Alek Olsen - someday i'll get it (Lyrics) | i think of you all the time now that you're gone

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⭐Alek Olsen
i think of you all of the time
now that you're gone
i've been doin' all kinds of drugs
to get you out of my mind
'cause i noticed you don't like me no more
and it breaks my heart
so i'll just drift away
and disappear for a while

Alek Olsen - someday i'll get it (Lyrics) | i think of you all the time now that you're gone

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To all the people missing someone:
It hurts because it meant something. Cherish it.


I watched my father take his last breaths at 17 years old. That memory is so strong and it never goes away. Its been 14 years since he passed. The more time that goes by the more i realize that every son truly needs a father. Love you dad, hope you’re doing well wherever you are


I lost my baby girl about 2 years ago to cancer, came across this song on my fyp and couldn’t stop crying, I might be a grown man but there are things that tear us apart, and losing a dog is one of the biggest.


My dad died in 2022 and I just lost my mom yesterday. I've never felt more sad, hurt, and heartbroken in my entire life. Love and cherish every moment you spend with your parents because one day you're gonna wake up and they won't be there.
Love you Mom and Dad ❤


Those first two lines get me every time.


I had to put my 19 year old dog down 3 days ago. I miss him so much. It’s so empty without him here. I miss my sweet Buddy.


August 30th, 2008 at 2:30am my dad died in my arms. I went to work the next day and my boss (a guy who fled the soviet union) told me "No son ever gets over the loss of his father." A sob caught in his throat and he looked away from me. I will remember this until I become the sob that catches in my son's throat.


the way this hits for how elegantly short and simple it is... it's like the philosopher's stone for emotional alchemy.


I think of you all the time mom, I miss you


I was at work today and saw a happy grandpa and his grandkids come in. The kids were loud and running around and the grandpa was a bit annoyed, I couldn't help but remember me and my cousin being like those kids. We were so excited to be getting ice cream, we didn't even realize the memories we were making. He's been gone for about half a year and it feels like everything reminds me of how much I miss him and all of the things I wish I had said before he passed.


Just lost my father about 3 months ago now, the wounds are still fresh and I keep finding songs that make me think of him. Whether it be this, reggae, rock, orchestra, whatever because he was that kind of man. He loved everything and everyone. Everyone and everything was just a friend he didn't know about yet. I love you dad.


My cat died April fifth. He came home today.. it’s a pretty box. We were given sunflowers as a memorial. I’ve never lived without that cat…


My dog died this morning and I heard this while scrolling my fyp and had a breakdown.


My girlfriend of almost 4 years broke up with me to immediately date another guy that I brought into her life. I know I made my mistakes while we were together, but I loved her unconditionally and it still wasn’t enough for her. It’s been 17 months and I still can’t move on. It’s an unhealthy obsession that has corroded my soul to the point where I’m mostly a bitter man who is incapable of believing in myself anymore. I was never going to be good enough for her, that’s just the truth. I hope I can find peace at some point. I hope my absence brings her the peace and fulfillment that I tried so desperately to give her myself.


I'm currently losing the love of my life, I was stupid and naive. I didnt realize how much she needed me and I was too stuck in the ways to realize how much I was hurting her. I was too focused on my feelings and what I felt I needed. I neglected her. When she left... it hit me like a truck. I realized how small every fucking complaint was. How small every little issue was. I look back and I realize how much she truly did and gave me. I wish I could go back and wake myself up. It's been 3 days and it feels like I can hardly breathe. Every breath feels like it draws in no oxygen. I dont know how much more of this I can handle sometimes. I'm trying to be strong but I feel myself breaking and its scaring me. Shes the only one who ever made me feel alive.

If you have someone in your life who loves you, please wake the fuck up and love them back. No one deserves this feeling.


My parents divorced when I was ten. I had a dog during that time that I loved so much I treated him like my own kid. My mom couldn’t take care of him, me, and my two siblings. So, my dad took him and did his best to keep him. My dad’s a truck driver and our dog was a really big. He tried to take him on the truck with him but he knew it wasn’t healthy for a big dog like him to stay in the truck for 12+ hours. He gave him away on a farm with other dogs in Dallas Texas, I hated both my parents for giving him away. I cried for days. I’m 12 now and I understand why they couldn’t keep him. He’s still alive but it still hurts.


This song reminds me of a love I once had 🥺💔


Two years ago, I lost my dad to bone and prostate cancer I miss him so much there’s not a single day that goes by that I’m not tempted to end it all just to see him again


I lost my dad this last January and this song makes me think of him. Feel lost without him 😢


My best friend died two years ago this September. To me, this song is for them.
