again later. IN LIKE SIX SEASONS!"


Season 1: what's going on
Season 2: what's going on
Season 3: what's going on
Season 4: what's going on
Season 5: what's going on
